If UMNO doesn’t take umbrage and reacts sternly on the behaviour of the Malaysian Indian Congress, then it is only right for me to brand the whole Supreme Council members as traitors to the party! I can start with this paragraph this way because I’m sure everyone knows what event preceded this statement.
This Indian party, whose President is rich beyond any average wealthy Indian’s dream, held their meeting in the Merdeka Hall of the Putra World Trade Centre presumably belonging to UMNO and hurled verbal diarrhea at the Party which graciously allowed them to use their premise for the yearly event. If ever there was a bunch of ingrates it would be the Malaysian Indian Congress party.
Everyone knows how this Indian party works and it is almost as if the majority of her members wouldn’t even breathe unless they get the permission to do so from their President. In that respect, it is difficult to fathom how a delegate, without the blessings of their President would be brave enough to show total disrespect and rudeness for UMNO, the party that has done more for them then any other in the history of this Nation and her former President, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed. The plot not unlike one coming from a Tamil movie is so predictable allowing a delegate to speak ill of another party only to take action against the person as though he was surprisingly “ out of line ” altogether vindicating the mastermind behind the whole fiasco.
The Indians unlike the Chinese have no majority over any constituency that they contest in. The MCA and GERAKAN candidates will contest in the areas where the Chinese hold a majority, while UMNO, out of comraderie (charity is more like it) will allow MIC to contest in areas where there is Malay majority. All the seats that the Indian candidates have won were from the votes given by the Malays. After the last general election, even after failing to win the Indian votes for BN, the MIC were given a full Minister’s post and two Deputy Ministerships, yet they say that the Malays, UMNO and BN have done nothing for their community when all this while UMNO and BN have been watching their backs for them. Couldn’t it be that the Malays, UMNO and Barisan Nasional have done a lot for them, but the development and allocations have not reached the Indians directly and properly through the hands of the Malaysian Indian Congress Party? Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed has done more for the Indians in 22 years than their own President has since Tan Sri Manikavasagam. That is why Tun thought it appropriate to speak up for them as an elder Statesman, but he was viciously attacked in fiery speeches offering to garland his picture with slippers, the lowest form of insult the Indians can offer to anyone.
There is a saying that even fluffy beasts with fleas know how to be grateful to the hand that feeds them. I am not only disgusted at the insult on Tun Dr Mahathir, but I am also appalled at their accusation towards UMNO and the Malay leadership after the latter carried them like a bad baggage for the better part of post independence after Manikavasagam. The Indians have rejected the MIC. Instead of winning them back, they blame the whole Barisan Nasional specifically UMNO.
This Indian party, whose President is rich beyond any average wealthy Indian’s dream, held their meeting in the Merdeka Hall of the Putra World Trade Centre presumably belonging to UMNO and hurled verbal diarrhea at the Party which graciously allowed them to use their premise for the yearly event. If ever there was a bunch of ingrates it would be the Malaysian Indian Congress party.
Everyone knows how this Indian party works and it is almost as if the majority of her members wouldn’t even breathe unless they get the permission to do so from their President. In that respect, it is difficult to fathom how a delegate, without the blessings of their President would be brave enough to show total disrespect and rudeness for UMNO, the party that has done more for them then any other in the history of this Nation and her former President, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed. The plot not unlike one coming from a Tamil movie is so predictable allowing a delegate to speak ill of another party only to take action against the person as though he was surprisingly “ out of line ” altogether vindicating the mastermind behind the whole fiasco.
The Indians unlike the Chinese have no majority over any constituency that they contest in. The MCA and GERAKAN candidates will contest in the areas where the Chinese hold a majority, while UMNO, out of comraderie (charity is more like it) will allow MIC to contest in areas where there is Malay majority. All the seats that the Indian candidates have won were from the votes given by the Malays. After the last general election, even after failing to win the Indian votes for BN, the MIC were given a full Minister’s post and two Deputy Ministerships, yet they say that the Malays, UMNO and BN have done nothing for their community when all this while UMNO and BN have been watching their backs for them. Couldn’t it be that the Malays, UMNO and Barisan Nasional have done a lot for them, but the development and allocations have not reached the Indians directly and properly through the hands of the Malaysian Indian Congress Party? Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed has done more for the Indians in 22 years than their own President has since Tan Sri Manikavasagam. That is why Tun thought it appropriate to speak up for them as an elder Statesman, but he was viciously attacked in fiery speeches offering to garland his picture with slippers, the lowest form of insult the Indians can offer to anyone.
There is a saying that even fluffy beasts with fleas know how to be grateful to the hand that feeds them. I am not only disgusted at the insult on Tun Dr Mahathir, but I am also appalled at their accusation towards UMNO and the Malay leadership after the latter carried them like a bad baggage for the better part of post independence after Manikavasagam. The Indians have rejected the MIC. Instead of winning them back, they blame the whole Barisan Nasional specifically UMNO.
It is time we did away with this parasite and found new partners who are more sincere in serving the Indian community and grateful to their brothers in Barisan Nasional. Being soft hearted and timid unlike authentic Malay leaders of the past, UMNO leaders today may not be in the position to pressure MIC out of Barisan Nasional. But at the very least, to stay non-treacherous to the party that best represents the Malay race, the Supreme Council must choose to forbid the further use of UMNO property by the Malaysian Indian Congress in future. Anything less than such an action will paint the party as being weak bordering subservient to artificial strength shown by even weaker parties within the Barisan Nasional.
TPJ, I agree with you 100%. We can still achieve 1 Malaysia without MIC around.Hope Dato' Najib and the rest of MKT members read your blog. Tq -- Hj Ariff
Tuan Hj Ariff,
Political parties representing their respective communities are the number one hindrance to the success of 1Malaysia because each party will showboat and try to win short term political points antagonizing one another seeking more for each other's race.
Poloitical parties are the ones who have separated us in order for them to justify their existence to their own people not unlike what MIC is doing but is in denial. They are in denial because the Indians have rejected them for PAS and DAP with PKR but they still want to think that they remain relevant.
Yes, we don't need the MIC. We should win the hearts of the Malays, Chinese, and Indian on our own accord so that we won't be too reliant on MCA, GERAKAN nor MIC. Only then can we achieve 1Malaysia in its truest form.
Thank you for your comment Sir. Salam Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Bathin and drive defensively.
Salam TPJ.. Salam Aidilfitri.. Nukilan saudara kali ini amat membuatkan hati kecil saya ini berasa menyampah dan meluat dgn tingkahlaku pemimpin2 parti komponen dalam BN buat masa kini.
MCA : Sepatutnya memfokuskan untuk mengambil hati kaum Cina untuk kembali mengundi BN, tapi lebih aktif pulak sesama pemimpin tertinggi mereka untuk mengumpulkan pengaruh dan membandingkan siapa lebih powerful dan siapa lebih suci. Dengan terpalitnya skandal PKFZ dan skandal seks di antara dua pemimpin tertinggi mereka, sebenarnya semakin membuatkan situasi sedia ada semakin parah...
MIC : Inilah yg ditegur oleh TPJ dalam postingnya. Betapa kurang ajar dan musibatnya perangai malaon yg tergamak ingin mengalungkan Kalungan Selipar kepada TDM bolehlah dikategorikan sebagai sikap kurang ajar kasta tertinggi.. Sebagai negarawan ulung yg telah banyak membawa kemajuan kepada negara dan juga masyarakat kaum India, khususnya Ananda Krishnan sebagai antara individu terkaya dunia.. wajarkah mereka berpendapat bahawa TDM tidak wajar untuk menegur sekiranya itu yg dirasakan perlu? MIC perlu sedar diri, dengan adanya Samy Vellu sebagai Presiden telah banyak membuatkan kaum India berasa mual dan muak dengan tindak tanduknya selama beliau menjadi Presiden.. Tidak boleh langsung ditegur apatah lagi diberikan nasihat, sikap Ego inilah yg sebenarnya dilaknat tuhan, dan sebagai balasannya MIC telah dimalukan dalam PRU baru2 ini.. Dengan ihsan kerajaan BN, sekurang2nya masih ada lagi portfolio yg diberikan kepada MIC dalam kabinet Malaysia..Seharusnya mereka sedar, dalam keadaan serba genting ini, nasihat dan pandangan demi kebaikan seharusnya diterima dan bukan bersikap tutup pintu dan pandai2 sendiri kerana telah terbukti Sikap BODOH SOMBONG inilah yg menyebabkan MIC semakin dijauhi oleh kaum INDIA sendiri. Kata2 besar Samy Vellu bahawa hanya dialah yg boleh membawa perubahan kepada MIC adalah ibarat seperti masuk bakul angkat sendiri.. Saya turut bersetuju dengan TPJ bahawa apa yg diutarakan oleh perwakilan MIC yg kurang ajar itu adalah sebenarnya satu plot yg telah dirancang.. Selain itu sikap MIC yang tidak menghormati keramat dewan Merdeka PWTC yg sebenarnya milik UMNO adalah juga dikesali.Betul kata TPJ, MIC harus dihalang daripada menggunakan Dewan tersebut pada masa akan datang.. Jika Samy Vellu buat2 terperanjat beruk kerana isu yg dibawa oleh perwakilan itu, ternyata lakonannya amat menjadi dan boleh diselitkan dalam babak cerita mana2 filem Tamil selepas ini.. Tahniah MIC kerana kebodohan yang telah ditunjukkan..
Kepada PM, kaji semula peranan dan komitmen MIC dan MCA ini dalam persepakatan BN. Kalau mereka asyik sibuk nak berpolitik dan lebih berkiblatkan kepentingan diri lebih daripada peranan sebagai pemimpin kaum yg diwakili, seharusnya dilucutkan sahaja status mereka sebagai parti komponen kerana di dalam menghadapi PRU 13 nanti, penumpang dan parasit seperti ini tidak diperlukan sama sekali, dan lebih kepada liabiliti kepada BN sahaja..
Salam Aidilfitri Boy Hj Jamil.
Di pagi Raya ini sambil menunggu masa untuk ke masjid saya ingin menambah sedikit kepada pandangan anda itu.
Sebenar dan hakikatnya, kaum India sudah meluat dengan Samy Vellu dan karenah MIC yang bertuhankannya.
Dalam MIC juga jika dilihat sebahagian besar tidak mengundi calon Timbalan Presiden yang mendapat sokongannya. Malangnya undi yang membangkang pecah dua membolehkan Palanivel menang.
Kaum India sudahpun celik dan boleh lihat bagaimana keluarga Presiden MIC ini menjadi begitu berpengaruh dalam partinya dan menjadi kaya sementara kaumnya ramai yang masih lagi merempat walaupun peluang-peluang dibuka oleh kerajaan untuk menaikkan taraf kaum itu.
Kita kadang-kadang boleh melayan penumpang dalam kenderaan kita sekiranya mereka tahu tempat mereka. Tetapi jika penumpang sudah menjadi parasit yang tidak sedarkan diri, maka kita harus humbankannya keluar dari kenderaan kita sambil kenderaan itu masih lagi berjalan!
MIC sudah tidak relevan lagi kepada BN. Kaum India yang berpelajaran memandang MIC sebagai parti kasta rendah yang dipimpin oleh seorang badut. Saya sendiri rasa marah apabila lawyer India berkata demikian tentang parti komponen kita. Tetapi apa boleh buat, inilah pandangan umum di luar sana.
Dear Sir
The best view ever expressed. Agree with you 100%.
They regard good manners as a weakness. It is like casting pearls before swines.
Why continue be nice if it is unappreciated. Worse it is being exploited and later UMNO will be conveniently made the scapegoat.
Buat baik perpada pada. Jangan sampai negara tergadai.
Sometimes you need to be cruel in order to be kind.
Thank you Anonymous for the compliment.
UMNO leaders must show some spunk instead of exercising the elegent silence nonsense introduced by the previous Prime Minister. Otherwise, our adversaries and pretentious allies within might think that we are panzies and will exploit our silence in their defense for their failure.
Now is the time to strike when MIC and MCA are showing arrogance but are at their weakest point. No point in carrying an arrogant baggage! We're paying for excess luggage for nothing.
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