Friday, October 4, 2024

US Presidential Elections In The Face Of Incapacitation

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump is surrounded by US Secret Service agents as he is helped off the stage at a campaign rally in Butler, Pa., July 13, 2024. - AP 

1. After two failed assassination attempts with a head shot and 32 days left before the US Presidential election, it is timely that we look into the election process if a candidate runs out of luck and is incapacitated or “taken out” before the polling date. 

2. While there aren’t rules governing what happens if and when a presidential candidate is assassinated, there is general guidance about what happens if a candidate dies. The Brookings Institution explains that it depends on when a candidate dies or is unable to participate in their elections. 

3. In the event of a presidential candidate’s assassination after their party convention but before the US presidential election, both major parties have similar processes for selecting a replacement. 

4. For the Republican National Committee (RNC), the 168-member committee convenes to select a new candidate, which could include the vice-presidential nominee or a prior contender. If ballots have already been printed, voters might still vote for the deceased candidate, and electors would then cast their votes for the replacement.  

5. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) follows a similar process, with its 447 members voting on a new nominee. The vice-presidential nominee or other potential candidates may be considered. Legal challenges may arise if ballots are already printed, but electors typically follow the party’s decision. 

6. Both parties rely on their internal governance, with the Electoral College playing a crucial role in formalizing the new nominee’s selection.  

7. (The Electoral College system will be explained in my next article in The Patriot). 


8. On July 13th 2024, the Presumptive Presidential Nominee for the Republican party, Donald Trump was shot at and nipped in the ear in an assassination attempt in an open rally in Pennsylvania. He survived the headshot miraculously by millimetres. Unfortunately, a few of his rally-goers were hit by bullets from an AR-15 rifle. One died. 

9. On September 15th 2024, Secret Service agents foiled a second assassination attempt before the suspect managed to discharge his weapon on Former President Trump at his golf club in West Palm Beach. 

10. The last known Presidential Candidate assassinated albeit before the party convention was on June 5th 1968 when Senator Robert F Kennedy, the Candidate in the Democratic Presidential Primaries, was assassinated after addressing his supporters at The Ambassador Hotel In Los Angeles.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Chinese Votes In Mahkota

Of late, I’ve been reading and hearing too much noise about the Chinese being reluctant to vote BN in the Mahkota by-election this weekend.

This noise primarily comes from the DAP, who is using a recent issue regarding an UMNO leader’s reaction to a statement by a DAP MP. Emphasis is on the word, “reaction”.

UMNO is used to being blamed by the Chinese party representatives in the coalition especially during election time. Perhaps, this may serve as leverage, political extortion or an excuse for their foreseeable failures in the election. I’ll leave it to the esteemed political observers to decide which if any.

Today, it’s DAP. Then, it was MCA that played the blame game for their failure to win the Chinese votes. We’re immune to it. 

DAP is demanding for an apology from the UMNO Youth Chief for his reaction to their MP’s statement. 

Would the Chinese voters be happy and/ or forgiving after the apology is made? Not by a long shot if history is anything to go by. It’s like déjà vu.

In 2008, a former UMNO Youth Chief was asked to apologise for unsheathing the Keris in an UMNO Assembly. He duly obliged and apologised profusely but the Chinese kept on harping on the issue for years after that using it as a tool on UMNO’s conscience. 

So I dare say that the same will occur in this instance. Even if an apology is given, the stats will remain the same among the Chinese voters in Mahkota. It is up to the DAP to convince them to look at the bigger picture, much like how UMNO managed to sway the Malays when it was a DAP candidate on the ballot.

The alternative to BN is PN. They must remember that Umno saved the unity government, giving DAP and the Chinese community a share of power in government when UMNO could have gone the other way and still play second fiddle in the other government leaving them out in the cold.

UMNO has made a strong and positive gesture by choosing a Mandarin speaking candidate to help serve and communicate with the community better. 

It is a dangerous wish for the Chinese community to vote PN to punish BN. It will be etched in the UMNO memory bank for the remainder of this government’s term.

If their voters are adamant in the punishment, perhaps in the next GE, BN/PN will make their wish come true, if an all Malay government (barring two seats) comes in like the administration in 2020. 

Was Life Better For Their Community Then?

Reflect On It.

Thursday, September 5, 2024


We begin by observing the previous results. 

Election Date: September 28, 2024. 
Nomination Date: September 14, 2024. 
Looking at the immediate past results, BN should be able to win by a five-digit majority this time, given that BN and PH have merged at the federal level. However, history reminds us that in politics, anything can happen, and overconfidence can ultimately backfire. 

Several factors will be decisive: 
  • Voter turnout, and
  • Candidates 

Even though PH and BN have merged at the federal level, this alliance is not fully reflected in Johor, as UMNO/BN won more than two-thirds of the seats on their own in the State Assembly, and PH representatives are absent from the State EXCO. 

This could be a factor if PH supporters are not fully motivated to turn out to vote because the candidate is from BN. And if they do vote, will they be to support or punish BN? We’ll know the answer on election day. 

Although unconfirmed, names being mentioned include the UMNO Division Chief, the Acting Wanita's Chief, the Youth Chief, and a popular celebrity/ activist from Kluang. It is also possible, though risky, that UMNO's leadership might nominate one of its Supreme Council members originally from Kluang. 

The Division Chief is a veteran, who previously served as a State Assemblyman and Exco member, and now tasked with overseeing the Mahkota by-election. However, it should be noted that people today crave for new faces coupled with youth, rather than individuals who have previously served and lost in the past elections. 
The Acting Wanita's Chief might be considered to "replace" the vacant seat following the death of the former Wanita’s Chief, the late Datuk Sharifah Azizah Syed Zain. Wanita Umno might demand for the seat, especially after the youth wing was given a chance in Nenggiri and successfully won the recent by-election. 

Both the Youth Chief and the Celebrity/ Activist have their strengths to be fielded. However, the advantage seems to lie with the Youth Chief as he defeated the latter in a previous race for UMNO Youth Chief in the division. 
If this election turns out to be tight, UMNO’s most popular candidate among the public, should be considered, even if he/she is without a formal position in the division. 

However, with BN potentially relying on additional votes from PH, the chosen candidate must come from one of the office bearers in the local UMNO division. 
This is to maintain the dignity and stature of the Division. Otherwise, the significance of holding a post in UMNO would be diminished. The greatest concern now is if an "outsider" is chosen, it would risk internal sabotage or lack of cooperation from the division’s machinery. 

Whatever The Final Decision, It Should Be Supported With Full Loyalty And Not Insubordination. May Allah SWT Guide The Leadership In Making The Best Decision For The Party, Free From External Pressures, For The Continuity Of UMNO In The Country’s Politics.


Kita mulakan dengan keputusan terakhir dahulu.

Tarikh mengundi 28hb September 2024. 
Tarikh pencalonan 14hb September 2024. 
Kalau kita lihat keputusan lepas, BN seharusnya boleh menang dengan majoriti 5 angka kali ini kerana BN dan PH sudah bergabung di peringkat pusat. Tetapi sejarah mengingatkan kita bahawa dalam politik, apa apa pun boleh berlaku dan keyakinan yang keterlaluan boleh menghukum kita akhirnya. 

Namun beberapa perkara akan menjadi penentu: 
1. Jumlah yang keluar mengundi, dan 
2. Calon. 

Walaupun PH dan BN telah bergabung di peringkat pusat, namun penyatuan ini tidak diterjemahkan secara langsung di bumi Johor memandangkan UMNO/BN memenangi lebih 2/3 kerusi dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri, dan tiada wakil PH dalam Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Kerajaan negeri. 

Ini mungkin akan menjadi faktor jika pihak PH tidak bersungguh2 untuk menyeru penyokong mereka keluar mengundi kerana calon yang bertanding adalah dari parti BN. Dan jika penyokong mereka keluar mengundi, adakah mereka akan membantu atau menghukum BN? Jawapannya akan terserlah pada hari undi kelak. 

Walaupun tidak dapat disahihkan, antara nama yang disebut-sebut adalah Ketua UMNO Bahagian, Pemangku Ketua Wanita, Ketua Pemuda dan seorang bekas penghibur/ aktivis Kluang yg agak tersohor. Juga tidak mustahil jika UMNO Pusat dengan bahayanya mencalonkan seorang dari ahli Majlis Kerja Tertingginya yg berasal dari Kluang. 

Ketua Bahagian boleh dikatakan seorang veteran yg pernah menjadi ADUN dan EXCO Negeri yang kini ditugaskan sebagai Pengarah Operasi PRK DUN Mahkota. Akan tetapi, harus diingat bahwa rakyat kini mendahagakan pelapis dan darah muda untuk diangkat menjadi wakil mereka dan bukan lagi individu lama yang pernah berkhidmat dan kalah di PRU sebelum ini. 

Pemangku Ketua Wanita pula mungkin dipertimbangkan untuk “mengganti” kerusi yang kosong berikutan kematian bekas Ketua Wanitanya, AlMarhumah Datuk Sharifah Azizah Syed Zain. Mereka mungkin menuntut kerusi itu di atas kuota Wanita lebih-lebih lagi setelah di Nenggiri, calon Pemuda UMNO telah diberi tempat dan seterusnya memenangi pilihanraya kecil tempohari. 

Kedua2 Ketua Pemuda dan Penghibur/Aktivis pula ada kekuatan masing-masing dan boleh diketengahkan. Namun “advantage” memihak kepada Ketua Pemuda kerana beliau telah mengalahkan Penghibur/Aktivis tersebut dalam pertandingan yg lepas untuk kedudukan Ketua Pemuda UMNO Bahagian. 

Jika pilihanraya ini sengit, maka calon UMNO yg paling terkenal di kalangan rakyat, walaupun tidak memegang jawatan dalam Bahagian, harus dipertimbangkan. 

Namun dalam keadaan yang agak selesa kini memandangkan BN mungkin boleh mengharapkan kepada tambahan undi dari PH jika mereka jujur, calon yang dipilih sewajibnya datang dari salah seorang pemegang jawatan di dalam UMNO Bahagian tersebut. 

Ini memberi makna kepada darjat jawatan dan perjuangan individu yang memegang jawatan itu secara rasmi. Kalau tidak, nilai perjuangan dan yang memegang jawatan dalam parti UMNO itu akan hilang maknanya. 

Yang paling dibimbangi pula jika “orang luar” dari kepimpinan UMNO dipilih walaupun beliau seorang ahli parti dan terkenal, risiko sabotaj atau kurang kerjasama dari jentera Bahagian boleh berlaku. 

Akhir kalam, semua ini akan terbukti di petang 28hb September kelak. 

Apapun Keputusan Muktamad Yang Dibuat Harus Kita Sambut Dengan Sokongan Yang Ikhlas Dan Setia.  

Semoga Diberi Taufiq Dan Hidayah Allah SWT Kepada Pucuk Pimpinan UMNO Dalam Membuat Keputusan Yang Terbaik Untuk Parti Tanpa Menghiraukan Tekanan Dari Mana2 Pihak Yang Luar Dari Politik Demi Kesinambungan UMNO/ BN Dalam Politik Negara.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Dirgahayu Tuanku, Daulat Tuanku

Congratulations To His Majesty, Sultan Ibrahim Of Johor, On Ascending The Throne As The King Of Malaysia. May His Majesty’s Reign Be Marked By Wisdom, Justice, And Dedication To The Principles Of Constitutional Monarchy, Bringing Prosperity And Harmony To The People Of Malaysia and The State of Johor.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Law Minister Must Address The Johor Issue, Once And For All!

1. I commend the Johor State Government and the Johor Youth Council for organising the Johor Youth Meet Up last week.

2. Attended by a diverse group, many valuable ideas emerged from the event including from HRH The Regent of Johor.

3. HRH proposed several constructive ideas: i) enhancing the education system, ii) fostering creativity and productivity among Johoreans, iii) advocating for a fairer allocation of taxes to the State, and iv) promoting unity to strengthen negotiations with the federal government.

4. Unfortunately, HRH's remarks on “partnership” with” and “not belonging to” Malaysia were disproportionately highlighted, thus overshadowing these constructive proposals.

5. This sparked nationwide dialogue on constitutional matters and national unity.

6. Before we applaud ignorantly to the great soundbites by a VIP on issues that might run contra to the spirit of the two books, we need to know the entitlements in the Federal and State constitutions. 

7. There's no better way to achieve clarity than to study these foundational documents.

8. Expert interpretations of such discussions often lack finality, leaving conclusions to the public.

9. The Law Minister, as a Johorean herself,  should clarify unequivocally the states' roles within the Peninsula and differentiate them from Sabah and Sarawak.

10. This will dispel confusion and prevent misinformed discussions among citizens unfamiliar with constitutional principles.

11. Citizens parroting immune VIPs on sensitive matters concerning national security, risks sedition charges.

12. When certain quarters in Johor spewed out innuendoes of seceding from Malaysia, we had on 14th February 2017 organised a forum and invited a Constitutional expert to educate Johoreans on the matter. 

13. The Federal and State Constitutions were distributed to enhance public understanding.

14. We had proposed introducing constitutional studies in secondary schools to empower students with crucial civic knowledge.

15. Shockingly, no bookstore in Johor sold these vital documents, hindering public access to constitutional information.

16. Public excitement over sensational statements stems from this lack of information.

17. Johor, like every other state, is an integral part of Malaysia.

18. While aspiring to excel, Johor's place in Malaysia is undeniable and enduring.

19. To prevent revisiting Johor's constitutional status and potential sedition, the Law Minister MUST issue a clear and definitive statement.

20. Such clarity should deter other states from contemplating similar actions.

21. Autonomy In Any State Within Peninsular Malaysia Should Be Categorically REJECTED.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Conclude Thorough Investigations Before Making Public Announcements

1. I am compelled to express a critical concern regarding the recent trend of making premature public announcements related to ongoing investigations. 

2. It is imperative for the integrity of our police force and national security that statements are not made before a thorough investigation is concluded.

3. I refer to the Ulu Tiram security breach at the police station incident where the initial report quoted the authorities linking the suspect to the Jemaah Islamiyah. 

4. However, it was announced today that the suspect was NOT a member of the Jemaah Islamiyah.

5. The initial annnouncement painted a bad picture on Islam which is commonly being related to terrorism by the West with malice and Islamophobics at home.

6. It also incubates speculation among the public and insecurity among our investors including in the stock market.

7. To restore the professional standards and uphold justice, I strongly advise the authorities to adhere strictly to protocol of cases such as this ( if one even exists ).

8. Announcements must only be made after thorough investigations are concluded and verified by all necessary authorities. 

9. By ensuring that all announcements are well-founded and responsible, the law can be upheld effectively while maintaining the public’s confidence in our security forces.

10. Please Take A Moment To Recite The AlFateha For Our Fallen Men In Blue. May They Rest In Peace Amongst The Pious.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Remembering A Patriot Defender of Justice And National Security - Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar

1. The nation mourns the loss of a fearless guardian of law and order, Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar became the IGP when I was only 11 years old and remained at the helm till past my University graduation. 

2. Though I didn’t have the full details then of the crucial roles he played at security summits and enforcements which led to the neutralisation of the communists, we all knew very well that he was our “point-man”.

3. Even at a young age, I was up to speed with the state of affairs of the nation having being “forced” to listen to it on radio and television by my late father. So I practically grew up knowing this IGP threw the airwaves.

4. We found Tun Hanif (Tan Sri at the time) as a man of fearless guts and gumption after taking over at the age of 35 from a predecessor who was slained by a communist operative in broad daylight.

5. He courageously led the police force during the tumultuous era of the communist insurgency. 

6. Tun Hanif was Enforcer and Security Confidante to Tun Razak (2nd Prime Minister) and dedicated his life to safeguarding our nation against threats to its security and stability. That is how I shall remember him.

7. In this time of grief, we extend our deepest condolences to Tun Mohd Hanif Omar’s family who graciously shared him with the rest of the Country. 

8. May Allah Rest His Soul In Eternal Peace Amongst The Pious And May His Memory Continue To Inspire Us All To Strive For A Better And Safer Society.

9. On Behalf Of A Grateful Nation, I Thank You Tun. 

10. Inalillahi Wainalillahi Rojioun. AlFateha.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 1. As the sun sets on His Majesty Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ahmad Shah’s illustrious reign as the sixteenth Yang di-Pertuan Agong, we find ourselves compelled to express our deepest gratitude to His Majesty on his unwavering service to the realm. 

2. His Majesty's leadership has been a beacon of strength, guiding our Nation through unprecedented health, economic and political crises.

3. It will be on record that Al-Sultan Abdullah of Pahang is the most challenged and “worked” King this country has ever witnessed to date, navigating us through the Covid pandemic, a state of emergency, white flags, a hung parliament and 4 prime ministers.

4. His commitment to justice, fairness, and the well-being of his subjects has left an indelible mark on the annals of our history.

5. Through the ebb of time, his conviction to the welfare of the realm has been steadfast.

6. As we bid farewell to His Majesty's reign, we extend our heartfelt thanks for the sacrifices made, the challenges faced, and the triumphs achieved. 

7. May the years ahead bring His Majesty the tranquility and joy that he has selflessly bestowed upon us. 

8. With deepest appreciation and respect, we offer our sincerest thanks to His Majesty Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Ahmad Shah for a reign that has been nothing short of Majestic.

Menjunjung Kasih Tuanku.

I remain, 

A Loyal and Obedient Servant of the Realm,

Datuk Tengku Putra Haron Aminurrashid AlHaj B Tan Sri Tengku Abdul Hamid Jumat.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Silence Is Deafening In Parliament Among UMNO/BN MPs.*


1. While BN’s “friends” and foes in Parliament are double-teaming to slam dunk Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi on his “Discharged Not Amounting To Acquittal” (DNAA) case, the silence among the BN MP’s who pledged their allegiance to him is almost deafening! 

2. Most conspicuous is the absence of the UMNO law minister from taking the floor to present her argument. 

3. Last week, Perikatan Nasional MPs went  to town, from the start of the Parliament sitting, seeking to debate on the DNAA issue. Then, it was followed by DAP namely Lim Guan Eng who, probably had a temporary amnesia, forgot that he himself was handed down with a sweetheart judgement which was a “full acquittal” on the recommendation of the then Attorney General Tommy Thomas in 2018. 

4. Fortunately for him, the BN/UMNO MPs then, like now, were lackadaisical in their duties and failed to demand for Tommy Thomas to appear before the Select Committee with the same vigour that DAP and PN are showing in Parliament today. It’s no wonder how BN got whacked to the bones in the GE15 recently.

5. After Guan Eng, came another of our allies from PKR who sang the same tune of the opposition trying to paint a grim picture of BN/ UMNO by seeking an explanation on the DNAA issue.

6. BN MPs (barring those who are persona non grata in UMNO) can’t remain quiet in this circumstance. 

7. They must either come out in support to call for the Attorney General to present himself to the Select Committee or object to it in favour of the positive outcome by the Court on Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. 

8. We have to state our stand either way.

9. Remaining silent is like being a weak orphan in Parliament begging to be adopted by anyone for shelter.

10. For reference, these are the BN Members in the current Parliament.

Deputy Speaker of The House:

Dato Ramli b Mohd Noor (Cameron Highlands) 


Datuk Seri Dr Zahid Hamidi (Bagan Datok)

Datuk Seri Utama Mohamed b Hassan (Rembau)

Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled B Nordin (Kota Tinggi)

Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said (Pengerang)

Datuk Seri Ahmad b Maslan (Pontian)

Datuk Siti Aminah bt Aching (Beaufort)

Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman b Mohamad (Lipis)

Datuk Seri Dr. Shamsul Anuar Bin Haji Nasarah (Lenggong)

Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurop (Pensiangan)

Datuk Mohamad b Alamin (Kimanis)

BN Backbenchers:

Datuk Seri Saravanan (Tapah)

Datuk Indera Mohamad Shahar b Abdullah (Paya Besar)

Dato' Sri Sh Mohmed Puzi Bin Sh Ali (Pekan)

Dato’ Sri Ismail b Yaakob (Bera)

Datuk Seri Johari Bin Abdul Ghani (Titiwangsa)

Datuk Seri Jalaluddin Bin Alias (Jelebu)

Dato' Haji Shamshulkahar Bin Mohd Deli (Jempol)

Dato' Adnan Bin Abu Hassan (Kuala Pilah)

Dato' Mohd Isam Bin Mohd Isa (Tampin)

Datuk Seri Dr. Noraini Binti Ahmad (Parit Sulong)

Datuk Seri Ir.Dr. Wee Ka Siong (Air Hitam)

Datuk Seri Utama Hasni Bin Mohamed (Simpang Renggam)

Dato' Seri Hishammuddin Bin Datuk Hussein (Sembrong)

Tuan Haji Manndzri Bin Nasib (Tenggara)

Datuk Seri Dr Wee Jeck Seng (Tanjung Piai)

Datuk Ir. Shahelmey Bin Yahya (Putatan)

Datuk Suhaimi Bin Nasir (Libaran)

Datuk Seri Panglima Moktar Bin Radin (Kinabatangan)

Datuk Andi Muhammad Suryady Bin Bandy (Kalabakan).

11. For a party that highly promotes our “cooperation” with DAP to the Malays, and still boasts of being steady on our feet against Perikatan Nasional, our MPs have become like disabled mutes in Parliament.

12. What is becoming prevalent by the actions of our allies in the Unity Government is that, despite being in bed with UMNO, they are trying to project a clean image of themselves by asking for the AG’s explanation on his decision to withdraw the charges which led to the DNAA.

13. While they are distancing themselves in fear of being soiled in this unfortunate but necessary union, UMNO must realise that this “marriage” won’t last long. 

14. And if we don’t prepare ourselves with strong contingencies, UMNO may soon be kicked out of the house into the streets like a two dollar slut.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Open Letter To Dato’ Sri Najib Razak

Dear Sir,

Assalamualaikum WBT.

Today marks a full year of your incarceration. I remember it vividly as it was the same day I was discharged from the hospital after a leg surgery and, most significantly, sad on my birthday as well.

I had messaged you offering my apologies for my absence during the “do’a selamat” prior to the verdict, having just been wheeled out of the operating theatre that evening. You were kind enough to reply and asked about my condition. Bless your heart.

I texted you the next three days offering my heartfelt sympathy after the verdict, hoping that there was some truth to the general consensus that you were afforded certain privileges but to no avail. My messages were not dispatched, indicating that all your personal belongings were indeed surrendered to the authorities.

Today, while your loyal supporters continue to pray for justice and your early release, members of the private sector have been heard saying at cocktails and corporate meetings that “times were much better in all aspects for the nation” when you were at the helm. The same sentiments are expressed amongst the average man in the street.

The people made their choice in 2018 and they deserve the circumstances dealt by their own hands, I say.

All we can hope for Sir,  is for you to stay strong  and continue to fight on while we make our offerings spiritually for you in submission to Allah SWT seeking His mercy and pardon for our nation’s true son, Najib Razak.

Major reparations need to be made primarily to our party and in aid of the support we used to enjoy while you were among us post-2020.

Indeed, we would not have suffered a thrashing in the GE15 and the recent 6 State elections if you had been on the ground.

We remain steadfast in UMNO only with the hope that we can have you back among us very soon.

At the risk of sounding pathetic with the lack of true leaders in UMNO’s midst, we believe with full conviction that, at this point in time, you are indeed our party’s last salvation.

May truth and justice prevail, and be seen to be done.

Until we meet again Sir. 

I remain, 

Your humble servant.


Datuk Tengku Putra Haron Aminurrashid Jumat.

(Former Member Of The Johor State Assembly For Kempas N47).

Photo caption: He was Minister of Defence at the time when we brought several Chiefs of Staff of various Congressmen from Washington to KL

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

With 1.2m Illegal “Tourists”, Immigration Dept Is On The Right Path!

Pleasing everyone every time is an impossible task. Naturally one is chastised when there are perforations in the system but today one can even be crucified for avoiding the reoccurrence of such perforations. Under any circumstances, one should stick to the rulebook to be safe and sure.

The Immigration Dept was under heavy fire recently when the Tourism Minister confronted uniformed officers at the KLIA when a Chinese national was denied entry into this country for not fulfilling visa requirements at that point in time.
Visa requirements are imposed on every traveller at any port of entry in the world without fear or favour and the same must go with our borders as well.
What transpired at the KLIA recently was a disgrace and the weekly Cabinet meetings should be the place to thrash out differences between ministerial jurisdictions. This is not the wild west. Decorum should prevail especially between high govt officials and uniformed personnel in public.
We appreciate that tourism revenue is a high income generating source of this country. But, it should not be at the expense of National Security.
In earlier media reports, it was told that this foreign visitor was an employee with a media group from China. But in the official written report by the officer in charge, the interpreter said the visitor is here to take care of someone’s children. That in itself is quite ambiguous on the off-take.
Now, even if it is true that she is an employee of a media group and is here to temporarily babysit some children (giving her the benefit of the doubt) it is all the more reason for the immigration dept to sternly impose the SOP on her so that she can report it in their media reminding her fellow nationals to be more prepared with their papers when entering Malaysia. It will not deter them from coming but may help them be more prepared when they plan their next trip in.
The Prime Minister was right that there are areas that can be improved and “little napoleons” who will be dealt with, and we look forward to that.
But the Immigration Dept must not be bullied into indiscriminately allowing “suspect” foreign citizens into this country, just to chase their tourism dollars and not hurt their feelings.
The Home Ministry, in a reply to question in Parliament, stated that in 2021, 1.2 million Chinese nationals were overstaying their welcome in breach of their visa.

National Security Is Paramount. And With 1.2 Million Overstaying/ Illegal Chinese Visitors At Large In This Country, I’d Say The Immigration Department Has Every Right To Tighten Their Screen Even More On Future “Tourists” To Ensure That They Are Genuine.

Dengan 1.2 Juta “Pelancung Haram”, Imigresen Wajib Perketatkan SOP

Menyenangkan hati semua orang setiap masa adalah suatu tugas yang mustahil. Sememangnya ada pihak yang akan dihukum apabila terdapat tebukan dalam sistem. Akan tetapi hari ini, pihak itu boleh juga dihukum kerana menjalankan tugas dalam membetulkan kesilapan yang lampau. Dalam apa jua keadaan, kuatkuasakan sahaja tatacara pengendalian piawai dan anda wajib selamat dari fitnah.
Jabatan Imigresen mendapat kecaman hebat baru-baru ini ketika menteri pelancongan berdepan dengan pegawai beruniform di KLIA apabila seorang warga China dinafikan kemasukan ke negara ini kerana tidak memenuhi syarat visa.
Keperluan visa dikenakan ke atas setiap pengembara di mana-mana pintu masuk setiap negara tanpa soal jawab dan perkara yang sama mesti dipraktikkan di pintu-pintu masuk di negara kita juga.
Apa yang berlaku di KLIA baru-baru ini adalah sangat mendukacitakan. Mesyuarat mingguan Kabinet sepatutnya menjadi tempat untuk berantakan jika ada perbezaan pendapat di antara bidang kuasa menteri.
Ini bukan zaman “koboi” lagi. Adab harus diutamakan terutamanya antara pegawai tinggi kerajaan dan kakitangan beruniform di khalayak ramai.
Kami hargai bahawa hasil pelancongan merupakan sumber yang menjana pendapatan tinggi di negara ini. Tetapi jangan sampai kita nampak macam peminta sedekah sehingga mengorbankan Keselamatan Negara.
Dalam laporan media sebelum ini, dikabarkan bahawa pelawat asing yang menjadi punca insiden di KLIA minggu lalu adalah seorang pekerja dengan satu kumpulan media dari China. Tetapi dalam laporan bertulis rasmi oleh pegawai yang bertanggungjawab, jurubahasa berkata pelawat itu ke sini untuk menjaga anak orang. Kenyataan penterjemah itu sahaja sudah memusykilkan.
Jika benar bahawa dia adalah seorang pekerja kumpulan media dan berada di sini untuk sementara waktu menjaga beberapa kanak-kanak (bersangka baik), dia boleh melaporkan dalam medianya tentang pengalamannya seraya mengingatkan rakan-rakan senegaranya supaya lebih bersedia dengan dokumen perjalanan mereka yang lengkap apabila memasuki Malaysia. Ia tidak akan menghalang mereka daripada datang tetapi mungkin membantu mereka untuk lebih bersedia apabila mereka merancang perjalanan seterusnya. Jika dia hendak menabur fitnah terhadap sistem negara kita, itu terpulang kepadanya namun kita tidak sepatutnya tunduk dalam ketakutan seolah-olah rezeki kita datang dari dia.
Kami bersetuju dan mengalu-alukan kenyataan Perdana Menteri bahawa terdapat aspek-aspek yang boleh diperbaiki dan "napoleon kecil" sepatutnya diambil tindakan.
Tetapi Jabatan Imigresen tidak boleh dibuli dengan sewenang-wenangnya membenarkan warga asing yang dimusykili masuk ke negara ini, hanya kerana hendak mengejar “dollar” pelancongan mereka.
Menjawab soalan di Parlimen, Kementerian Dalam Negeri menyatakan bahawa pada 2021, 1.2 juta warga China masih berada di negara ni walaupun telah tamat tempoh visa mereka.
Keselamatan Negara Wajib Diutamakan. Dengan 1.2 Juta Pengunjung China Yang Kini Dianggap Pendatang Haram Kerana Terlebih Had Masa Duduk Di Negara Kita, Ternyata Jabatan Imigresen Mempunyai Hak Yang Berasas Untuk Mengetatkan Lagi Saringan Pelawat2 Dari Negeri Itu.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

 Demi Rakyat, Alasan Banjir Bukan Halangan Untuk Mengadakan Pilihanraya

1. Kebelakangan ini terdapat banyak kenyataan-kenyataan yang merupakan kenyataan populis dengan mengatakan waktu tidak sesuai untuk mengadakan pilihanraya kini kerana musim banjir sudah hampir tiba.

2. Yang membuat kenyataan ini adalah dikalangan ahli2 politik dari kedua dua belah pihak iaitu pembangkang mahupun kerajaan, dan segelintir dari parti UMNO itu sendiri yang tidak tahu mengikut garisan parti.

3. Kesemuanya mereka ini kononnya memikirkan hal rakyat  dengan memberi “soundbites” yang sedap didengar tetapi secara lojiknya jauh tersasar.

4. Sebaliknya keberangkalian banjir berlaku dimasa kempen pilihanraya itulah yg sepatutnya memberi ketenangan kepada rakyat yg mungkin akan terjejas dengannya. 

5. Pertama. Jika banjir tidak berlaku, kehidupan mereka berjalan seperti biasa dan mereka boleh samada a) turut berkempen untuk parti yang mereka sokong, b) hanya keluar untuk mengundi di hari kejadian, atau c) pilih untuk tidak mengundi langsung.

6. Kedua. Jika banjir berlaku di waktu musim pilihanraya, sudah tentunya kesemua parti2 yg bertanding akan bergesa2 mencurahkan pertolongan dari segi kedrat mahupun bantuan kewangan untuk mangsa, samada diatas keikhlasan pihak2 tersebut atau pun semata2 untuk meraih undi. Sekaligus beban mereka akan berkurangan berbanding dengan hanya bertungkus lumus dengan keluarga masing2 membersihkan rumah dari lumpur dan sebagainya.

7. Dari itu, di manakah lojik para pemimpin dan pembangkang yg mengatakan ia akan membebankan mangsa? 

8. Sebenarnya ianya akan membebankan mereka yang menolak cadangan pembubaran diwaktu banjir kerana jika banjir berlaku, calon2 dan parti2 pemalas inilah yang “terpaksa” menunjuk muka dan memberi bantuan kepada mangsa.

9. Di Johor dalam tiga minggu yang lepas telah terjadinya banjir. Lihat sahaja parti mana yang turun padang untuk membantu rakyat. Bayang2 pembangkang pun tiada kelihatan ditempat2 terlibat. Padahal mereka lah yang menyalak agar PRU tidak diadakan dimusim tengkujuh.

10. Sebaliknya pemimpin2 mereka boleh pula turun ketempat2 yg kering untuk memberi ceramah menentang PRU diadakan diwaktu ini sebab musim banjir hampir tiba.

11. Terbukti sudah, sebelum lagi PRU diadakan, siapa yang turun padang dan membantu mangsa ketika susah dan siapa yg hanya sibuk berceramah menghasut rakyat.

12. Kesimpulannya, pengundi2 harus menolak mereka yg tidak kehabisan menakut2 kan orangramai atas nama kebajikan rakyat, sedangkan mereka membangkang sebenarnya kerana hendak elak dari membantu rakyat dikala mereka amat memerlukan pertolongan.

Dengan Tulus Ikhlas Dan Ta’at Setia,

Datuk Tengku Putra Haron Aminurrashid AlHaj B Tan Sri Tengku Abdul Hamid Jumat.

Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri 

N47 Kempas (2013-2018)

Johor Darul Ta’zim.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Points To Ponder For The Prime Minister.

1. Reduce the number of Cabinet members to bare essentials and do away with Deputy Ministers. 

2. Let the Ministries’ Directors-General report directly to the Cabinet/ PM. 

3. UMNO presented no ultimatum to YAB Tan Sri Mahiaddin Yassin when they gave unconditional support to him forming the Perikatan Nasional led Government on 7th March 2020. It should be reciprocated. 

4. The Deputy Prime Minister’s post (not provided in the Constitution) was not filled for 17 months until the previous premiership was on its deathbed in July of 2021.

5. Some crucial Ministers appointed by Mahiaddin from UMNO last year were NOT names submitted by the party’s leadership. Therefore the “list” provided today by PPBM to YAB Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri does NOT have to be taken as biblical. 

6. If at all the appointment of Deputy Prime Minister needs to be “entertained”, it should be given to the highest ranking qualified official in the PPBM after Mahiaddin, like Ismail Sabri is in UMNO. NOT any other force-fed name from that party. 

7. A threat to this new administration will be looked upon by the Rakyat and His Majesty the YDPA as “trecherous” to the wellbeing of the nation. 

8. Therefore,  it is unlikey that PPBM dares to withdraw support for the govt if the PM decides against complying with their demands.

9. Worst case scenarios if PPBM pulls out of the fold:  a) The opposition block Pakatan Harapan votes in confidence of the new PM in Parliament in compliance with the people’s request to heal the nation, or b) The YDPA refuses to entertain the continued political crisis and  disolves Parliament forcing a General Election in 60 days. In this event, PPBM will undoubtedly be punished severly by the voting public.

10. Conclusion: Dismiss any demands or forms of extortion by any party, form a Cabinet that can work with you (PM Ismail Sabri) and succeed in healing this nation OR, prepare to walk on eggshells having policies contradicted for the remainder of this term taking  UMNO/ BN down with you in GE15.

Without Prejudice, 

I Remain, 

Datuk Tengku Putra Haron Aminurrashid Jumat.

Johor State Representative N47 (2013-2018).

Saturday, August 7, 2021



1. Persidangan Agong UMNO yang lepas telah memutuskan untuk memberi mandat penuh kepada Presiden dan MKT menentukan waktu dan ketika untuk ahli-ahli Parlimen dan Menteri UMNO menarik sokongan kepada Kerajaan Perikatan Nasional. 

2. Kenyataan beberapa Menteri UMNO sebelum ini yang menyatakan kesediaan untuk meletakkan jawatan pada waktu yang diarahkan oleh parti dilihat sebagai petanda positif kesepakatan untuk akur kepada keputusan parti.

3. Pada Selasa 3hb Ogos lepas, MKT telah membuat keputusan untuk menarik balik sokongan kepada kerajaan Perikatan Nasional (PN) dan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

4. Tidak perlu Presiden beri penerangan lagi kepada Ahli2 Parlimen UMNO kerana keputusan ini telah terang dan jelas di buat di Perhimpunan Agong UMNO 2020.  Apa yang perlu diulang-ulang lagi? Apakah mereka tidak hadhir di perhimpunan tersebut?

5. Menteri2 yg setuju utk meletakkan jawatan atas arahan parti seperti yang dilaporkan di media adalah: 

i) Dato Seri Ismail Sabri 

ii) Dato Sri Hishammuddin Hussein                                    

iii) YB KJ

iv) Datuk Shamsul Anuar

6. Jika mereka letak jawatan dan tarik sokongan dari PM hari ini pun kerajaan tidak akan tumbang dan maseh akan berfungsi sehingga bulan September ini dalam sidang mengundi diparlimen, melainkan ada titah susulan dari KBDYMM YDPA.

7. Namun demikian ia akan membuktikan bahawa mereka akur dan ta’at kepada keputusan parti sebagaimana yang mereka lafazkan semasa Perhimpunan Agong UMNO yang lepas.

8. Lembaga Disiplin dan MKT wajib ambil tindakan terhadap mereka untuk “restore order” atau memulihkan keta’at-setia’an di dalam parti supaya di masa-masa akan datang,  pemegang jawatan dalam kerajaan tidak akan ingkar dengan keputusan Majlis Kerja Tertinggi dan menjadikan ia polimik di mata rakyat lagi.

9. Kita tidak boleh ada lebih dari seorang nakhoda dalam parti. Nakhoda kita adalah Presiden yang mana keputusannya dibuat bersama dengan Majlis Kerja Tertinggi dengan restu dari perwakilan di Perhimpunan Agong UMNO.

10. Jika disiplin dan keputusan Majlis Kerja Tertinggi tidak diendahkan maka tak berguna lagi adanya Perlembagaan dan Peraturan Mesyuarat UMNO. 

11. Jika kita hendak perbetulkan  parti kita semula maka tindakan yang keras wajib diambil keatas mereka untuk dijadikan sebagai contoh kepada semua tanpa memilih bulu. 

12. Mereka boleh terus memegang jawatan menteri dan  sebagainya jika PM berkenan, tetapi tentunya sebagai menteri tanpa parti.

13. Langkah seterusnya selepas ini haruslah ditumpukan untuk UMNO menangani masalah dengan komponen parti dalam BN. Kita tidak boleh lagi bersekongkol dengan mereka yang kita bantu memenangi kerusi majoriti Melayu, dengan menggunakan jentera UMNO, tetapi sebaliknya mengkhianati kita demi untuk mengekalkan kedudukan mereka dalam kabinet.

14. Dengan Tulus Ikhlas Dan Ta’at Setia, 

Datuk Tengku Putra Haron Aminurrashid Jumat, 

Ahli UMNO: 01059553

Wednesday, June 9, 2021


1. The Yang DiPertuan Agong is said to be meeting leaders beginning on Wednesday to hear their opinions on the current situation facing our country.

2. According to media reports, later this month, an Emergency Rulers’ Conference will convene.

3. This has arisen because in the last few months after the “Darurat” was announced, the situation had worsened with the Rakyat having to endure the “mismanagement”, flip-flopping and misunderstandings between members of the administration in policy.

4. In addition, anger has crossed beyond strict boundaries where Malaysians have started to criticise the King for the “failure” of the “Darurat” to meet its original objective, except perhaps to help the current administration hold on to its power. That has become the general perception.

5. Since then, while the government was incurring the wrath of the people, many started looking to the Institution for remedy and sought for democracy to take its course returning it to the people. The pressure is mounting.

6. This doesn’t mean that there should be a general election in the near future but perhaps the lifting of the “Emergency Ordinance” with Parliament sitting again having the voices of the people heard in the right forum and with proper representation.

7. If the Rulers are responsible enough to meet and discuss the State of the Nation vis a vis the Covid 19, then this is a strong signal that will compel the government to call for Parliament as well to convene.

8. A second option is to find a solution within the Perikatan Nasional government whereby there is a change in the cabinet right up to the top, perhaps with the “repositioning” of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin from Prime Minister and the removal of “non essential” ministers in the Cabinet. Maintaining 70 ministers and deputies is preposterous at this juncture. This is a precedent set in Japan  where a former Prime Minister sits as member of the cabinet in a reshuffle. 

9. The third option is forming a unity government, replacing the whole cabinet including a couple of current essentially good ministers. The new ones will take months to fit in at a moment when time is of crucial importance. 

10. The people are frustrated with the current politicians managing the conditions of the nation, and its recovery which is conducted in a manner which appears to be of trial and error.

11. Today, let me not mince my words and state the obvious that the Malays form the large majority of the Rakyat that are still loyal to the Institution of the Monarchy.  It is however dwindling by the day especialy in urban districts in view of the current events and open forums.

12. What the Palace decides in the days to come will determine the level of respect they can command later from their subjects.

13. The Rulers’ Council and the Yang DiPertuan Agong are their very last resort.

14. I fear that if the status quo remains and the “Darurat” is extended beyond August, then the credibility of the Royal Institution will be severely tarnished with suspicions of it being compromised.

15. It will be difficult then to find loyalty and compassion from the people.

16. If it arrives to that end, despite our duty and solemn oath to uphold the Rukun Negara, what is in the Constitution too, as regards to the Institution, will be hard pressed to defend for any generation after this.

17. Let us hope that the agenda to be discussed in the conference has been dispatched well in advance to the Royal Houses in their respective States so that their Royal Highnesses and Majesties can prepare well before arriving at the Capital for the sole benefit of their subjects and this loving Country.

18. Daulat Tuanku.

Saturday, April 10, 2021


1 Di Perhimpunan Agung UMNO yang telah diadakn baru-baru ini, kita merasakan bahwa Presiden parti telah gagal memanfaatkan mandat yang diberikan oleh perwakilan pada hari terakhir persidangan untuk merungkaikan pemasalahan parti.

2 Beliau bukan hanya tidak meminta Menteri-Menteri Umno untuk segera menarik diri dari Kabinet, malah memberi mereka lebih banyak ruang untuk menggunakan kedudukan dalam kerajaan untuk menyebarkan lagi "racun" di kalangan akar umbi yang semakin  perlahan-lahan termakan dengan tohmahan yang dibuat terhadap pemimpin dan parti. Perang mulut secara terbuka dan bangkangan antara pemimpin semakin berleluasa dan merugikan parti.

3 Dari pengamatan saya, terdapat tiga puak dalam UMNO, yang telah menyumbang kepada keretakan dalam parti.

4 Pertama, puak yang menyokong Presiden yang beranggapan bahawa dia terpilih secara demokratik dan mesti dibenarkan untuk menghabiskan penggalnya walaupun terdapat kecaman-kecaman keatasnya yang kadang-kadang disebabkan oleh kebodohannya sendiri.

5 Ketika ini, puak ini adalah kumpulan majoriti kerana dasar parti baru-baru ini yang memilih untuk tidak bekerjasama dengan PPBM dalam Pilihan Raya Umum akan datang.

6 Kedua, puak yang menyokong Menteri-Menteri Umno dalam Kabinet, yang kebanyakannya cenderung untuk bekerja dengan PPBM dalam pilihan raya akan datang.

7 Puak ini perlahan-lahan berkembang jumlahnya kerana sumber yang dimiliki oleh tuan mereka sebagai anggota Kabinet amatlah besar. 

8 Perlu diingatkan bahawa dalam 8 jawatan teratas dalam parti, iaitu Presiden, Timbalan Presiden serta naib-naib presiden (termasuk ketua-ketua sayap), hanya dua daripada mereka adalah anggota Kabinet. Mereka adalah Naib Presiden Ismail Sabri dan Ketua Wanita Noraini Ahmad.

9 Oleh yang demikian, kekuatan sebenar parti UMNO ini tidak terpusat di dalam majlis tertinggi, dan ini lah yang menyebabkan bangkangan terbuka  yang diperlihatkan akhir-akhir ini. Secara perlahan, ianya menyebabkan lebih banyak keretakan  dalam parti.

10 Dan yang ketiga adalah puak yang tidak semestinya menyokong Presiden atau Menteri, tetapi ta’at setia kepada UMNO sendiri.

11 Kumpulan ini lah yang mahukan parti dengan segeranya mengadakan pemilihan mengikut Perlembagaan untuk mengembalikan ketenteraman dalam UMNO.

 12 Kita berpendapat bahawa UMNO WAJIB  Mengadakan Pemilihannya Tahun Ini Seperti Yang diperuntukan dalam Perlembagaan parti walaupun terdapat klausa di dalamnya yang membolehkan Majlis Tertinggi menangguhkan pemilihan parti selama 18 bulan. 

13 Klausa ini sebenarnya merupakan konflik berkepentingan kerana ini juga bermakna bahawa anggota Majlis Tertinggi sendiri dapat terus berkuasa untuk jangka waktu yang sama. 

14 Kita mungkin boleh mengabaikan rakaman audio yang bocor, yang didakwa perbualan antara Presiden UMNO dan PKR. Kita juga mungkin boleh mengabaikan permintaan untuk Presiden berundur dari pucuk kempimpinan parti. 

16 Pada hakikatnya, kita merasakan adalah juga satu kesalahan untuk menyingkir seorang  Presiden sebelum tamat tempoh penggalnya. Sekiranya dia berprinsip, dia akan mengundurkan diri secara terhormat seperti yang dilakukan oleh bekas Presiden Dato ’Sri Mohd Najib Razak, yang mana keputusan yang dibuatnya amat dikesali oleh kebanyakan ahli UMNO hari ini. 

17 Kita boleh menyokong Presiden sehingga tamat tempohnya tetapi pada masa yang sama, Jawatankuasa Tatatertib HARUS mula mengambil tindakan untuk memulihkan keadaan dalaman parti. Ini mesti dilakukan ketika  akar umbi masih bersatu dan tidak dimusnahkan oleh mereka yang memegang jawatan dalam kerajaan yang mempunyai agenda yang berbeza. Jika tidak, kita boleh meminta agar Jawatankuasa Disiplin dibubarkan saja kerana ianya tidak berfungsi seperti yang diharapkan.

18 Sekiranya selepas pemilihan parti ini, muka-muka yang sama yang tidak berkeupayaan kembali megemudi parti, hanya kepada Allah SWT kita berserah untuk kita hadapi PRU15 nanti. 

19 Maka seharusnya kita terima laknat daripada tindakan kita sendiri.

Dengan Tulus Ikhlas Dan Ta’at Setia,

Datuk Tengku Putra Haron Aminurrashid B Tan Sri Tengku Abdul Hamid Jumat.

ADUN Kempas N47


Johor Darul Ta’zim.

10 April 2021

27 Sha’ban 1442H


1. We had hoped that the recent UMNO General Assembly could iron out the wrinkles and creases within the party but the President failed to take advantage of the mandate the delegates were willing to give him on the final day.

2. Instead of instructing the Umno Ministers to immediately withdraw from the Cabinet, he gave them more room to use their powerful positions in government to further spread the “poison” among the grassroots which is slowly bending with the wind.  Now, the open war of words between leaders, and insubordination is becoming more rampant and hurting the party.

3. From my observation, on the current there are three factions within UMNO, which have contributed to the cracks within the party. 

4. First, the faction backing the President on the notion that he was democratically elected and must be allowed to finish his term despite the bombardments he is getting at large, sometimes due to his own foolishness at the expense of the party. 

5. For now, this faction is in the majority because of the party’s recent policy of not preferring to work with PPBM in the next General Elections.

6. Second, the faction supporting the Ministers, many of whom are inclined with working with PPBM in the next elections.

7. This faction is slowly growing in numbers because of the vast resources their masters have in their capacities as Cabinet members. 

8. It should be reminded that within the top 8 positions in the party, ie, the President, Deputy and Vice Presidents (including the Wing Chiefs), only two are Cabinet members. They are Vice President Ismail Sabri and Women’s Chief Noraini Ahmad.

9. As such, the strength of the party is not centralised within the top brass, and that is the cause of the open insubordination that is being exhibited of late, slowly wedging the mass against each other.

10. And the third is the faction not necessarily in support of the President nor the Ministers, but UMNO itself.

11. This is the one seeking the party to hold its elections in accordance to the Constitution without further delay to restore order in UMNO.

12. We are of the opinion that UMNO MUST Hold Its Elections This Year As Required By The Constitution although there is a clause in it that allows the Supreme Council  to postpone party elections by 18 months. 

13. This is in actual fact a conflict of interest as this would also mean that the Supreme Council members themselves get to remain in power for that same period of time.

14. We may disregard the leaked audio recording, allegedly of the Presidents of UMNO and PKR. We may also disregard the call for the President to step down.

15. In fact, we feel that it is wrong to seek the removal of a sitting President. If he is principled, he will step down on his own accord as nobly done by the responsible immediate past President, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Razak at the regret of most UMNO members today.

16. We can support the President until his term expires but the Disciplinary Committee MUST start taking action to restore order. This must essentially be done while the grassroots are still united and uncorrupted by those holding government positions with a different agenda. 

17. Otherwise, we might as well just dissolve the Disciplinary Committee for being useless.

18. May God Help Us All In The 15th General Elections If The Same Incompetent People In UMNO Remain In Office After The Party Polls.

19. We Shall Then Deserve The Curse As A Consequence Of Our Own Actions.

UMNO Member: 01053359

Johor Darul Ta’zim.

Friday, March 26, 2021


1. Perhimpunan Agong UMNO 2020 pada 27/28hb Mac ini berkemungkinan besar merupakan persidangan yang terakhir dan yang terpenting sebelum PRU15.

2. Dan kita akan berhimpun ketika kepimpinan tertinggi parti dan beberapa menteri UMNO dalam kerajaan sekarang berada di dalam keadaan yang bercanggah pendirian dan pandangan. 

3. Malah, presiden parti tidak menampakkan daya untuk bersuara atau mengambil tindakan yang tegas ke atas mereka yg tidak mengikut arahan atau keputusan Parti. Atas “kebijaksanaan” beliau sendiri, parti kini berdepan dengan ahli parlimen UMNO yang menggunakan kebebasan yang telah beliau sendiri berikan untuk berpihak dengan mana-mana parti atau kuasa yang mereka mahu, baik dari kerajaan mahupun pembangkang.

4. Ternyata, “senjata” yang telah presiden serahkan kepada mereka-mereka ni  telah digunakan untuk “menikam” dirinya sendiri. Beberapa menteri UMNO secara berterus terang ingkar akan arahan parti.

5. Majlis Kerja Tertinggi pula dianggotai oleh mereka yang tidak berpengalaman. Hanya beberapa kerat yang bersuara kuat menampakkan yang mereka lebih berpengetahuan dari yang lain. Yang berani pula telah dipecat.

6. Dalam keadaan sekarang, kita hanya boleh mengharapkan perwakilan yang akan hadir di perhimpunan Agong hujung minggu ini sebagai faktor “penyelamat”. 

7. Merekalah yang boleh mendesak pucuk pimpinan parti mengambil tindakan, drastik atau sebaliknya, dalam menentukan hala tuju kita berdepan dengan PRU15 yang akan diadakan tidak berapa lama lagi.

8. Ketetapan untuk tidak bersama PPBM sebagaimana diputuskan oleh majoriti resolusi di mesyuarat bahagian2 UMNO di seluruh negara harus diangkat dan diluluskan.

9. Tindakan tegas keatas pemimpin2 yang ingkar secara terbuka wajib di ambil tanpa was2 oleh pihak Lembaga Dispilin demi untuk menjaga “decorum” di dalam parti walaupun keputusan itu mungkin akan menyebabkan kepecatan mana mana pihak.

10. Kita tidak mahu penyakit melawan keputusan parti ini merebak di kalangan ahli2 kita nanti.

11. Halatuju yang selama ini kabur dan kabus di bawah kepimpinan Presiden yang sedia ada boleh ditetapkan oleh para perwakilan UMNO di perhimpunan ini.

12. Di Perhimpunan inilah terletaknya peluang untuk membantu Presiden dan Majlis Kerja Tertinggi yang agak lemah selama ini untuk mencorak langkah kita seterusnya.

13. Perkuatkan ukhwah di kalangan kita, bermula dengan pucuk pimpinan dan Menteri2 UMNO yang wajib diarah untuk patuh kepada keputusan parti.

14. Rumusannya: di akhir perhimpunan Ahad ini, semua pemimpin UMNO wajib sedar bahawa ketaatsetiaan mereka MESTI tetletak kepada Parti UMNO dan bukannya kepada Kerajaan Malaysia sekarang.

15. Jika tidak, kita akan terus “melukut di tepi gantang” selepas PRU 15 nanti, apabila parti yg lebih kecil dari Umno terus memegang kuasa seperti sekarang. 

16. Tidak boleh kita nafikan ahli UMNO di peringkat bawahan tersedia bersatu, taat dan kuat. Tetapi yang perlu kita perbetulkan ialah pucuk kepimpinan atasan dalam parti kini dan yang di dalam kabinet iaitu mereka yang mementingkan diri dan kedudukan mereka sendiri dan bukan kepentingan parti kita yang memperjuangkan Agama, Bangsa dan Negara.

17. Kepada Allah Berserah.

Dengan Tulus Ikhlas Dan Ta’at Setia.

Ahli UMNO: 01059553

Friday, March 19, 2021



1. It’s been a long while since I wrote in this blog. Much have transpired since. Unfortunately not for the better under a weak leader.

2. Yes I’m speaking of my party UMNO which is like sailing without a rudder.

3. This began a year ago when we entered the Perikatan Nasional government with several UMNO MPs being elected to the Cabinet.

4. It was like an accident waiting to happen because naturally when push comes to shove, the UMNO MPs who are comfortably positioned in the Cabinet and GLCs would side with the government than their own party.

5. This is compounded with outrageous executive decisions made by our President like allowing UMNO MPs to support any party they wish (either from government or the Opposition).

6. Now it has come back to bite his own backside splitting the party almost in the middle. First with Annuar Musa and most recently with Shahidan Kassim challenging the leadership to “sack Perlis” for choosing to go against the decree of the “Supreme Council”.

7. It doesn’t help the party either, having a gutless set of Supreme Council members who can’t even enforce discipline among those who don’t follow party lines.

8. The Disciplinary Committee in turn won’t initiate any action either to advise the President nor to haul up anyone for blatant daylight insubordination unless there is a formal complaint submitted.

9. Now if one is made, their defence statement would definitely be to refer to the President’s earlier call allowing them to support whoever the they want to. 

10. The top four branches of the party are the President’s office, the Supreme Council, the General Assembly which sits once a year representing the less than 3 million members, and the Disciplinary Committee.

11. In the case of party insubordination, the President will not likely act since it was his decision that has allowed the situatuon to come to this end.

12. The Supreme Council is weak and has difficulty to come to a consensus even through simple democratic means like deciding based on a majority vote.

13. The Disciplinary Committee won’t take action unless a complaint is initiated and will be futile if it later refers to the President’s office for guidance for obvious reasons.

14. We may appear doomed in the current situation with people at the top steering our party in different directions. 

15. Our Only Salvation Now It Seems Is Left To Our Representatives At The Coming General Assembly, Putting A Stop To This Nonsense And Pressing On With The Resolution Devised From Our Divisional Meetings Nationwide Last Year.

16. Perhaps It Will Help To Inject Some Testosterone Into Some Of Our Leaders Who May Look Masculine But Have Evidently Lost Their “Drive”.

17. God Speed.