Monday, September 12, 2011


Traditional Representation Of A Gentleman

20:00 hours sharp tonight, marks exactly 20 years of my union with my loving wife whom I regard as my Patriot of Patriots.

We often refer being patriotic to one’s loyalty to one’s country. I dare say there is not one Soul who would even consider a spouse’s loyalty to be an act of Patriotism.

Politicians must start thinking this way about their wives (the ones who do not meddle in the Affairs of the State) without taking their sacrifices for granted. This is because their unselfish act of sharing us with the mass in terms of time and attention is all done in the name of King & Country.

Ever since I knelt down to propose to my better half on one knee, while a string quartet was playing by our table, where she said “ yes “ after a split second pause, which felt like a million years almost giving me a cardiac on the floor of the French Restaurant, my life has been blessed.

In the absence of my parents, she flew to me for my graduation, which very much inspired me to complete my degree program on time! She gave me three beautiful children two of whom (twin boys) were born on my birthday, disqualifying me from expecting a birthday present from her for the rest of my life.

I’m blessed because she has both beauty and brains, independent and comfortable with people from all walks of life and loyally supportive of my passion which is politics allowing me to serve without interruption or intrusion.

Giving Me Peace In My Mind While In Service To The Nation Makes Her My Patriot Of Patriots, My Angel, My Truest Seraph, My Everything.

Happy 20th Anniversary Precious!


  1. Salam Tengku
    A fitting tribute to the wife. Happy Anniversary. Wishing you both many, many more years of togetherness.

  2. What a beautiful tribute! Happy 20th dearest brother and Zam. May Allah SWT bless you both with many, many more happy years together.
    Kak H and Johan Keith

  3. O Captain! My Captain,

    You just gave me THE GREATEST GIFT ever given by a man to his wife! What could possibly be better than having your man honouring you with love and high recognition for all to see.

    What did I get him? ...My Captain has definitely got the short end of the anniversary stick this time...

    O Allah, I am grateful for him who completes my life; for giving him to me to love, honour and cherish. Enable me to bring joy to his life, in carrying this honourable title of his wife and patriot of patriots, always.

    Happy 20th Anniversary, O Captain! My Captain!

  4. Salam Cik Fauziah.

    Thank you for your kind wishes. Amin.

  5. Dear Kak Hasnah

    Thanks for the the DOA. Amin. Hope the Hurricane didn't affect you much there!

    My love to Keith and the family.

  6. Anonymous 12:29AM.

    Need I Say More About The Brain That Comes With This Beauty?

    With You In My Ship, I Will Remain In The Oceans Forever...

    With Much Love & Affection,
    Admiral TPJ
