Sunday, May 19, 2024

Conclude Thorough Investigations Before Making Public Announcements

1. I am compelled to express a critical concern regarding the recent trend of making premature public announcements related to ongoing investigations. 

2. It is imperative for the integrity of our police force and national security that statements are not made before a thorough investigation is concluded.

3. I refer to the Ulu Tiram security breach at the police station incident where the initial report quoted the authorities linking the suspect to the Jemaah Islamiyah. 

4. However, it was announced today that the suspect was NOT a member of the Jemaah Islamiyah.

5. The initial annnouncement painted a bad picture on Islam which is commonly being related to terrorism by the West with malice and Islamophobics at home.

6. It also incubates speculation among the public and insecurity among our investors including in the stock market.

7. To restore the professional standards and uphold justice, I strongly advise the authorities to adhere strictly to protocol of cases such as this ( if one even exists ).

8. Announcements must only be made after thorough investigations are concluded and verified by all necessary authorities. 

9. By ensuring that all announcements are well-founded and responsible, the law can be upheld effectively while maintaining the public’s confidence in our security forces.

10. Please Take A Moment To Recite The AlFateha For Our Fallen Men In Blue. May They Rest In Peace Amongst The Pious.

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