Friday, July 19, 2024

Dirgahayu Tuanku, Daulat Tuanku

Congratulations To His Majesty, Sultan Ibrahim Of Johor, On Ascending The Throne As The King Of Malaysia. May His Majesty’s Reign Be Marked By Wisdom, Justice, And Dedication To The Principles Of Constitutional Monarchy, Bringing Prosperity And Harmony To The People Of Malaysia and The State of Johor.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Law Minister Must Address The Johor Issue, Once And For All!

1. I commend the Johor State Government and the Johor Youth Council for organising the Johor Youth Meet Up last week.

2. Attended by a diverse group, many valuable ideas emerged from the event including from HRH The Regent of Johor.

3. HRH proposed several constructive ideas: i) enhancing the education system, ii) fostering creativity and productivity among Johoreans, iii) advocating for a fairer allocation of taxes to the State, and iv) promoting unity to strengthen negotiations with the federal government.

4. Unfortunately, HRH's remarks on “partnership” with” and “not belonging to” Malaysia were disproportionately highlighted, thus overshadowing these constructive proposals.

5. This sparked nationwide dialogue on constitutional matters and national unity.

6. Before we applaud ignorantly to the great soundbites by a VIP on issues that might run contra to the spirit of the two books, we need to know the entitlements in the Federal and State constitutions. 

7. There's no better way to achieve clarity than to study these foundational documents.

8. Expert interpretations of such discussions often lack finality, leaving conclusions to the public.

9. The Law Minister, as a Johorean herself,  should clarify unequivocally the states' roles within the Peninsula and differentiate them from Sabah and Sarawak.

10. This will dispel confusion and prevent misinformed discussions among citizens unfamiliar with constitutional principles.

11. Citizens parroting immune VIPs on sensitive matters concerning national security, risks sedition charges.

12. When certain quarters in Johor spewed out innuendoes of seceding from Malaysia, we had on 14th February 2017 organised a forum and invited a Constitutional expert to educate Johoreans on the matter. 

13. The Federal and State Constitutions were distributed to enhance public understanding.

14. We had proposed introducing constitutional studies in secondary schools to empower students with crucial civic knowledge.

15. Shockingly, no bookstore in Johor sold these vital documents, hindering public access to constitutional information.

16. Public excitement over sensational statements stems from this lack of information.

17. Johor, like every other state, is an integral part of Malaysia.

18. While aspiring to excel, Johor's place in Malaysia is undeniable and enduring.

19. To prevent revisiting Johor's constitutional status and potential sedition, the Law Minister MUST issue a clear and definitive statement.

20. Such clarity should deter other states from contemplating similar actions.

21. Autonomy In Any State Within Peninsular Malaysia Should Be Categorically REJECTED.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Conclude Thorough Investigations Before Making Public Announcements

1. I am compelled to express a critical concern regarding the recent trend of making premature public announcements related to ongoing investigations. 

2. It is imperative for the integrity of our police force and national security that statements are not made before a thorough investigation is concluded.

3. I refer to the Ulu Tiram security breach at the police station incident where the initial report quoted the authorities linking the suspect to the Jemaah Islamiyah. 

4. However, it was announced today that the suspect was NOT a member of the Jemaah Islamiyah.

5. The initial annnouncement painted a bad picture on Islam which is commonly being related to terrorism by the West with malice and Islamophobics at home.

6. It also incubates speculation among the public and insecurity among our investors including in the stock market.

7. To restore the professional standards and uphold justice, I strongly advise the authorities to adhere strictly to protocol of cases such as this ( if one even exists ).

8. Announcements must only be made after thorough investigations are concluded and verified by all necessary authorities. 

9. By ensuring that all announcements are well-founded and responsible, the law can be upheld effectively while maintaining the public’s confidence in our security forces.

10. Please Take A Moment To Recite The AlFateha For Our Fallen Men In Blue. May They Rest In Peace Amongst The Pious.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Remembering A Patriot Defender of Justice And National Security - Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar

1. The nation mourns the loss of a fearless guardian of law and order, Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar became the IGP when I was only 11 years old and remained at the helm till past my University graduation. 

2. Though I didn’t have the full details then of the crucial roles he played at security summits and enforcements which led to the neutralisation of the communists, we all knew very well that he was our “point-man”.

3. Even at a young age, I was up to speed with the state of affairs of the nation having being “forced” to listen to it on radio and television by my late father. So I practically grew up knowing this IGP threw the airwaves.

4. We found Tun Hanif (Tan Sri at the time) as a man of fearless guts and gumption after taking over at the age of 35 from a predecessor who was slained by a communist operative in broad daylight.

5. He courageously led the police force during the tumultuous era of the communist insurgency. 

6. Tun Hanif was Enforcer and Security Confidante to Tun Razak (2nd Prime Minister) and dedicated his life to safeguarding our nation against threats to its security and stability. That is how I shall remember him.

7. In this time of grief, we extend our deepest condolences to Tun Mohd Hanif Omar’s family who graciously shared him with the rest of the Country. 

8. May Allah Rest His Soul In Eternal Peace Amongst The Pious And May His Memory Continue To Inspire Us All To Strive For A Better And Safer Society.

9. On Behalf Of A Grateful Nation, I Thank You Tun. 

10. Inalillahi Wainalillahi Rojioun. AlFateha.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 1. As the sun sets on His Majesty Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ahmad Shah’s illustrious reign as the sixteenth Yang di-Pertuan Agong, we find ourselves compelled to express our deepest gratitude to His Majesty on his unwavering service to the realm. 

2. His Majesty's leadership has been a beacon of strength, guiding our Nation through unprecedented health, economic and political crises.

3. It will be on record that Al-Sultan Abdullah of Pahang is the most challenged and “worked” King this country has ever witnessed to date, navigating us through the Covid pandemic, a state of emergency, white flags, a hung parliament and 4 prime ministers.

4. His commitment to justice, fairness, and the well-being of his subjects has left an indelible mark on the annals of our history.

5. Through the ebb of time, his conviction to the welfare of the realm has been steadfast.

6. As we bid farewell to His Majesty's reign, we extend our heartfelt thanks for the sacrifices made, the challenges faced, and the triumphs achieved. 

7. May the years ahead bring His Majesty the tranquility and joy that he has selflessly bestowed upon us. 

8. With deepest appreciation and respect, we offer our sincerest thanks to His Majesty Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ahmad Shah for a reign that has been nothing short of Majestic.

Menjunjung Kasih Tuanku.

I remain, 

A Loyal and Obedient Servant of the Realm,

Datuk Tengku Putra Haron Aminurrashid AlHaj B Tan Sri Tengku Abdul Hamid Jumat.