Note : There is a letter dated 9th November 1957 from the then Prime Minister YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Alhaj to my late father preceeding the events in the two pictures above but I am awaiting clearance from the National Security Division before publishing it as it has the Prime Minister's seal with the words "Top Secret" marked on the top right hand corner of the document pertaining to the Baling Talks with Chin Peng.
Back to the present, Prime Minister Najib Razak took his time but was crisp in his message last week to the communist sympathizers residing in this country. NO ENTRY TO CHIN PENG!! (I won’t use the word homecoming because it is only for those whose home this is. It does not apply to this retired butcher!).
Some of my friends have aired similar sentiments to my earlier one that Chin Peng should be brought home to face charges for War Crimes. Though I agreed with the idea initially, on hindsight, I think it would bring chaos because certain parties will surely politicize the issue and demonstrate and this time, there WILL be blood on the streets. Furthermore, we don’t need his carcass to contaminate our soil!
According to Professor Dato’ Dr Ramlah Adam in the program Isu on TV1 Sunday night, due to certain sensitivities, some of the facts were suppressed since the beginning in fear of raising anger and anxiety among the people but since there have been recent calls for the return of Chin Peng by ignorant parties, what happened during those trying times have to be told, some of which were the tearing of the Quran by them and using pages from the Holy Book to clean their private parts with. This gives credence to the story told by the grandmother of a close friend who is also the mother of a former Minister from Pasir Salak, that the communists came into the kampongs and made speeches ordering the Muslims to perform their Friday prayers on Sundays instead. Naturally many of them never made it out of the kampongs after that and the Muslims who ventured into towns in return were never to be seen again in their kampongs. But we can see what their main agenda was. They wanted the Muslims to eventually give up their faith, abolish the Sultanates and rule by terror. Today, though indirect in the beginning stages, we can see that it is heading towards that, this time with the help of Malay traitors who openly defy the Perak Sultan’s decision in accordance to the Perak Constitution.
Therefore, instead of entertaining and responding to fake democrats who are communists at heart here in Malaysia, the Government would do better by looking up the records to see who were massacred by the communists and left to float in the river, and search for their families to give them some kind of compensation or recognition in the form of funds or pieces of land for their sacrifices in the service of the Nation.
Back to the present, Prime Minister Najib Razak took his time but was crisp in his message last week to the communist sympathizers residing in this country. NO ENTRY TO CHIN PENG!! (I won’t use the word homecoming because it is only for those whose home this is. It does not apply to this retired butcher!).
Some of my friends have aired similar sentiments to my earlier one that Chin Peng should be brought home to face charges for War Crimes. Though I agreed with the idea initially, on hindsight, I think it would bring chaos because certain parties will surely politicize the issue and demonstrate and this time, there WILL be blood on the streets. Furthermore, we don’t need his carcass to contaminate our soil!
According to Professor Dato’ Dr Ramlah Adam in the program Isu on TV1 Sunday night, due to certain sensitivities, some of the facts were suppressed since the beginning in fear of raising anger and anxiety among the people but since there have been recent calls for the return of Chin Peng by ignorant parties, what happened during those trying times have to be told, some of which were the tearing of the Quran by them and using pages from the Holy Book to clean their private parts with. This gives credence to the story told by the grandmother of a close friend who is also the mother of a former Minister from Pasir Salak, that the communists came into the kampongs and made speeches ordering the Muslims to perform their Friday prayers on Sundays instead. Naturally many of them never made it out of the kampongs after that and the Muslims who ventured into towns in return were never to be seen again in their kampongs. But we can see what their main agenda was. They wanted the Muslims to eventually give up their faith, abolish the Sultanates and rule by terror. Today, though indirect in the beginning stages, we can see that it is heading towards that, this time with the help of Malay traitors who openly defy the Perak Sultan’s decision in accordance to the Perak Constitution.
Therefore, instead of entertaining and responding to fake democrats who are communists at heart here in Malaysia, the Government would do better by looking up the records to see who were massacred by the communists and left to float in the river, and search for their families to give them some kind of compensation or recognition in the form of funds or pieces of land for their sacrifices in the service of the Nation.
The Commander in Chief, His Majesty the King should present it personally in a ceremony to show the Nation's gratitude, and to send a LOUD signal to the Commie lovers in this country that we give no quarter to their forefathers!