Friday, April 15, 2011


It is often said that, “The pen is mightier than the sword”. A pen for hire is often likened with the profession of an Assassin. But the former is worse than the latter because even assassins have a code which they honour. Once they take on a job, they cannot be out-bought by the target. If they do, a contract will be put on their heads, and with the scarce skill of the profession out there in the market, the less players left on the field, the higher the fees, making it a pleasure for their peers to have them “expired”.

As for bloggers, there are thousands out there, and their skills and intentions are widespread. But if one has a large following, one can either be a responsible and informative writer, an assassin, or a prostitute wordsmith, which is a traitor to the reading people when it corrupts their thoughts on a rightful matter.

One such example is the fugitive blogger who appeared on national television recently trying to exonerate him self from blemishing the current Prime Minister’s image when the latter was the Deputy Prime Minister. He admitted that the general intention behind declaring his statute was to “block Najib from succeeding Pak Lah”.

He may not have published nor said anything directly related to the Prime Minister or his wife, but the fact that the controversial/famous to some/infamous to others Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK) made a statutory declaration, on allegations by others made against the former, was good enough to imply that they were guilty as accused. Confusing enough? Yes, that was the general idea so that he can weave his way out of this and blame the others. What’s the point when the damage is already done?

Any similarity in looks as well as character?

The majority of RPK’s supporters may be birdbrains but others who are weary of him know that this is a desperate attempt by him to take his “head out of his own buttocks”.

Fact of the matter is, RPK had a large reader-base numbering in the tens of thousands if not more. He knew the influence he wielded especially after the publicity stunts that led him to his “vacation” in the Kemunting resort.

All he had to do was imply, and the majority would have taken it as gospel. Appearing innocent and trying to use technicalities to spin himself out of a web is a double-whammy for the people who believed in him. Firstly, he misled them with his actions. Secondly, he insults them further by trying to say that he was wrongly read!

We have a duty to the Nation. We shouldn’t be sensationalizing half-truths to become popular at the expense of paralyzing the nation in progress. I may sound dramatic but when the good name of a promising leader and his wife could be involved in a homicide, it slows down the Nation when the innocent party and the government (because of the office that he holds) have to be on the defensive. As readers ladies and gentlemen, reflect on how you would feel when you’re led to believe all that, only to be told later by the same culprit who led you, that he now doesn’t believe it to be true! Don’t you feel like a betrayed sucker?

When the Rakyat is betrayed, it constitutes treason in my book and such a person should be called a traitor for bringing our country’s reputation down a few notches because of the implications, that later spun into accusations abroad.

What interests me most is to know who took him out of the country, and how it was done considering he was a wanted man. They too, must be taken to task.

The next question in my mind is, was he paid to create the negative implication at that time towards Najib and Rosmah? If he was, then his status as fugitive can be upgraded (or downgraded) however you may view it, to “prostitute blogger" who brings gratification to his paying client.

Names Were Mentioned To Influence His Decision, Surveillance Should Be Administered And Some Action Taken On These Individuals If Their Movements Prove To Be Consistent To The Allegations Of Their Involvement. Learn From Our Neighbours Down South. Traitors Should Not Be Allowed To Roam Freely Misleading The Rakyat And Causing Problems To The State, Weather Implicitly Or Explicitly.

We Are 1Malaysia. Negara Dan Rakyat Didahulukan , Pencapaian Diutamakan.


Anonymous said...

Salam TPJ,

Bagaimana pula dengan blogger2 yg pro Pakatan dulu tetapi sudah bertaubat kerana mereka tahu Pakatan ni hanyalah sia2..

Saya bagi contoh : Kickdafella dan Zulkifli Nordin..

Pls elaborate and share your view on this TPJ

Din Melaka

TPJ said...

Din Melaka,
Assalamualaikum WBT.

Terlebih dahulu, saya memohon berbanyak2 maaf kerana lewat menjawab komen Tuan disebabkan tugasan saya yang lain.

Apabila seseorang memusing pandangan atau prinsipnya 180 darjah, sudah tentu kredibilitinya akan terjejas dan akan memakan masa yang lama untuk ianya pulih kembali.

Kickdefella pernah berkerja rapat dengan Husam Musa dan telah memakan gaji dengan mereka kerana beliau benar2 yakin dan percaya kepada perjuangan mereka. Namun apabila sudah terang-terang perjuangan mereka sudah lari dari gambaran yang disebarkan kepada umum, maka Kickdefella telah tukar haluan.

Walaupun Kickdefella sudah kembali ke landasan yang betul, namun kesannya tidaklah begitu ketara kerana ia hanya terhad kepada para pembaca blognya sahaja, dan kredibilitinya masih tersentuh.

Jika dilihat Zulkifli Nordin pula, beliau nampak lebih berkesan kerana beliau seorang ahli parlimen dan pandangan beliau disebarkan dengan luas di segala lapisan media. Zulkifli ada sebab2 yang sahih menyokong pembangkang pada awalnya kerana tabiat pemimpin2 UMNO Bahagiannya yang telah menyekat kemaraan dan hasratnya untuk berkhidmat.

Jika tidak silap saya, beliau pernah menjadi Ketua Pemuda UMNO Cawangan Kotaraya. Sekarang, beliau lebih menonjol dari Ketua UMNO Bahagiannya yang saya pun tidak tahu siapa.

Saudara, kita harus tahu membezakan diantara orang2 yang menyokong sesuatu kerana keyakinannya terhadap perjuangan itu ataupun kerana dibeli untuk menyokong. Saya percaya kedua Zulkifli dan Kickdf itu terpedaya dan bukan dibeli oleh mana2 pihak untuk menyokong pembangkang dan kepulangan mereka ke landasan yang betul itu dialu2kan walaupun kredibiliti mereka agak boleh dipersoalkan.

Mereka ini seolah2 seperti orang yang memakan makanan yang difikirkan halal tetapi mengandungi "cooking wine" tanpa pengetahuan mereka. Ianya boleh dimaafkan, namun ianya sudah termasuk dalam system pendarahan mereka.

Yang saya maksudkan dengan jenis blogger sundalan adalah mereka yang ada ramai pembaca dan menyokong seseorang pemimpin dengan tulisannya kerana kemewahan, dan bukan kerana perjuangan. Ini umpamanya seorang yang tahu bahawa makanan itu ada "cooking wine" tetapi pura2 tak tahu supaya ianya boleh diiktirafkan sebagai halal.

Kalau dengan RPK ini, disuatu masa awal2 dahulu, beliau pernah memegang jawatan penerangan dalam badan yang menyokong Anwar, kemudian beliau meinggalkan dan mengkritiknya. Tidak lama kemudian, apabila Najib hendak naik, beliau merujuk kembali dengan Anwar bersama dengan beberapa orang yang ada kaitan dengan seorang ahli Politik veteran yang amat kaya, untuk cuba menghalang kenaikan Najib. Sekarang, beliau mengutuk balik Anwar dan mengatakan apa yang dia percaya mungkin berlaku dahulu itu tidak mungkin berlaku.

Orang kaki botolpun boleh berhenti minum arak kalau dia ikut perkembangan RPK yang banyak pusing kata2ini. Bukannya kerana dianya betul tetapi kerana mereka boleh mabuk percuma dengan mendengar RPK pusing2 pandangan, tanpa membazir wang membeli Black Label, Jack Daniels mahupun Todi.

Hakikatnya, penulis upahan harus dikecam sementara yang menulis diatas dasar prinsip harus disanjung, walaupun dia menulis menyokong dasar pihak pembangkang.

Terima Kasih Saudara DIn Melaka kerana menyumbangkan pandangan dan bertanyakan kemusykilan.
