Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Law Minister Must Address The Johor Issue, Once And For All!

1. I commend the Johor State Government and the Johor Youth Council for organising the Johor Youth Meet Up last week.

2. Attended by a diverse group, many valuable ideas emerged from the event including from HRH The Regent of Johor.

3. HRH proposed several constructive ideas: i) enhancing the education system, ii) fostering creativity and productivity among Johoreans, iii) advocating for a fairer allocation of taxes to the State, and iv) promoting unity to strengthen negotiations with the federal government.

4. Unfortunately, HRH's remarks on “partnership” with” and “not belonging to” Malaysia were disproportionately highlighted, thus overshadowing these constructive proposals.

5. This sparked nationwide dialogue on constitutional matters and national unity.

6. Before we applaud ignorantly to the great soundbites by a VIP on issues that might run contra to the spirit of the two books, we need to know the entitlements in the Federal and State constitutions. 

7. There's no better way to achieve clarity than to study these foundational documents.

8. Expert interpretations of such discussions often lack finality, leaving conclusions to the public.

9. The Law Minister, as a Johorean herself,  should clarify unequivocally the states' roles within the Peninsula and differentiate them from Sabah and Sarawak.

10. This will dispel confusion and prevent misinformed discussions among citizens unfamiliar with constitutional principles.

11. Citizens parroting immune VIPs on sensitive matters concerning national security, risks sedition charges.

12. When certain quarters in Johor spewed out innuendoes of seceding from Malaysia, we had on 14th February 2017 organised a forum and invited a Constitutional expert to educate Johoreans on the matter. 

13. The Federal and State Constitutions were distributed to enhance public understanding.

14. We had proposed introducing constitutional studies in secondary schools to empower students with crucial civic knowledge.

15. Shockingly, no bookstore in Johor sold these vital documents, hindering public access to constitutional information.

16. Public excitement over sensational statements stems from this lack of information.

17. Johor, like every other state, is an integral part of Malaysia.

18. While aspiring to excel, Johor's place in Malaysia is undeniable and enduring.

19. To prevent revisiting Johor's constitutional status and potential sedition, the Law Minister MUST issue a clear and definitive statement.

20. Such clarity should deter other states from contemplating similar actions.

21. Autonomy In Any State Within Peninsular Malaysia Should Be Categorically REJECTED.

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