Thursday, August 19, 2010


Happy Merdeka Month. Keep The Flag Flying!

Better Late Than Never

After four days of posting the disgust I felt for the MCA President and his cheap stunt of trying to stir up racial disharmony to distract people from MCA’s serious inability to serve and win the Chinese over, Utusan Malaysia finally took the matter up by interviewing Malay leaders on the matters of the same. Below is the excerpt from today’s front page which proves my article right that the Chinese regardless of their political affiliations will unite for the sake of their own race while the Malays would rather quarrel with one another benefiting the aliens just to spite their own people. My own prediction is that MCA will sacrifice itself and deliberately lose the BN ticket in the next election so that DAP can have more seats and strengthen the Chinese hold on national politics to push their Communistic attributes on the National Policy. Let this be a humble “ heads up ” for our good Prime Minister to ponder over. Best we expel them and start to serve the Chinese community ourselves. To those who think this is a racist’s view, think again. Our quarrel is not with the Chinese people at large, but their blasted leaders who use race based arguments to threaten the harmony of this multiracial country for personal glory. EXPEL MCA FROM BN AND PUT CHUA SOI LEK IN ISA! After all, only 7% of the Chinese public like him. Perhaps we might even win more Chinese votes if we detain him with as good a cause as this.

Perbuatan 'ala DAP' bangkitkan rasa sakit hati

KUALA LUMPUR 17 Ogos - Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek diminta menghentikan perbuatannya yang 'ala DAP' kerana ia hanya akan membangkitkan rasa sakit hati kaum Melayu di negara ini.

Ahli Majlis Tertinggi (MT) UMNO, Dr. Mohd. Puad Zakashi berkata, antaranya adalah tindakan Soi Lek menyentuh hak serta keistimewaan orang Melayu seperti mana termaktub dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Beliau turut menyelar Soi Lek kerana menjadikan Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) sebagai kambing hitam tetapi tidak menegur pertubuhan Cina seperti Dong Zong yang sering membangkitkan isu-isu sensitif.

"Begitu juga dengan permintaannya memperbanyakkan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC). Kerajaan tidak pernah mengabaikan usaha membina SJKC yang baru tetapi isunya ialah tanah dan kos. Soi Lek tahu mengenai perkara ini.

"Walau apa pun, di peringkat kerajaan sudah tentu keutamaan diberi kepada pembinaan sekolah kebangsaan kerana ia merupakan aliran utama dalam memenuhi hasrat Dasar Pelajaran Kebangsaan," katanya dalam blog

Tulisannya itu sebagai mengulas kenyataan-kenyataan kontroversi Soi Lek yang disiarkan di akhbar-akhbar tempatan baru-baru ini.

Terbaru Soi Lek berkata, MCA tidak takut berkongsi pandangan dengan DAP dalam hal yang memberi keuntungan kepada masyarakat Cina.

Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin ketika mengulas tindak-tanduk Soi Lek itu mengingatkan MCA supaya jangan terlalu ghairah menjuarai kepentingan dan tuntutan kaum sendiri sehingga menjejaskan kestabilan serta keharmonian antara kaum di negara ini.
Mohd. Puad menjelaskan, tidak seperti sekolah jenis kebangsaan, sekolah kebangsaan bukan untuk pelajar Melayu sahaja sebaliknya ia adalah sekolah bagi semua kaum.

"Untuk pengetahuan Soi Lek, banyak lagi sekolah kebangsaan khususnya di pedalaman dan luar bandar yang daif. Sekolah ini dipenuhi oleh pelajar daripada pelbagai keturunan seperti Iban, Kadazan, Penan, Murut dan Kayan.

"Apakah sekolah mereka yang daif itu mesti diabaikan hanya untuk memenuhi desakan Soi Lek," katanya.

Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Mohd. Puad berkata, tidak dinafikan kini timbul kebimbangan bahawa Soi Lek terikut-ikut dengan rentak dan cara DAP bagi meraih semula sokongan masyarakat Cina.

"Sokongan orang Cina kepada MCA ternyata merosot. Pilihan raya kecil di Hulu Selangor dan Sibu membuktikan segalanya-galanya," katanya.

Bagaimanapun, beliau berkata, Soi Lek tidak pula boleh mengambil jalan mudah dengan menuding jari kepada UMNO kononnya sikap beberapa pemimpin memperjuangkan isu orang Melayu menyebabkan orang Cina lari daripada menyokong BN.

"Peliknya ada antara mereka termasuk Soi Lek bebas sesuka hati membangkitkan isu-isu sensitif yang akhirnya menyakitkan hati orang Melayu," katanya.


  1. MCA is worse than DAP

    Now they have a porn star as their President,it's becoming worst..

    Stupid arrogant party with pathetic snobbish leaders..

    Used to like MCA but nit anymore..Just fed up with their antics

  2. Salam TPj,

    Selamat Berpuasa kpd and dan keluarga

    Sedarkah MCA yg kebanyakan kerusi Parlimen yg dimenangi adalah di kawasan majoriti Melayu(lebih 50% Melayu)kerana kebaikan parti tunjang BN iaitu UMNO..Campakkan fakta ini ke muka Chua sex Leg tu untuk dia faham yg bukan sahaja org Cina tapi Melayu2 yg mengundi MCA pun dah fed up.

    Apa pun jasa MCA dan parti2 gabungan lain pun masih releven.Contoh paling nyata masa nak luluskan Belanjawan 2010 di mana PM dan TPM terpaksa bergegas ke Parlimen dan BN hanya menang dgn 3 undi sahaja..Masa tu yg mengundi nak tumpangkan kerajaan adalah harami2 dari DAP dan PKR.Lagi sedih yg berserban dan berjanggut dari PAS pun di pihak sana..Terharu tengok sokongan dari pihak BN pada masa tu.Bayangkan kalau MCA buat hal dan tak undi usul luluskan Belanjawan.Naya jugak kita

  3. If you scrutinise the constitution, vernacular schools should not be funded by the govt because it is against the official language.

    It goes against 1Malaysia, goes against nation building. Worse it encourages affiliation to a foreign country through a systematic indoctrination of a value system and cultures of foreign country.

    Moreover the original aim of these vernacular schools are now rendered OBSOLETE, since these aliens decided to embrace Malaysian citizenship.

    As simple as that: have outlived their very objective which is to send all these aliens back to their country of origin.

    No two ways about it - abolish vernacular schools if you claim yourselves as TRUE Malaysians.

    This would be the acid test of loyalties.

  4. Najib should just follow this "successful" leader

  5. Malique,

    MCA has become an irrelevant party. That is why they have to make irritating noise to remind people that they still exist.

    Thank you for your comment.

  6. Jebat Perkasa,

    Benar, jasa MCA masih ada khususnya semasa kita ketandusan ahli parlimen semasa mengundi untuk usul belanjawan hasil dari kealpaan Menteri Parlimen Nazri dan MP-MP yang kurang bertanggungjawab. Namun demikian, suara-suara sumbang yang menghina bangsa Melayu dan Agama Islam dari pihak mereka ini boleh mendatangkan mudharat kepada BN lebih-lebih lagi apabila ada Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri hanya tahu untuk menegur tetapi tidak berani bertindak demi untuk menjaga keharmonian rakyat. Apabila dibilasnya kembali oleh Chua Soi Lek, Menteri yang seharusnya menjadi ahli kabinet yang paling diseruni itu menjadi senyap bagaikan tikus. Seharusnya Soi Lek dicekup pihak berkuasa dan dihumban kedalam bawah akta ISA kerana menghina Agama Islam dan Bangsa Melayu. Walaupun benar dia hanya mengulangi apa yang ditulis dalam sebuah buku oleh seorang Arab Melayu, namun demikian kritikan tersebut tidak akan menimbulkan keadaan tegang dan berbau perkauman kerana ianya adalah teguran oleh seseorang terhadap bangsanya sendiri. Inilah masalahnya jika Menteri Dalam Negeri mempunyai penasihat bangsa Cina dari MCA pula.

    Jika tindakan tersebut itu diambil, maka hukumannya bukanlah kepada parti MCA yang pernah berjasa kepada kita sepertimana yang saudara katakan itu, tetapi kepada pemimpin Kominis Haraminya itu sahaja yang berani mencabar orang Melayu dan Agama Islam.

    Terima kasih diatas sumbangan saudara disini dan saya ucapkan Salam Ramadhan kepada Saudara sekeluarga dengan iringan Doa Selamat untuk semua.

  7. Anonymous 6:56am

    I agree that these types of schools should not be financed by the government. They should thank their lucky stars that they are allowed to exist as it is at all. I'll have to refer to the Constitution to see it's interpretation though I think what you stated sounds quite right.

    Agreed, 1Malaysia would be more meaningful if we have one school system for all. It is there, in the beginning of one's life that the sense of comraderie is moulded among the various races instead of being forced not to behave like aliens with each other when they are old, stubborn and chauvanistic.

    Yes, having them keep to themselves would fester loyalty to their motherland while holding a Malaysian Passport.

    I don't think these schools will be abolished anytime soon though we should bite the bullet and take this calculated risk anyway considering they won't vote for us anyway. Perhaps when they've been forced to lose what they have taken for granted all this while, they would learn to behave the hard way. The authoritarian approach is the call of this day if we want to weed this recalcitrant behaviour of theirs for the next 50 years.

    Thank you for participating in The Patriot.

  8. Anonymous 4:22

    Please drop your comments and thoughts while advertising another blog in here. Even better if you can give a synopsis here of the article there.

    Thank you.

  9. Chinese school? Indian school? Why dont we just have language class es in our regular sekolah kebangsaan and get rid of those other schools. We really could use those teachers to strengten our education system. Ive been in the states almost 13 years...ive still yet to see a "hispanic" school, or "african american" school, or "red indian" school anywhere. Anyway, Happy Bday Uncle!

  10. SOrry to interrupt, but I would like to propose one thing..


  11. ResidentAli3n,

    Good remark buddy! US is too far to compare. Closer to home, in Singapore which is a predominantly Chinese City State, there ain't even Chinese or Indian schools there like there are in Malaysia. How about that?

    Yeah, it's time we rid them and start a one school system to enhance intigration amongst the multiracial children rather than force the integration in their throats when they're old like what we're trying to do now.

    Thanks for the birthday wish. It should have come through fed-ex in the form of a box though!

  12. Anonymous 5:14am

    That's the problem when we have a queer in charge of Internal Security!

  13. Salam Aidil Fitri TPJ
    Maaf Zahir Batin
