Monday, June 2, 2014


(Scroll down for the English version)

Teks Ucapan 
Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri N47 Kempas
YB DatukTengku Putra Haron Aminurrashid bin Tan Sri Tengku Abdul Hamid Jumat
di Dewan Undangan Johor.
1hb Jun 2014/ 2 Sha'ban 1435H

Bismillahirahmanir Rahim.
Assalamualaikum  Wbt Dan Salam Sejahtera.

Yang Berhormat Datuk Speaker,

1. Izinkan saya bagi pihak rakyat diKempas merakamkan ucapan terima kaseh kami kerana diberi peluang mengambil bahagian dalam perbahasan menjunjung kasih di atas titah ucapan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Baginda Sultan di bangunan Sultan Ibrahim tempoh hari.

2. Saya telah hayati dengan penuh keprihatinan titah ucapan Ke Bawah Duli Tuanku. Ternyata DYMM Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar amat peka dengan situasi negara khususnya di negeri Johor Darul Taqzim.

3. Anak Johor terus menjunjung duli bersetia kepada Baginda Sultan.

Datuk Speaker

4. Sejujurnya, saya mewakili rakyat Johor di bumi Kempas mengucapkan syabas kepada Dato’ Menteri Besar yang melafazkan ikrar dan janjinya  untuk tidak mengizinkan pembinaan gedung perjudian berupa “casino” di mana-mana tempat di bumi Johor ini.

5. Sebagai rakyat negeri Johor, kami merasa lega dan amat bersyukur kerana memiliki seorang Menteri Besar yang kental jiwa raganya untuk tidak merelakan sebarang elemen kemungkaran berlaku di negeri ini.

6. Namun begitu, adalah menjadi harapan kita agar lafaz ikrar Datuk Menteri Besar diterjemahkan secara total, di mana selain tidak mengizinkan pusat perjudian ala casino dibangunkan, kita juga mahukan sebarang kegiatan perjudian seperti bercorak mesin judi yang masih terdapat di beberapa premis atau rumah kedai segera dihapuskan tanpa sebarang toleransi, samada oleh pengusaha kecil mahupun syarikat2 besar yang sudahpun bertapak di Johor sebagai yang mempunyai lesen dan sudah tentunya berkeyakinan akan mendapat kelulusan dari pejabat daerah untuk berfungsi dimasa akan datang.

7. Kebimbangan saya berputik apabila sejak akhir akhir ini, bumi Johor sudah dilihat sebagai destinasi tumpuan kalangan beberapa orang “Tauke Perjudian” berlesen yang berselindung disebalik melakukan pelaburan hartanah. Jika kita tidak bersiap siaga, ada kemungkinan mereka turut membangunkan perisian perjudian di tempat yang sudah pun berlesen menjual arak secara terbuka. 

8. Janganlah mentang mentang tempat tersebut di benarkan menjual arak secara terbuka, kita bagi pula permit membuka tempat "slot machine" dengan izin di tempat yang sama. Ingatlah jangan kita cuba mengalihkan dosa kita kepada kerajaan pusat semata2 kerana lesen itu dikeluarkan oleh mereka. Perlu kita ingat bahawa jika permit tidak di keluarkan oleh pejabat daerah, walaupun ada lesen dari kerajaan pusatpun, mereka tidak boleh beroperasi mengikut kepada undang undang. 

9. Sia-sia sahjalah jika kita berusaha untuk menukarkan hari percutian kita kepada hari Jumaat untuk mendaulatkan Agama Islam di negeri Johor ini, jikalau kita benarkan pula tauke perjudian memulakan empayar perniagaannya disini.

10. Bukanlah menjadi hasrat saya untuk menzahirkan rasa  tidak yakin di atas  kepekaan serta ketegasan Yang Amat Berhormat Dato’ Menteri Besar, namun ada kalanya kita harus saling tegur menegur  dan ingat mengingati antara satu sama lain.

11. Saya ingin menyarankan dalam kita menjanjikan bumi Johor ini terhindar dari sebarang  elemen perjudian yang mungkin cuba di bawa oleh pelabur dari luar atas nama pembangunan, seharusnya setiap kegiatan ekonomi hendaklah dikongsi sama rata sama rasa.

YB Datuk Speaker

12. Kekayaan bumi Johor seharusnya dinikmati oleh warga Johor yang sentiasa  taat setia selama ini terhadap kerajaan Barisan Nasional. Kesetiaan, ketaatan dan kemurnian hati warga Johor jangan sekali-kali dirobek apabila kita melayan orang asing atas nama  mengamit pelaburan.

13. Walaupun kita mengalu-alukan pelaburan asing ke bumi Johor dari negara mana sekali pun, kita seharusnya bijak menilai pelaburan asing tersebut. Soalan utama yang harus dijawab adalah samada pelaburan tersebut boleh memenafaatkan rakyat Johor seperti menyediakan peluang2 pekerjaan, menjana peluang perniagaan industri kecil, dan sederhana, di sektor perkhidmatan sokongan (support services) melalui kerjasama dengan syarikat tempatan, pemindahan teknologi dan sebagainya.

14. Penjualan hartanah kepada pelabur asing tidak dilihat seperti mempunyai nilai tambahan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung kepada rakyat dibumi Johor. Sebaliknya ia hanya menguntungkan pihak yang membuat transaksi tersebut dan sekaligus menghijrahkan Rakyat yang kurang berkemampuan ke kawasan2 luar bandar dan terpencil kerana kos kehidupan dikawasan bandar sudah tentunya akan meningkat kelak. Ini belum lagi diambil kira budaya yang hendak di bawa oleh warga asing yang mungkin tidak serasi dengan Rakyat tempatan, jika mereka berhasrat untuk membanjiri kawasan dan bandaraya yang terlibat.

Datuk Speaker

15. Baru baru ini saya juga terbaca laporan berita di dalam dan luar negara mengenai ujudnya percaturan kuasa asing terhadap untung nasib bumi bertuah ini.

16. Laman sesawang luar negara tersebut menyiarkan berita seorang hartawan hebat dari negara jiran telah memeterai memorandum persefahaman @ MOU dengan  pihak tempatan di Johor bagi mengujudkan sebuah syarikat keselamatan di  Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar.

17. Khabarnya syarikat milik jutawan itu juga sedang “mengintai” peluang melebarkan jaringan perniagaannya bukan hanya untuk membekalkan tenaga pengawal keselamatan dengan kekuatan sejumlah enam ratus orang lengkap bersenjata, malahan ia bakal mengujudkan jaringan peralatan serba canggih termasuk sistem perisikan.

18. Pasukan kawalan keselamatan milik jutawan tersebut hampir menyamai satu batalion pasukan tentera, bakal berada di Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar, jika beliau berjaya memperolehi kontrak tersebut.

19. Dan jika tidak silap kefahaman saya, berita tersebut turut menyatakan syarikat milik jutawan negara jiran itu juga, di jangka memperolehi kontrak untuk membekalkan anggota dan sistem keselamatan dan jaringan peralatan di negeri Pulau Pinang dan ibunegara kita Kuala Lumpur atas nama perkongsian intelektual.  Fikirkanlah, Wilayah Iskandar, Pulau Pinang dan Kualal Lumpur, Tiga wilayah yang strategic yang boleh menyenangkan kegiatan "international sabotage" jika perlu. 

20. Dan jika benarlah seperti  yang diberitakan, ini bererti negeri Johor tidak lagi berperanan sebagai benteng utama negara. Malahan negeri Johor berkemungkinan menjadi jambatan terpenting bagi negara ini melebarkan jaringan wilayahnya secara langsung.

21. Dengan menerima pakai sistem keselamatan serta kehadiran gerombolan pengawal keselamatan milik syarikat tersebut di bumi ini nanti, dapatkah di jamin bahawa setiap rahsia kerajaan terpelihara dari sebarang kegiatan intipan?  Mampukah pihak berwajib yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kedaulatan dan kerahsiaan negara menjamin kesiagaan kita?

22. Janganlah hendaknya percaturan politik serta salah urus tadbir meletakkan untung nasib masa depan kepimpinan, bangsa dan rakyat Johor berada di laluan sukar dan menghampiri suatu jurang kehancuran yang sebenarnya boleh kita elakkan sekarang sebelum ianya terjadi. Insh'Allah.

Datuk Speaker

23. Kempas Menjunjung Kaseh sekali lagi keatas Titah Ucapan KBDYMM Baginda Sultan tempuh hari tentang Pulau Batu Putih. Kita telah pun kehilangan hak kedaulatan kita di atas Pulau Batu Putih yang kini dikenali sebagai “Pedra Branca” kepada Singapura apabila pasukan Peguam Negara yang arif lagi bijak pandai tewas  perbicaraan di International  Court of Justice di The Hague. 

24. Jikalau Pulau Batu Putih yang secara fisikalnya kita boleh lihat, boleh terlepas dari tangan kita, dan terpaksa diusahakan Insh'Allah untuk memenanginya kembali, bagaimanakah dan dimanakah kita merujuk jika kita kehilangan sebahagian atau keseluruhan kuasa dan keselamatan negeri kita kerana perisikan musuh yang tidak boleh dilihat secara fizikal?Adakah kita bersedia untuk kehilangan sekali lagi sebahagian besar dari kedaulatan Negeri kita?

25. Adakah kita hendak berjudi pula dengan kemerdekaan yang kita kecapi selama ini, dengan memberi kuasa asing yang sudah tentunya tidak ada ketaat-setiaannya kepada negari kita dan memberinya ruang untuk menyusup dan merisik segala rahsia kerajaan dan rakyat negeri Johor ini? 

26. Jika ianya berlaku, maka tiada satu mahklukpun dimukabumi Allah ini, yang boleh memulihkannya kembali, kerana mengikut kepada maksud suatu firman Allah SWT, "Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan merubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu sehingga kaum itu merubah nasib mereka sendiri." 

27. Dari itu kitalah yang harus berusaha dahulu untuk menjaga keselamatan negeri kita, sebelum kita bertawakal kepada Allah SWT.

28. Berbekalkan pengalaman serba merencam dan kepelbagaian kontroversi, apakah kehadiran jutawan yang memeterai memorandum persefahaman bersama pihak tempatan itu boleh sekadar dipandang sepi serta tidak wajar dipertikaikan?

YB Datuk Speaker,

29. Dalam kerancakkan  kita membangunkan hartanah dan lain2 pelaburan di Johor ini khususnya di kawasan saya di Kempas, saya  menuntut agar kejujuran, ketegasan serta keikhlasan pentadbiran  Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Menteri Besar tidak akan merelakan mana-mana pihak untuk membuat rakyat Johor, khususnya di bumi Kempas menitiskan airmata mereka. 

30. Sesungguhnya apabila kita melaungkan “ Luaskan Kuasamu ” yang sudahpun menjadi mantra Keramat kita, Wajiblah Kerajaan Negeri ini menentukan bahawa laungan  itu  adalah exclusive dan khusus hanya untuk rakyat negeri ini sahaja dan bukan nya suatu undangan terbuka kepada mana2 warga asing untuk Meluaskan Kuasanya dibumi Johor ini.

31. Kempas Berdo'a, Jangan Sampai Rakyat diNegeri Johor Ini Hanya Menang Bersorak Tetapi Negerinya Tergadai.‎ Barang Di Jauhkan Allah.

Akhirkata YB Datuk Speaker, Luaskan KuasaMu! Kempas Mohon Menyokong. 

Wabillahi Taufik Walhidayah, Wasalamualaikum WBT.

Speech Text By 
The Honourable Datuk Tengku Putra Haron Aminurrashid bin Tan Sri Tengku Abdul Hamid Jumat
State Assemblyman for N47 Kempas
Delivered at the State Assembly of Johor Darul Taqzim
1st June 2014/2 Sha'ban 1435H

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Gracious, And Most Merciful.

Assalamualaikum Wbt and Salam Sejahtera.

The Honourable Datuk Speaker,

1. Allow me on behalf of the people of Kempas to express our gratitude for the opportunity to take part in the debate on the motion of thanks for His Royal Highness’ Royal Address delivered at the Sultan Ibrahim Building recently.

2. I listened with great concern the Royal Address by His Royal Highness The Sultan. It is evident that His Royal Highness Sultan Ibrahim ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar is sensitive to the situation in the country, particularly in the state of Johor Darul Taqzim.

3. As citizens of Johor, we continue to place our loyalty to His Royal Highness The Sultan.

Datuk Speaker

4. In all sincerity, I represent the people of Kempas in commending the Menteri Besar for his pledge and promise to not allow the development of gambling dens in the form of casinos anywhere in the state of Johor.

5. As citizens of the state of Johor, we feel relieved and very grateful for having a Menteri Besar who has a strong enough will to not allow any evil elements to set foot in the state.

6. Nevertheless, it is our hope that the pledge by the Menteri Besar is realised in its entirety, applying not only to full scale casinos, but also to any and all gambling activities, including but not limited to “slot machines” that are still found in many premises across the state of Johor, including in shop houses. We hope that all of these gambling activities are eradicated without any exemptions, irrespective of whether they are run by illegal small-time operators or indeed by any of the big-time businessmen, who may have already gained a foothold in Johor, and having already obtained their gambling licenses from the federal government, may feel confident of getting the necessary approvals from the District Office in order to operate in Johor.

7. My worry stemmed from the fact that of late, Johor is seen as a destination by several licensed gambling bosses who mask their real intentions behind the veil of a real estate investment. If we are not alert, there is the possibility that they would include gambling dens within their respective establishments which are already licensed to sell liquor.

8. We cannot allow even licensed slot machines to be operated at these establishments just because they already sell liquor. And we cannot approve the permits and attribute our sins to the federal government just because these gambling licenses are issued by them. We need not be reminded that without the granting of approvals by the relevant District Office, these gambling operators cannot be deemed to be operating legally within our state, notwithstanding the licenses that they may have obtained from the federal government

9. Our righteous efforts to empower Islam in the state, by changing our off days to Friday, will be in vain if we give the gambling bosses the nod for them to launch their empires here.

10. It is not my intention to question the pledge given by the Menteri Besar but at times, there is a need for us to give friendly reminders to each other.

11. I suggest that as we promise to insulate Johor from any form of gambling elements which may be brought in by investors from outside Johor in the name of development, we must ensure that all economic activities are shared equally and are acceptable to all.

Datuk Speaker 

12. The wealth in Johor should be enjoyed by the citizens especially those who have given their trust and support to the Barisan Nasional government through the generations. The loyalty, obedience and the pureness of heart of Johoreans should not be forsaken as we entertain foreigners in the hope of attracting foreign investment.

13. While we welcome foreign investments into Johor, we should be wise enough to assess the merits of these investments. The key questions that must be answered are whether the investments can benefit Johor and Johoreans in terms of job creation and employment, business opportunities for the local small and medium sized enterprises, joint ventures in the support services sector with local companies, technology transfer and so on.

14. The sale of land to foreign investors does not add any value whether directly or indirectly to the people of Johor. Instead, it only benefits the individuals partaking in the said transactions and would result in the migration of the less fortunate citizens to the rural and remote areas as the cost of living in the city will definitely rise. Furthermore, there would certainly be a clash of cultures between the locals and the foreigners, if the latter intends to flood the affected areas and the city.

Datuk Speaker

15. I read recently from the local and foreign news reports about the existence of a foreign power in the state.

16. A foreign news website had published that a business magnate from a neighbouring country had signed a memorandum of understanding @ MOU with a local party in Johor to establish a security company in the Iskandar Development Region.

17. The company belonging to the foreign billionaire is also said to be eyeing the opportunity to widen its network to not only provide 600 well-armed security guards but also to create cutting-edge security equipment including intelligence systems.

18. This billionaire's security team, which equates to almost a battalion of soldiers, will be stationed in the Iskandar Development Region, if he is successful in securing the contract.

19. To my understanding, the report also stated that the said billionaire is expected to secure the contract to supply personnel and security systems and equipment in Penang and Kuala Lumpur under the guise of an intellectual partnership. Think about it, the Iskandar region, Penang and Kuala Lumpur are three of the most strategic regions in our country, and this could open us up to international sabotage activities.

20. And if it is true as reported, this means that the state of Johor will no longer be the country's main bastion. Instead, Johor may ironically serve to be the most important bridge for that foreign country to widen its regional network.

21. If we approve the implementation of this foreign-controlled security system together with its horde of security guards, can the government guarantee that every state secret is fully-protected? Can the authorities in charge of national sovereignty and security ensure our state of preparedness for any eventuality?

22. Let us not continue to stand aside and allow politicking and mismanagement to jeopardise the future of our people and our nation, when we still have the opportunity to act. It is still not too late . Insh'Allah.

Datuk Speaker

23. Kempas upholds His Royal Highness The Sultan’s Royal Address on Pulau Batu Putih. We lost our sovereignty over Pulau Batu Putih, now known as " Pedra Branca ", to Singapore when the Attorney-General’s " learned and wise " team lost the hearing at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

24. If Pulau Batu Puteh (which has a physical form) can escape from our hands, (and we now have to work to win it back, Insh'Allah), we may not even be aware when we lose part or all of the sovereignty of our country, because intelligence is not an enemy which has a physical manifestation. Are we prepared to lose once again a big part of the sovereignty of our State?

25. Would we want to gamble away the independence that we have savoured all these years, by possibly giving our government’s secrets away to a foreign national who has no allegiance to our country, and compromising on the privacy of the people of Johor? May Allah Forbid!

26. If it happens, then no creation of God on the face of this earth can ever restore it, because according to the purpose of this decree by Allah, "Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change 
their own destiny."

27. As such, we must seek first to protect the security of our country by ourselves, before leaving our destiny fully in the hands of God.

28. Based on our myriad of experiences and many controversies, could we simply plead ignorance and remain passive, now that we are aware of the possibility that this foreign billionaire has already signed the aforementioned memorandum of understanding with the local party?

Honourable Datuk Speaker

29. In the robustness of real estate development and other investments in Johor, especially in my constituency of Kempas, I appeal for the honesty, steadfastness and sincerity of the administration of the Honourable Datuk Menteri Besar to not allow any party to cause the people of Johor, especially those of Kempas, to shed any more tears of regret.

30. Indeed, when we chant the State’s slogan "Luaskan Kuasamu”, which has already become our sacred Mantra, it is our duty to ensure that the State's slogan applies exclusively and specifically to the people of this State. It should never be construed as an open invitation to any foreigner wanting to expand their power on Johor soil.

31. Kempas prays that the Citizens of Johor are not merely victorious in their loud War Cries, while our state slowly slips into foreign hands. May God Forbid!

With that Honourable Datuk Speaker, I Bid You “Luaskan Kuasamu”!

Kempas Supports the Motion.

Wabillahi Taufik Walhidayah, Wasalamualaikum WBT.