Monday, October 15, 2018

DAP Insult To Malacca - A Class Act That Beats Bollywood.

DAP Insult To Malacca - A Class Act That Beats Bollywood.

  1. First of all, I don’t understand the need to rush giving out awards to newly minted servants with no service history to the nation. But that is the right of a Ruler.

  1. I can now see why His Majesty the King probably declined to have a formal birthday celebration this year at the Palace, perhaps in fear of having to bow down to recommendations to confer “knighthoods” to undeserving subjects.

  1. Nonetheless, in Malacca, it could be that the Office of H. E. The Governor preferred to honour the Rakyat by conferring the titles to those who they voted into the State government recently.

  1. Being the dramatist that he is, Mr Lim Guan Eng MP sought mileage for his party by publicly reprimanding his subordinates for accepting the honours, and in the same breath insulted the Office of the Governor by implying that it was overzealous on their part to have conferred them this early in their term.

  1. Fooling the people have been turned into an art by this gentleman. 

  1. After assuming the role of the new government, Mr Lim could have issued a strong memo to his party members to quietly and respectfully decline any offer by the highest office in any State in such circumstances. 

  1. Instead he let them go through the process only to openly slap them on the wrists and bring disrepute to the office of the Head of State.

  1. Instead of using Tun Ghafar Baba being condescending towards Malays to prove his point, he could have used his own father and himself as perfect examples of those who remain as “Encik” perhaps until death or retirement, whichever comes first.

  1. I hope this pretentious act serves as a stern lesson to all Heads of States so that they won’t try too hard and quick to please the executive branch of State governments lest they be shamed in the end.

  1. This act will continue for as long as there are drama freaks buying tickets out there. 

  1. As everyone knows, actors are personalities who pretend on stage or a set with an agenda. And those who treat them more than just an escapism tool blending them with reality, are fools. 

Datuk Tengku Putra Haron Aminurrashid Jumat
Johor State Representative, Kempas N47 (2013-2018)

15th October 2018

6 Safar 1440H

DAP Menghina Melaka - Lakonan Yang Mengalahkan Bollywood.

1. Pertama sekali, saya tidak memahami keperluan untuk tergesa-gesa memberi penghargaan kepada ahli ahli Yang Berhormat baru yang  belumpun  mempunyai sejarah perkhidmatan kepada negara. Namun itu adalah hak pemerintah Negeri.

2. Saya dapat membaca kemungkinan  mengapa Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang DiPertuan Agong enggan menyambut perayaan ulang tahun rasmi baginda di Istana Negara baru baru ini, mungkin kerana takut untuk tunduk kepada cadangan untuk menganugerah darjah atau pingat kepada subjek yang belum layak.

3. Walau bagaimanapun, di Melaka, boleh jadi Pejabat TYT Yang DiPertua Negeri ingin memberi penghormatan kepada  Rakyat dengan menganugerah darjah dan pingat kepada yang mereka telah mengundi menjadi ahli kerajaan negeri baru-baru ini.

4. Bagaikan seorang dramatis, YB Encik Lim Guan Eng cuba mengambil nama untuk partinya dengan menegur orang bawahannya secara terbuka kerana menerima darjah darjah tersebut, dan dengan teguran itu secara tidak langsung telah menghina Pejabat TYT Yang DiPertua Negeri dengan menggambarkan seolah olah keputusan itu dibuat terburu buru  tanpa memikirkan tempoh jasa, yang di anggap terlalu awal dalam penggal perkhidmatan mereka.

5. Seni lakonan ini amat tinggi.

6. Setelah memegang peranan sebagai pemimpin dalam kerajaan yang baru, Encik Lim boleh mengeluarkan memo tegas kepada ahli partinya untuk secara senyap dan dengan penghormatan yang tinggi menolak tawaran oleh pemerintah tertinggi di mana-mana Negeri dalam keadaan sedemikian.

7. Sebaliknya, beliau membiarkan mereka menjalani segala proses tersebut supaya kemudiannya dapat beliau menegur secara terbuka dan secara tidak langsung menyentuh keputusan pejabat tertinggi negeri itu.

8. Daripada menggunakan nama Almarhum Tun Ghafar Baba supaya membeli jiwa orang Melayu untuk membuktikan maksudnya, beliau boleh menggunakan bapanya dan dirinya sendiri sebagai contoh terbaik bagi mereka yang kekal sebagai Encik sehingga bersara atau mati.

9. Saya harap perbuatan ini menjadi pengajaran tegas kepada semua Ketua-ketua Negeri supaya usaha murni mereka itu tidak disalah tafsir oleh rakyat sebagai keinginan untuk menghampu pemimpin-pemimpin kerajaan baru negeri masing masing.

10. Lakonan ini akan berterusan selagi ada penagih penagih drama yang “membeli tiket” di luar sana.

11. Seperti yang diketahui umum, pelakon adalah personaliti yang berpura-pura di panggung atau pentas dengan agenda cerita tersendiri. Jika penagih drama semuanya menganggap seolah2 karakter pelakon itu hidup di luar pentas, maka tertipulah semua hingga ke akhir hayat mereka.

Datuk Tengku Putra Haron Aminurrashid Jumat.
Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri, Kempas N47 (2013-2018).

15hb Oktober 2018

Thursday, May 31, 2018


  1. Bismillahirahmanirahim. Asalamualaikum WBT.
  1. Terlebih dahulu izinkan saya merafakkan kesyukuran kehadrat Allah SWT diatas segala nikmat, hidayah dan hikmahnya keatas kita semua di bulan Ramadhan ini.
  1. Jelas ini adalah Ramadhan yang paling mencabar kepada kita setelah berhadapan dengan keputusan pilihanraya yang paling menyedihkan ahli-ahli parti Melayu UMNO yang telah menerajui kepimpinan Kerajaan selama lebih enam puluh tahun.
  1. Sejujurnya ketentuan Allah ini adalah berlandaskan perjalanan kita sebagai sebuah parti selama ini.
  1. Pemimpin datang dan pergi namun parti UMNO wajib kekal untuk meneruskan perjuangan kita dalam menegakkan Agama Islam, hak orang Melayu serta Bumiputera,  dan Kedaulatan tanahair kita.
  1. Dalam tetapnya keimanan kita kepada Allah yang tidak berganjak, ketaatan kita kepada parti kesayangan ini pula sedang diuji pada tahap yang teramat getir.
  1. Di awal pasca pilihanraya sahaja tiga dari wakli rakyat UMNO yang telah di beri kepercayaan oleh rakyat khususnya orang Melayu, telah melompat parti kononnya untuk menyelamatkan kuasa Melayu di dalam Kerajaan negeri Johor sedangkan di Negeri Johor selama ini diuar-uarkan tiada istilah orang Melayu, Cina atau India melainkan Bangsa Johor. 
  1. Pada hari ini ramai dari ahli kita yang maseh didalam keadaan tidak percaya akan keputusan PRU14 dan ada juga yang hilang arah tuju sambil menunggu isyarat penting  dari pemangku-pemangku  pucuk pimpinan yang sedia ada, untuk menyuntikkan semangat perjuangan mereka yang mungkin telah luntur.
  1. Namun yang mendatang bukanlah kata-kata semangat tetapi sebaliknya arahan untuk memuhasabahkan diri seolah-olah penyebab utama kekalahan kita adalah ahli2 UMNO bawahan dan bukan pemimpin-pemimpin atasan yang telah mencorak strategi kaedah kempen pilihanraya.
  1. Jesteru saya menyaksikan saban hari kebelakangan ini, ramai dari ahli-ahli UMNO di kalangan rakan dan taulan seperjuangan selama 30 tahun mula keluar dari UMNO dan bercadang untuk berhijrah ke parti PPBM yang baru sahaja menang dibawah panji-panji PKR di PRU yang lepas.
  1. Ramai dikalangan mereka adalah ketua-ketua cawangan dan ramai juga yang tidak mahu mengadakan mesyuarat kerana hilang semangat. 
  1. Ini tidak di bantu pula dengan keputusan sesetengah ketua UMNO bahagian yang lebih selesa dengan mempunyai jumlah cawangan yang lebih kecil memandangkan kita bukan lagi parti yang memerintah.
  1. Kepada ahli-ahli seperjuangan dalam UMNO,  Keramatnya parti ini adalah kerana kehadhiran dan semangat kita untuk terus berjuang dengan ikhlas tanpa putus asa kerana Allah SWT.
  1. Parti UMNO adalah satu-satunya parti individu (bukan gabung) yang mempunyai jumlah kerusi yang terbanyak kini dalam Parlimen. Ertinya kita maseh lagi disokong dan diberi kepercayaan untuk memimpin oleh sebahagian besar bangsa kita di Semenanjung Tanah Melayu dan Sabah.
  1. Selebihnya dibahagi kepada dua parti Melayu lain yang tidak lama lagi pengundinya akan sedar, ketika hak keistimewaan tersurat mahupun tersirat bangsa Melayu menjadi terhakis dalam penggal yang mendatang ini.
  1. Dari itu saya berlutut merayu dan memohon kepada semua ahli-ahli UMNO supaya perkasakanlah semangat pemberontak Melayu semulajadi yang mengalir di dalam tubuh badan kjta untuk kekal meneruskan perjuangan di dalam Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu ini, yang telah memerdekakan generasi kita dari kerajaan orang putih dahulu. 
  1. Hidupkanlah cawangan-cawangan UMNO kita dengan mengadakan mesyuarat dan teruslah berjuang dalam parti yang sama tanpa memilih parti alternatif.
  1. Sesungguhnya Allah akan membalas jasa mereka yang beriman kepadaNya dan taat kepada kepercayaan kita. 
  1. Yang berhijrah ke parti lain akan di anak-tirikan oleh mereka dan mereka akan dianggap sebagai orang-orang  yang tidak boleh dipercayai kerana telah mengkhianati parti asal mereka  untuk bersama pihak yang menang.
  1. Kalaupun kita kecewa dengan pucuk pimpinan yang telah membawa kita hampir ketahap kehancuran, inilah peluang untuk kita menentukan hala tuju dan pucuk pimpinan parti kita yang baru, pada pemilihan yang akan datang.
  1. Marilah kita kekal bersama didalam apa keadaan sekalipun, susah mahupun senang kerana Parti kita sangat memerlukan kita diwaktu ini.
  1. Ambil balik kuasa parti kita dari tangan pemimpin-pemimpin kita yang sudah terlalu lama duduk di tampuk kuasa UMNO. Janganlah ikut telunjuk mereka akan siapa yang harus di angkat dalam berpasukan. Tepuk dada dan tentukan kuasa berada yang ditangan anda,  sebagaimana Rakyat umum telah menentukan nasib mereka di PRU14 dengan taqdir Allah. 
  1. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah apa yang ada pada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri - (Al- Ra’d 13:11).
  1. Selamatkanlah Parti Kita Bersama. Kepada Tuan-Tuan Dan Puan-Puan  Kami Sangat Berharap, Dan Kepada Allah Jua Kami Berserah.
  1. Wasallamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Dengan Tulus Ikhlas Dan Ta’at Setia,

Datuk Tengku Putra Haron Aminurrashid B Tan Sri Tengku Abdul Hamid Jumat. (DPSM, KMN) 

Ahli UMNO No 01059553
Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Johor, N47 Kempas (2013-2018)

14 Ramadhan 1439H

Saturday, May 19, 2018


This maybe the most profound Ramadhan that our country has ever had as we face one of Allah’s greatest tests; not only for the victor and the vanquished but also to the people of Malaysia post the 14th General Election.

To the new government, we say congratulations. We wish only the best in the interest of the country.

This is your chance to show leadership in governance and that it is as easy to govern as it is to oppose.

To the vanquished, it should be a bitter lesson to never take the people for granted and let our heads be too big for our shoulders. 

A total of 8 Ministers and 19 deputy Ministers lost their seats. Two Menteris Besar humiliatingly lost their states as well as their own seats. The rakyat not only precluded the party’s chosen candidates but almost unanimously rejected Barisan Nasional, the coalition that had been the ruling party for the past 60 years.

Members of the parties in the coalition, namely UMNO, must take a hard look at themselves and repent. 

It is almost a crime the way UMNO leaders are acting now especially in treating their immediate past President Datuk Seri Najib Razak. The attendance at the recent UMNO’s special prayers was reflective of how they have become in character. 

The hugs and kisses remain, not unlike sending a condemned man to the gas chamber, but he is on his own taking the responsibility over the outcome of the election. 

But responsibility cannot be rested upon just one man’s shoulders. Rightfully, he had to go but those who were collectively responsible, namely the top three decision-makers, at the very least should follow his departure. 

I'll be more direct in naming vice president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who is now running the duties of president, vice president Dato' Sri Hishammuddin Hussein who takes up the duties of the deputy president, and secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor.

Zahid failed to act fast and right on the reports given to him by the intelligence agencies under his purview.  

Tengku Adnan added fuel to the burning flame among the public with his damaging directives to the local councils and arrogant decisions on errant UMNO veterans.
Hishammuddin, the first cousin to the former Prime Minister who was openly known to be given the task to vet the candidates in this election, also failed miserably. Many believe the candidates were chosen to strengthen his position in the next party elections instead of focusing solely on winning the general elections. 

By not offering his resignation concurrently with Najib, I question his loyalty to his own flesh and blood, who stood to lift him in the hierarchy of UMNO until today.

It is evident that accountability is something that is almost non-existent in UMNO today. 

Instead of apologising for their mistakes they have the audacity to say to the members that this is not the time to point fingers and play the blame game. This is why there is no such thing as merit in the party. If we retain these failed leaders to continue leading us, then expect us to never see victory again.

Where is the "collective responsibility" that was so nobly mentioned by the Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin? Before his AirAsia’s Tony Fernandes-like confession, many were looking to this Brigadier General to lead the new pack in UMNO. Alas, he allegedly confessed that he knew the real situation but opted to mislead Najib into thinking that all was fine and dandy almost dragging the whole party into the grave with him.

Perception rules the political scene in this era and, in that respect, the ineffective Wanita chief too should resign considering the scandals have held her back from aggressively campaigning to defend BN from the vicious attacks by her predecessor during the election run.
The ministers and deputy ministers, who have failed to win their seats despite the umpteen government agencies and financial resources available to them, should also give way to new blood.
So too the two MBs who lost their states humiliatingly especially in Johor where he even failed to become opposition leader in the Assembly. 

Disloyalty and lip service are the worst attributes a leader could have. We must do away with such leaders or face the death of our party even sooner than expected. 

We too have a team of eminent persons to guide us forth.  The current three mentioned above are certainly not our last hope. On the contrary, they represent no hope as we are losing the confidence of even our own members on a daily basis. 

To the nation, we must be ready to adapt perhaps to changes to the liberties we once enjoyed but must sacrifice to see this country get back on track.

“Total Cleansing” of the Party must take place now if we are to regroup and rise as a clean and formidable opposition entity.

Revamp or be damned. If the truth was ever denied to the former President of UMNO by his close confidants, let THIS truth be loud and clear to the failed leaders by party loyalists on the ground.

Thursday, March 1, 2018


There could be no love lost between Robert Kuok and the government possibly due to an unpleasant policy putting his corporate outfit out of an advantage it enjoyed for decades. There were also excerpts in his book that may not have gone down well with local politicians.

Recently there have been outbursts against the tycoon for allegedly funding DAP to unseat the Government.

Whether true or not, there are avenues for the billionaire to seek remedy and, for slander or libel, his remedy could prove to be a fatal poison to the aggressor.

Logic dictates too that if there is no concrete evidence one would be out of his mind to take this man to task with such blistering statements.

One thing good however has come out of this on the brink of the general elections. We finally get to see who is wearing the sheep skin among the herd of the BN coalition.

We are at the brink of war and anyone who funds our enemy IS our enemy.

An MCA spokesperson said that “ "Robert Kuok as a businessman has every right to support whichever political party he deems fit.”

Conversely, politicians too have every right to curse the money that supports their opponents.

No one is untouchable in Malaysia and if MCA makes a fuss over the onslaught on Kuok not because of its offensiveness to the Malaysian but just because he is a Chinese tycoon, then we can witness the racist antics of this party.

MCA doesn’t have to worry about statements made by UMNO leaders that might hurt feelings of the Chinese effecting BN’s performance in the coming elections. They might do better instead by getting off their backsides and start contributing to the preparations of the BN machinery.

In Johor, MCA was the only party that didn’t submit their numbers from their groundwork to the State BN for analysis. Instead they keep on giving positive percentages plucked from the sky without justification.

It was also reported by a newsportal that Ong Ka Chuan “urged DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang to train his guns on Umno leaders, Raja Petra and not MCA, if he was unhappy with the attacks against Kuok”

This shows their readiness to be subservient to the chauvinist opposition party while breaking ranks with the ruling coalition.

I Hope The Good Prime Minister Will Take Cognisance Of This And Ensure That No Cabinet Seats Are Again Wasted On Them If They Further Fail To Win Their Seats Which By The Way, Was Won On The Backs Of Malay Voters!

Sunday, January 21, 2018


Recently there have been fast and loose statements be it from the stage as well as in the streets on how low it is for graduates to trade in nasi lemak and drive uber and the likes.

We should be proud that we are seeing resilience in our graduates today who are able to adapt with the times and situation of the country instead of sulking at home blaming the world like in the past. 

Creative Minds Drive This Nation. And Yes, Some Are Driven In An Uber!

According to Tun Mahathir, there is no University that teaches a person to trade in nasi lemak or drive uber.

Likewise I say there is no university that specifically teaches one to be Prime Minister of Malaysia, which is the only profession in the country that offers only one job. Yet, he became one for 22 years.

Universities don't teach nor guarantee the graduates employment. They teach them how to survive and thrive in life. Of course it helps in opening doors for interviews. But beyond that, it is up to the resilience and entrepreneurial skills of the candidates to land the job. 

Only those who can adapt in life will make the cut in this fast changing world. Sometimes one has to take a few steps back to survive but live to fight another day. But if you surrender and sulk for not getting the job you want and think you're qualified for, then there is no hope for our future.

Case in point, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin should rightly  be the candidate for shadow Prime Minister. He has youth, is a known fighter who stuck to his guns, and has experience in today's world of politics. Yet he stepped back to allow a super senior veteran to take the pole despite being qualified.

Muhyiddin here is like the graduate nasi lemak seller who can't get the job he wants but has to adapt. Applaud him for his sacrifice and resilience. Don't chastise him.

For the nasi lemak and uber graduates, at least they can pay their bills and still keep something on the side while temporarily being out of the job market.

They don't have Prime Minister fathers in the position to give out billion dollar contracts to make them multi-millionaires. So adapt they must. 
