
Asalamualaikum WBT and greetings to everyone.
Yes I am back! I saw no reason to remain quiet while all the other UMNO candidates from top to bottom continue to air their views on a host of matters.
I have decided to come out of hybernation especially because important events have cropped up that begged for UMNO participation but couldn't garner even one UMNO Youth EXCO member to defend such as Article 121 (1A) in the Constitution. All that was offered was the lip service given by the Youth Head and the EXCO in charge of Religious affairs. What appalls me is that they can come screaming their lungs out, when Islam is threatened thousands of miles away in the Middle East like Palestine but remain like sick mice when it is threatened here in Malaysia.
Yes, I'm talking about the Bar Council's recalcitrant behaviour touching on Islam, the religion UMNO leaders so heartily claim to defend but was nowhere to be seen when it needed defending. The Council's representative argued that they have no issue with Article 121 (1A) contradicting themselves in their agenda asking it to be revisited. On this score, in the name of God, King and Country, I would like to commend our counterpart in PAS, namely their Youth Wing and most importantly Saudara Zulkifli Nordin, MP, whom I was told is the former Youth Chief of the Kotaraya UMNO branch for their gallant effort and success in getting the forum to be aborted. Isn't it a shame that UMNO has to lose the real fighters for " Agama, Bangsa dan Negara " to the opposition leaving the lame ducks who are only good for crying out the slogan instead and getting rich doing it?
On that sorry note, I'd like to take this opportunity to urge every Malaysian citizen to Rise, Protect and Defend our Sovereignty, without which there would be no Independence. May Allah bless those who fought tooth and nail, and sacrificed much to achieve Home Rule from Great Britain without a shed of blood. and curse those who forsake the struggle.
To my fellow members in UMNO from the Supreme level down to the Roots, repent and be righteous again. We have astrayed from our original struggle. Work for the people and be grateful to those who have served. Make the change or be prepared to turn opposition in the next General Elections.
Yes I am back! I saw no reason to remain quiet while all the other UMNO candidates from top to bottom continue to air their views on a host of matters.
I have decided to come out of hybernation especially because important events have cropped up that begged for UMNO participation but couldn't garner even one UMNO Youth EXCO member to defend such as Article 121 (1A) in the Constitution. All that was offered was the lip service given by the Youth Head and the EXCO in charge of Religious affairs. What appalls me is that they can come screaming their lungs out, when Islam is threatened thousands of miles away in the Middle East like Palestine but remain like sick mice when it is threatened here in Malaysia.
Yes, I'm talking about the Bar Council's recalcitrant behaviour touching on Islam, the religion UMNO leaders so heartily claim to defend but was nowhere to be seen when it needed defending. The Council's representative argued that they have no issue with Article 121 (1A) contradicting themselves in their agenda asking it to be revisited. On this score, in the name of God, King and Country, I would like to commend our counterpart in PAS, namely their Youth Wing and most importantly Saudara Zulkifli Nordin, MP, whom I was told is the former Youth Chief of the Kotaraya UMNO branch for their gallant effort and success in getting the forum to be aborted. Isn't it a shame that UMNO has to lose the real fighters for " Agama, Bangsa dan Negara " to the opposition leaving the lame ducks who are only good for crying out the slogan instead and getting rich doing it?
On that sorry note, I'd like to take this opportunity to urge every Malaysian citizen to Rise, Protect and Defend our Sovereignty, without which there would be no Independence. May Allah bless those who fought tooth and nail, and sacrificed much to achieve Home Rule from Great Britain without a shed of blood. and curse those who forsake the struggle.
To my fellow members in UMNO from the Supreme level down to the Roots, repent and be righteous again. We have astrayed from our original struggle. Work for the people and be grateful to those who have served. Make the change or be prepared to turn opposition in the next General Elections.
Sebenarnya ini salah kerajaan juga,tak boleh salahkan Majlis Peguam nak bangkitkan isu itu,betul juga setelah saya membaca beberapa artikel daripada beberapa orang peguam.Tujuan Forum itu dijalankan adalah untuk mencari jalan memberi keadilan kepada pasangan dan anak kepada saudara baru kita yg memeluk islam,jika kerajaan sekarang cenderung dan sensitif dalam menjaga keadilan maka kerajaanlah yang sepatutnya menganjurkan Forum itu malah menjemput Majlis Peguam untuk memberi pendapat ini tidak,oleh kerana Majlis Peguam yg memang cenderung kepada PEMBANGKANG maka tidak mahu menerima kelemahan bahawa mereka tidak efficient.. Maka dengan ini PEMBANGKANG akan menggunakan perkara ini untuk mainan politik mereka dgn mengatakan bahawa kerajaan tidak dapat menjaga/memberi keadilan kepada bangsa dan agama lain.. KEnapa Majlis PEGUAM ISLAM atau Pihak yg bertanggungjawab dalam Mahkamah/Undang-undang Syariah tidak keluarkan pendapat memberi penjelasan?? Adakah Undang-undang Syariah tidak memberi keadilan kepada Orang Bukan Islam??? Ketahuilah bahawa ISLAM adalah adil kepada semua umat ISLAM mahupun bukan ISLAM. tetapi kemanakah PARA CERDIK PANDAI,IMAM,LEBAI,USTAZ,DOKTOR FALSAFAH,YG KONONNYA PANDAI DALAM AGAMA ISLAM DAN UNDANG-UNDANG SYARIAH,didalam UMNO,PAS dan semua NGO?? DImanakah PANDANGAN MEREKA??
Didalam kelambukah?Didalam Gua kah??
Sayangnya yang datang berdemontrasi itu hanya datang berdemontrasi tanpa tahu kenapa perlu berdemontrasi.. adakah Majlis Peguam itu cuba mempertikaikan AGAMA ISLAM? Tidak mereka cuma ingin memastikan pasangan kepada orang yg memeluk islam itu tidak teraniaya,jadi kepada para USTAZ,IMAM,LEBAI,DR PHD,CERDIK PANDAI AGAMA datang hadir untuk mempertahankan agama Islam dalam Forum,sama-samalah memperbaiki Undang-undang.. juga ketahuilah bahawa UNdang-undang syariah Malaysia juga adalah digubal oleh manusia berdasarkan Al-Quran dan Hadis,jadi tidak mustahil manusia melakukan kesilapan dan tertinggal sesuatu yg memberi keadilan kepada semua..
Mungkin juga salah Majlis Peguam memilih Tajuk Forum itu..
HArap Saudara dapat bukakan pemikiran Pemimpin Umat Islam kita kerana nak dapatkan populariti memang senang tetapi jgn memperbodohkan diri sendiri tanpa membuat kajian dahulu..
Harap para pemimpin UMNO tidak mengulangi perkara sama semasa berkempen di PErmatang PAuh nanti.. jika nak jadikan isu ini maka perlulah berfikir secara MATANG dan buatlah kajian tentang UNDANG-UNDANg SIVIL dan Syariah dahulu..
Saudara Iskandar,
Asalamualaikum WBT.
Ada juga perkara yang betul di dalam kenyataan Saudara itu yang mengatakan suatu persetujuan harus diraih untuk mendapatkan kepastian tentang kedudukan keluarga Saudara baru kita itu.
Yang kita musykil sekarang adalah tujuan Majlis Peguam membuat Forum tersebut. Adakah ianya ikhlas untuk mendapatkan persetujuan atau hendak menghina atau menunjuk keberaniannya menyoal kedudukan Article 121 (1A) itu?
Jika Majlis Peguam boleh berkhalwat dengan pihak Kerajaan dengan menganjurkan majlis penghargaan bagi Hakim-hakim yang kononnya telah teranyaia di bawah pemerintahan Tun Dr Mahathir melalui orang tengah mereka Zaid Ibrahim, mengapa pula mereka tidak mahu berunding dengan kerajaan dengan cara lebih bersopan dan tertutup tentang perkara ini?
Bukankah mereka boleh berdialog dengan Mufti-mufti melalui Menteri de facto Undang-undang dengan cara baik untuk mendapatkan penyelesaian yang lebih sempurna?
Dengan cara membuat forum terbuka ini, ianya:
1. Tidak akan mendapat penyelesaian kerana yang hadir itu bukanlah antara mereka yang boleh membuat keputusan.
2. Menampakkan kepada umum seolah-olah mereka berani mencabar, menyoal dan berbincang tentang perkara-perkara mengenai Islam dikalangan mereka-mereka yang Jahil tentangnya.
3. Mengundang tindakbalas yang ekstim dari pihak-pihak yang memperjuankan Islam semata-mata untuk mendapat publisti di luar negara dan memburukkan lagi nama baik negara kita di mata dunia.
Saudara, saya percaya tujuan forum itu di adakan mungkin murni dan harus pun di bincangkan, tetapi kaedah yang digunakan oleh Majlis Peguam adalah salah sama sekali kerana perbincangan ini menyentuh perkara yang amat sensitif yang seharusnya di tangani dengan lebih sempurna untuk mendapat kesan yang lebih tepat dan selamat.
Alasan bahawa pihak Kerajaan tidak boleh berunding adalah jumud dan suatu pembohongan kerana dalam pemerintahan Abdullah Badawi sudah ternyata yang Majlis Peguam sudahpun berkerjasama dengan Kerajaan menggunakan duit rakyat untuk sesuatu Majlis yang luarbiasa.
Terima kasih di atas pandangan Saudara.
I love to read ur blog.... Baru je jumpa...
By the way... asalkan perjuangan dan nawaitu kita betul maka kita semua tak aka tersasar dari landasan..
tq emy
kpu3 Melaka
Salam Bro and welcome back,
All this is happening because of a weak leadership. In the previous leadership , this would not have happened. In spite of uncertainties, a strong leader must show direction and be brave to make decision that they think is right for all. This is not happening now. Pleas be prepared for the worst!!!
Puan Emy,
Thank you for your compliment and welcome to my blog. Looking forward to read your thoughts on the current situatiion.
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