Lovely and Wonderful! Now let’s walk the talk and start with establishing One School For All because that is where we really should break down all racial barriers and begin to unite. Let us channel the government funding to this ONE school system and be damned with bowing to extortion from different races for their own schools in fear of losing support in the general election.
We are 100% behind you Dato Sri’ on this special message to Malaysians on Merdeka Day.
One Malaysia, One School System and Zero Tolerance on Lip Service by all political leaders representing their communities.
I support. Abolish vernacular schools.
Yes, let the leaders speak with a straight tongue.
The government should monitor all those video clips in You Tube.
What is happening to Malaysia. After all the things that have been given to the kaum lain-lain, what else do they want? THey want the Malays to parish and become Pariahs in their own land is it? Then only they will be satisfied. Government should do something and make this people realize that like it or not, this will ever be Tanah Melayu!.
Tell me, no matter how long and how many British Indians.. will there ever be an Indian prime minister in the UK?
It won't happen
We have weak leaders who are afraid of the minorities who does not support the government.
It's a sad fact that we have to face
Hello TPJ.
My full support for SSS - One School For All.
Agreed 200% with your message.
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