Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Dato Sri Hishammuddin Hussein, and Datuk Seri Shafie Afdal were reported in the Malaysian Insider to have altogether paid a courtesy call on Singapore’s Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. All three Ministers are Vice Presidents of UMNO.
Granted, the meeting was also with other officials who accompanied LKY on his official visit but why did our Ministers have to go to them at the Mandarin Oriental? Why couldn’t the meeting be at the conference room in the PM’s Department at Putrajaya? If indeed it was just a courtesy call and not an official one, why did it happen to be by three Ministers who are apparently also UMNO Vice Presidents? If Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong were to come, would he be accorded the same courtesy by our UMNO Vice Presidents? Have we officially recognized the position of a Minister Mentor while we don’t have one here?
Have the three UMNO Vice Presidents paid a courtesy call on the Tun at the Perdana Leadership Foundation for “45 minutes of advice and candor” ever since their victory to show their respect for the man who had shaped our Nation into being the fastest developing country in the world besides making UMNO a fully respected political party?
Whose idea was it that all three of them had to meet LKY? What was the reason behind it? Yes you may say that this posting is full of questions but isn’t it too coincidental just to be a matter of fact?
If we are doing it because LKY is a friend of the ruling government, then why, according to the same report in http://m.themalaysianinsider.com/articles.php?id=29162-young-leaders-welcome-lees-visit is he meeting with the opposition as well? When any of our officials go to Singapore, do you think he’d dare pay a courtesy call on the opposition party leader? Would he be accorded the same courtesy we are giving to LKY, i.e. providing police escort complete with sirens to meet with the opposition? We’re being thumbed in the nose and thanking him for it at the same time. This doesn’t send a good signal to the ground.
If anything, I hope at least these three stooges who are humble to the extent of being obedient LKY protégé wannabes, learnt 3 things from the Statesman whom I too admire as a leader in his own City State. They are:
1. How to make the minorities behave themselves, while taking pride and feeling like it’s a privilege in doing so.
Granted, the meeting was also with other officials who accompanied LKY on his official visit but why did our Ministers have to go to them at the Mandarin Oriental? Why couldn’t the meeting be at the conference room in the PM’s Department at Putrajaya? If indeed it was just a courtesy call and not an official one, why did it happen to be by three Ministers who are apparently also UMNO Vice Presidents? If Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong were to come, would he be accorded the same courtesy by our UMNO Vice Presidents? Have we officially recognized the position of a Minister Mentor while we don’t have one here?
Have the three UMNO Vice Presidents paid a courtesy call on the Tun at the Perdana Leadership Foundation for “45 minutes of advice and candor” ever since their victory to show their respect for the man who had shaped our Nation into being the fastest developing country in the world besides making UMNO a fully respected political party?
Whose idea was it that all three of them had to meet LKY? What was the reason behind it? Yes you may say that this posting is full of questions but isn’t it too coincidental just to be a matter of fact?
If we are doing it because LKY is a friend of the ruling government, then why, according to the same report in http://m.themalaysianinsider.com/articles.php?id=29162-young-leaders-welcome-lees-visit is he meeting with the opposition as well? When any of our officials go to Singapore, do you think he’d dare pay a courtesy call on the opposition party leader? Would he be accorded the same courtesy we are giving to LKY, i.e. providing police escort complete with sirens to meet with the opposition? We’re being thumbed in the nose and thanking him for it at the same time. This doesn’t send a good signal to the ground.
If anything, I hope at least these three stooges who are humble to the extent of being obedient LKY protégé wannabes, learnt 3 things from the Statesman whom I too admire as a leader in his own City State. They are:
1. How to make the minorities behave themselves, while taking pride and feeling like it’s a privilege in doing so.
2. How to deal with the opposition, i.e. bankrupt their backsides till they are left with only their singlets and shorts having lost their wives and family because of the same, and not being able to drive in posh vehicles to by-election campaigns.
3. How to control the Courts to the extent that it is more painful to go through the judicial process than to be stuffed under the I.S.A. making the latter available but insignificant.
Now if these UMNO Vice Presidents came out of the Mandarin Oriental having learnt all that during their courtesy call with my model politician, LKY, than I’d say it was a very good meeting indeed and hope that Mr Lee Kuan Yew would return to Malaysia on a follow up visit very soon.
Kenapalah agaknya beriya sangat 3 NP tu nak jumpa LKY??Untuk dapat coverage kat Spore kot..
Saya setuju part statement di mana 3 NP tu ada tak berjumpa dgn TUN sejurus memenangi jawatan tersebut.Kalau tak ada,memanglah amat memalukan.
Dalam agenda,LKY akan pergi ke negeri-negeri yang dikuasai pembangkang.Kita tengok lah apa yang dia nak nasihat nanti kat pemimpin2 PR nanti.Mungkin cara untuk bawak Chin Peng masuk dan menyakitkan hati org2 Melayu lagi..Manalah kita tau kan
Am imagining LKY in white hotel towel dispensing advice to the three Dato Sris...
I also think you'll get a lot of bashing from your followers for declaring your admiration for LKY.
Your provocative questions will make a lot of people think - I just can't wait for them to suggest some answers. The grand old Tun has provided his-"M'sian politicians don't know much that's why we have to learn from LKY".
I'm imagining one of the VPs in the towel wrapped across his breast..I mean chest with an orchid (Singapore's official flower) stuck behind one ear. No prizes for the right answer but his initials = the scientific name for water. LOL!
Don't worry, my followers know where I'm coming from. I despise LKY for his stand towards Malaysia but admire him for the way he rules with an iron fist in Singapore. This is how we should have led this country. We have much to learn from him if we stubbornly refuse to lead by Tun Dr Mahathir's example.
Sememangnya jika ketiga2 Naib Presiden UMNO itu tidak mengunjung hormat Tun Dr Mahathir selepas menang untuk mendapat sedikit pandangan jauh tetapi sebaliknya mengadap Lee Kuan Yew dan menerima nasihat, maka ketiga2 mereka mungkin ada sebab2 tertentu yang mengikat mereka kepada LKY. Terpulanglah kepada anda untuk menspeculasikan sebab musababnya.
Apakah keistimewaan LKY sehinggakan pemimpin2 tertinggi UMNO terpaksa tunduk dan memberi penghormatan sebegitu sekali kepadanya?
Apakah kita perlu untuk mendapat bantuan dari LKY untuk membetulkan negeri2 yang kita kalah? Apakah muslihat dibelakang hasratnya untuk bertemu dengan pemimpin2 yang dikuasai pembangkang?
Tidakkah kita lupa apa yang dibuat oleh Singapura apabila krisis kewangan melanda kita? Dia memberi faedah yang tinggi supaya orang kaya2 mengeluarkan duit mereka dari sini dan menyimpannya disana sekaligus menjahanamkan lagi ekonomi kita dengan mengeringkan liquiditi dalam negara.
Inilah orang yang hendak diajak untuk bincang konon.
Sebab itulah yang saya katakan, hanya tiga sahaja faedah yang kita boleh dapat darinya iaitu ilmu bagaimana hendak membenteras pembangkang, menguasai system penghakiman, mendisiplinkan rakyat lebih2 lagi tetamu kita yang bermastautin di negara ini.
Yang ini pun, kita boleh belajar dari Tun Dr Mahathir. Tetapi apakan daya, kita memang suka mengagung2kan orang luar yang sentiasa ada muslihat terhadap negara kita.
Sebelum ini, bila kah masa LKY datang berkunjung ke nagara kita sebegini lama? Mungkinkah dia sudah lihat ada ruang yang dia bermain peranan untuk menguatkan lagi DAP dan GERAKAN yang sudah bersuara semacam dia 42 tahun yang lalu?
Ini semuanya kita harus halusi dengan teliti dan pemimpin2 muda yang bangang ini yang boleh dianggap sebagai kacang putih tidak sedar yang mereka akan dijaja oleh pemimpin yang hebat itu seperti sami jual kacang di tepi padang bola.
They don't know who they are dealing with. Only Mahathir can go toe to toe with Kuan Yew and come out tops. The rest are chicken feed to the latter.
The 3 VPs was wasting LKY's time because the TV screen showed LKY looking at his watch....3 decades ago he said " I only talk to my equals",so the 3 guys cannot be his
equals lo ?
Mah Ngah Tong
Salam TPJ,
The timing,the length of stay and states that he will visit can raise a lot of question..
And by the way,why the hell UMNO's 3 VP have to come and meet him when they can;t spend time to visit our very own Dr M
In Malay ada menyebut,lihatlah yang "tersurat" dan yang "tersirat"..Thre are so many interpretation on LKY's visit.
Only god knows
Mah Ngah Tong,
You are absolutely right about Lee Kuan Yew only meeting his equal which explains why he preferred to avoid meeting Tun Dr Mahathir who is far superior than him in mind, body and soul at this point in time.
Yes, all three of the VPs wasted his time and I'm sure they also needed an interpreter to communicate with him. They probably got KJ to do that.
Salam Akeem,
LKY is here to gauge the strength of both BN and PAKATAN perhaps to see how much more he can help the latter since their policies are suitable for Singapore.
The silly UMNO chaps, instead of making it difficult for him to infiltrate, had probably brought files to show and tell all about our strengths and weaknesses.
With leaders like these, we won't need the opposition to give us trouble!
Aku heran bin ajaib lah, apa bila semua blogger memberi pandangan rase sangsi,cemburu,risau,was was dll(mana nya sependapat sekata), terhadap lee kuan yew yang nyata terbukti sejarah termasuk Hansard Parlimen(bukan donggeng)memang khianat kapda orang Melayu,para pemimpin Melayu yang di pimpin olih PM 1Malaysia rase sangat terbuka kapada beliau dan para pengiring.
Kita nak tunjuk Melayu ni baik,terbuka,bolih buat kawan,nak jadi jiran terbaik ke ?
ade tangan tangan tersembunyi ?
puas aku fikir perah otak tapi tak dapat jawapan ?
Tak mesti model baru ekonomi ?
Tak mesti 1Malaysia ?
Tak mesti Glokal ?
Tak mesti tingkat 4 ? Ade lagi ke ?
Aku tak halal lee kuan yew berak kencing di tanah melayu selama 8 hari.
Kumbahan itu dah masuk sistem ekologi kita.
dah semua pruduk pertanian termasuk khinzir di yusahakan olih orang malaysia untuk di jadikan taik yang di berak kan di singpura.
Tak tahan lah tengok dia senyum sinis kat kaca TV.
Bila nak berambus.
changkat lobak
arjuna waspada
Changkat Lobak,
Inilah yang kami sangsikan. Apabila Singapura ada sesuatu maklumat yang penting tentang pemimpin2 kita, mereka terpaksa tunduk kepada pemimpin negara itu. Itulah cara Yahudi mentadbir.
Inilah sebabnya yang saya katakan saya kagum dan admire mamat seperti Lee Kuan Yew. Beliau boleh memerah rakyatnya dan menghapuskan pembangkangan serta membisukan kaum minoriti didalam negara dia. Namun demikian saya harap tidak ada yang salah tafsirkan sanjungan peribadiku terhadapnya.
Beliau tetap dibenci kerana ketegasannya didalam polisi2nya membabitkan Malaysia. Tetapi cara bagaimana dia memerintah negaranyalah yang kita harus ikut. Kalau ada yang tak ikut cakap, cari hal keatasnya dan masukkan kedalam jail. Paling2 tidak pun, saman hingga orang itu tinggal seluar dalam dengan rokok setengah potong sahja.
Kalau kita marahkan LKY, kita harus memaki Naib2 Presiden UMNO yang pergi mengadapnya seperti belaiu Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia! Apakejadah yang mereka berjumpa dengannya tersipu2 macam kera nak mengawan?
Yang paling saya tidak boleh terima adalah kita membenarkannya berjumpa dengan pihak pembangkang siap bagi dengan police outrider bersiren lagi!
Saya mohon pembaca di blog ini supaya jangan menahan nafas untuk menunggu jawaban. Alamat meninggal dunialah sebelum jawaban itu di beri.
Hello again TPJ,
I personally think that LKY is probably giving moral support or endorsement to Najib's leadership which I think augurs well for UMNO.What do you think sir?Let's think positive dan bersangka baik..
All we need is just to analyze what would be the after effect of his visit to M'sia.
On the 3 VP's visit,I will also be mad and annoyed if they haven't visited our own Dr M after they won the VP race back in April.
As observers,we must use our brain and wisdom and not come to bad conclusion or assumption on LKY's visit here.
Before I finish,just want to say that I still have the greatest admiration of our greatest national figure, DR Mahathir.He's a true legend,stands above all others and is one in a million sir.
To our national leaders,look no further than Dr M for advice.Throw your ego far away in order to become respectable leaders.
Nice article and keep it coming
Hello Old Chap,
I think if LKY wants to give moral support to Najib's leadership, he need just meet Najib and his Cabinet at a more appropriate venue, ie Putrajaya. He needn't go out of his way to meet the opposition leaders unless he wants them to stand down if indeed he supports Najib.
He needn't meet Rosmah to measure her up to see how much of an influence/control she has over Najib and the Government of the day.
It is through wisdom and 40 years of experience being his closest neighbour and listening to almost all his speeches on the Singapore Channel that qualifies me to be sceptical about LKY's agenda.
Giving the benefit of the doubt to a known multiple saboteur is surely not very wise now is it Sir?
Singapore takes care of Singapore. All else is a waste of their time and money.
They do not make any move without first calculating what damage they can do unto others and benefit from it at the same time. Let's stroll down memory lane and reflect on how they outrageously raised interest rates for fixed deposits inducing our rich to move their liquidity to Singapore leaving us dry during the Asian Financial crisis. If it were not for Tun Dr Mahahthir's unorthodox method, Malaysia would have had to stay deep in the woods for much longer than perhaps Indonesia.
Thank you for your views Old Chap. No matter how we differ in the way we look at the situation, your point is nonetheless registered.
The American presidency have not managed to find the solution to the Israeli - Palestinian issue for the past 60 years. Even with the current Black/White president Obama i don't foresee him settling the dispute during his 4 year tenure plus another 4 years, if he wins reelection. Just the same, I don't see the dispute between Malaysia - Singapore ever being solved despite using all kind of diplomacy (including golf diplomacy!) And i thought we had intelligent politicians from both sides of the causeway who can solve these thorny issues. I think it has been 15 years since they began talking about solving these issues: 1. Causeway 2. Tanjung Pagar (railway station) 3. Airspace (for S'pore airforce usage) 4. Water 5. Sand 6. CPF (S'pore's EPF).
Not one of these issues have been solved despite the fact that 'grand old man' has made two official visits to Peninsular Malaya befitting a Head of State. From what i heard from Wisma Putra if not for the meddling by Mr D some of the issues would have been settled during Mahathir's time. Mr D wanted his cronies to jointly develope Tanjung Pagar with the S'pore GLC and in the process of doing so he compromised our standing on the other issues. Hence our officials had to stall the negotiations.
As for the 'three umno stooges'...well what more can you say...they are just that. 'Muka tak malu, pipi tersorong'. Kuan Yew never had them on his agenda. He had all the MCA & Gerakan hierarchy and the Opposition in his appointment book but not the stooges. Oh by the way, can you check if he met any Indian party...Hindraf, MIC, PPP or IPF?
Don't blame Kuan Yew for getting VVIP treatment or being able to meet the Opposition. He is accorded this treatment by virtue of the PM's Office (or is it the 4th floor boys...their remnants still exist), if not he wouldn't have the cheek to meet the opposition members.
Least but not last, i hope Kuan Yew noticed that during his visits to Penang & Selangor the surrounding developments he sees in these two states was done under the tenure of the Pakatan Rakyat and not BN or Alliance. Just imagine they even built the Penang Bridge in 15 months which even S'pore can't do! Perhaps Kuan Yew can learn something here!
Lastly, for your info current Umno has taken over from DAP as the extension of PAP in Malaysia, much to the chagrin of Lim Kit Siang! Well done Harry, Tunku and Syed Jaafar Albar are 'turning in their graves'!
P.S. Wait for LKY's next book on his experience regarding his recent visit to 'Beautifool' Malaysia. The three stooges will be tongue tied whilst the opposition members will be laughing all the way to Putra Jaya in 2013!
* Good article....you seem to have a 'love hate' relationship with S'pore & LKY!
If we can't even get the CPF to be returned to the Malaysian workers who've ended their tour of duty in Singapore, it'd be silly if our leaders even dream of negotiating other more difficult deals with them.
I love LKY's style of management and leadership but hate the way our leaders barring Tun Dr Mahathir are being slapped around like a skinny faggart in a school backyard by him.
The best way to deal with Singapore is to let things remain in status quo because being a nation with no natural resources, the only thing they are after is holding equity in companies that have a hold on natural resources in our country. They don't need natural resources when they can buy equity on utility companies and the sort the world over and have some form of control in the world economy. That is how the Jews maintain their influence on Washington.
Likewise, Singapore too would be embarking in such an endeavour in the corporate sector to eventually have a substantial influence over our so called "Big Boys" in the corridors of power.
Even now, we have disgustingly witnessed how the UMNO Vice Presidents kowtowed to him at the Mandarin Oriental, perhaps to make it easier for our leader to explain why LKY is allowed to see members of the opposition. As anticipated when asked the question, the answer was that he has come to see everyone not just the opposition. The thing is, LKY took the trouble of going to see the opposition leaders (Only Chinese based of course) while his Malay servants in KL who are supposedly the VPs in UMNO went TO him.
There WON'T ever be a win-win situation when we are up against Singapore because any deal that they approve must ensure that they have an upper hand in it. Anyone who beleives we can have an equal advantage when signing an agreement with them is a fool.
That is why Dr Mahathir opted to go ahead with the bridge on our side even if it had minor legal issues. If they went to war over a lousy bridge, who do you think would eventually be the biggest loser having to start from scratch with nothing but a rigid law imposed upon their citizens?
No I beleive LKY didn't see the members from the Indian political parties, just the Chinese based and the three stooges. While he was brave to see only the Chinese based political parties here, our leader who was on an official visit to Singapore last month I'm sure didn't even dare to meet with the Malays' Association of Singapore that was an extention of the defunct Singapore UMNO, currently known as the PEKEMAS (Persatuan Kebangsaan Melayu Singapura).
See what I mean by being slapped silly and into obedience?
For u and your followers reading pleasure.Something for us to digest and think about.
I copied the pantun with permission from Datuk A.Kadir Jasin's blog.TQ Datuk
LEE Kuan Yew datang dan pergi
Mengadap Raja, mengunjung Menteri
Bermesra dengan anak dan bini
Semuanya seronok tidak terperi.
Konon dipanggil “Uncle Lee”
Khabar cerita digelar “Daddy”
Satu Semenanjung dia pergi
Melawat negeri BN, Pas dan DAP.
Maka ramailah tunduk tafakur
Kerana “Uncle Lee” orang masyhur
Datang berduyun berbaris beratur
Hendak mendengar nasihat yang jujur.
Maka “Daddy Lee” pun berkata
Suami-isteri pasangan bahagia
Malaysia-Singapura jiran tetangga
Marilah kita hidup bersama.
“Uncle Lee” orangnya bijak
Kawan dan lawan semua dipijak
Dari zaman penjajah sudah pun nampak
Kawan baik ke penjara dicampak.
Cina, Melayu, India dia tak kira
Semua berkawan akrab dan mesra
Tetapi bila hendak berkuasa
Satu persatu dihumban ke penjara.
A Samad Ismail jangan dilupa
Lim Chin Siong itu siapa?
Devan Nair dikatakan gila
Kerana di depan “Daddy Lee” berani bersuara.
Tetapi itu cerita lama
Orang muda tak tahu apa
Tentang sejarah mereka buta
Cetek ilmu malas membaca.
Maka mereka pun sangatlah bangga
Dengan “Uncle Lee” dapat bersemuka
Lalu dilayan ibarat Maharaja
Bebaslah dia ke mana-mana.
Inilah kita orang Melayu
Mudah dipujuk, mudah dirayu
Kera di hutan diberikan susu
Anak di rumah letih dan lesu.
Ingatlah kata madah pujangga
Gula yang manis bawa bahaya
Dengan jiran kita bermesra
Tapi jangan tergadai bumi pusaka.
LKY datang dan pergi
Hebohlah kita satu negeri
Buat baik biarlah berperi
Takut tergadai kampung dan negeri.
Di pinggir sawah melakar kata
Ampun dan maaf terkasar bahasa
Nasib petani janganlah dilupa
Kerana merekalah makanan tersedia
Salam TPJ,
Reading through your posting,I can summarize that the three VP’s should show more class and not acting like desperados and you TPJ have a “love hate but respect” relationship with LKY.
Maybe it’s UMNO leaders culture to give a humble courtesy call to outside leaders to the extend of going to meet in LKY’s hotel instead the other way round.
They rather than spend their precious time,put off their busy schedule to meet LKY than spending 30 minutes with our own legend Tun Dr M who is probably the only person in M’sia who is a class above LKY
Having said that, I do hope at least the 3 VP’s will learn and get tips from LKY on how to handle and overcome some ungrateful people in the country who thinks they are above the law and can say or do whatever they want.
Look at how LKY regimented its citizens. Freedom of speech? Not in Spore..Try it if u dare.
I.S.A? I think they have it too over there.Their citizens don’t dare to make much noise because of the strict enforcement when someone try to instigate hatred against the government and try to raise racial tension.One opposition leader in S’pore died as a bankrupt for not being able to pay lawsuit fines.
I bet M’sians entering Spore will also not dare to break any of the rules there.
Go and Google about the case of an 18 year old American who was canned 6 times for spray-painting cars.Drug offenders will be punished with lightning speed in S’pore.
We can also learn from Singapore on good public transport , public safety, pedestrian walkways and cleanliness but not on things like being KIASU and looking down to other people.
LKY’s recent comments on Penang’s infrastructure that he described was not as good as that of Ipoh and Seremban is another example on his nugget of an observation.Let see where it goes from here and I believe in the end, it will benefit Penang as our beloved UMNO leaders will definitely give something to Penang to rectify the situation.
I can see more RM pouring in to a state under strong opposition hold.
Having say all that,LKY’s achievement in making S'pore a respectable country is something that we should emulate.On his visit to Malaysia, there is more than meet the eyes.Only god knows what it’s all about
ABC, I'm not as good as Datuk AKJ, but this is my attempt at a response.
Harry Lee nama timangan,
Datang ke Malaysia jumpa pembangkang,
Dari Penang hingga ke Kuantan,
Mengatur supaya BN terkangkang.
Main rugby terseliur lutut,
Sambung bermain kaki berbalot,
Kalau CPF pun gagal dituntut,
Janganlah dimimpi jambatan kontot.
Menghunus Keris tanpa dirayu,
Memohon maaf, perjuangannya layu,
Sungguh memalukan Pemimpin Melayu
Tanpa di undang mengadap Kuan Yew.
Pengkhianat Bangsa mengaku saudara,
Menjaga kebun setelah bersara,
Rakannya datang mengunjung Negara,
Hendak melihat kita sengsara.
Nasi di hidang sesedap rasa,
Dihidang dengan daun selasih,
Ampun dan maaf tersilap bahasa,
Ucapan salam terima kasih.
Salam SFSO,
Yes the 3 VPs did us injustice by going to see Mr Lee. Even if it was out of courtesy, it came out looking like it was out of obedience instead.
SFSO, Singapore's administration is perfect though not entirely corruption and nepotism free. They have minimal drug problems because their enforcement is impeccable, no Mat Rempits because they'd probably have to face the whip. Need I continue?
Now if the 3 VPs actually learnt how to deal with this and how to improve the transport system like you suggested when they met LKY instead of asking him about the weather in Singapore, then we would benefit from their call.
Thank you SFSO for taking the time to post your comment.
The Storm came and went, now let's wait for the damage assessment.
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