Wednesday, March 25, 2009


In about four hours, the UMNO Youth Wing will begin it’s meeting with the traditional Keris being presented in what will be Hishammuddin Hussein’s last appearance in the Youth stage as it’s leader.

In a report by a news portal on the 22 March, it said that Hishamuddin will not unsheathe the Keris but “will lift up a covered keris as part of the opening ceremony of the youth assembly.”

When I bumped into a close associate of the Youth Chief earlier at the PWTC prior to the closed door meeting with the President, he said that after due deliberation, it was decided that Hishammudin will continue with the tradition of unsheathing the Keris and will be supported by the UMNO Youth Excos in his act because this is a Malay tradition and the others have no business in it.

As at yesterday afternoon, support from the ground for Hishammuddin for VP has been lukewarm because a good number of the members think that he is generally overrated. This comes from delegates who had not much power in their divisions’ nominations but have voting rights on the 26th to decide who they want to lead the party. This is the level where nominations mean nothing, and division chiefs have no influence whatsoever on the delegates as their votes will be by secret ballot. Most of them are waiting for him to continue being cowed into submission by non-Malays so that they can go to town even before the youth meeting ends running him down before voting begins for the main body.

Hishammuddin will either win or lose his Vice Presidential attempt on the Youth stage and not on the voting day proper. If he does the right thing and redeems himself in the eyes of the Malays with his world famous rhetoric, he may end his tenure as a hero and sail through the next day with his face on the front covers of all newspapers before voting begins for the main body. The Malays usually get carried away and get easily sold by rhetoric, especially if it is driven by emotion. In the end, others will benefit while they only get that brief satisfaction of exhibiting strong emotions, hence the old Malay proverb “Menang sorak, kampong tergadai”. It means literally that we may win in loud arguments but we lose our village.

As I have written in my posting
entitled “The Might of the Keris”, a wise man once said that the Keris, once unsheathed will protect the person as long as he uses its power with full responsibility and fairness in the struggle for the community. If there is impurity in its use, then the hand that grips it will in turn earn its wrath.

Let us see if Hishammuddin repents and does justice to it this time. The Keris will either defend his future or end his political advancement with one fatal stroke.


  1. Assalamualaikum saudara,

    Saya melihat saudara ini betul-betul tidak suka pada Hishamuddin.Saya juga ada melihat statement saudara yang agak rebellious dan tajam dalam NST dan NST online pada hari Jumaat yang lepas.

    Apa nak buat perwakilan dah memilih beliau.Secara terus terang saya pun tida sukakan Hishamuddin kerana dia seorang yang cakap saja lebih tetapi tiada tindakan.Tindakannya meminta maaf kerana mencium keris juga amat memaluka.
    Pada saya sepatutnya Rais Yatim yang patut dapat Naib Presiden keran dia seorang yang bersih,mempunyai integriti dan begitu bijak dan teliti dalam kerjanya.

    Apa pun saya berharap yang barisan UMNO baru ini boleh bekerja dengan baik dan saya juga berharap saudara sendiri dapat menyumbangkan tenaga dan idea yang baik kepada UMNO di amsa depan.

    Sekian dan salam sejahtera

  2. Terima kasih kepada Anonymous kerana memberi komen di sini.

    Saya adalah seorang pejuang parti dan ketaatsetiaan saya adalah kepada parti yang utama, dan hormat saya adalah kepada pemimpin yang menjulang prinsip2 parti UMNO ini dan bukan kepada mereka yang menggunakkan kedudukan didalam parti untuk kepentingan dirinya sendiri.

    Saya tidak membenci Hishammuddin, malah saya menokong ushahnya menangani PPSMI jika di lihat dari posting saya sebelum ini. Walaubagaimanapun, perjuangannya sebagai pemimpin Melayu amatlah mencurigakan dan jika tidak ada pengaruh dari pihak sepupunya itu pada pemilihan kelmarin, sudah tentu beliau tersungkur di pemilihan untuk Naib Presiden.

    Saya berharap, kalaupun Melayu2 yang layak ditipu dan diperdaya olehnya telah mengundinya menjadi Naib Presiden, dan kalaupun jiwa memperjuangkan Melayu itu tiada dalam sanubarinya, sekurang2nya, penghormatannya terhadap sepupunya meningkat kerana selama 10 tahun yang saya bersama Dato Sri Najib didalam lebih dari 40 majlis di rumahnya, tiada sekalipun saya terlihat batang hidung Hishammuddin disana menunjukkan yang beliau tidak mengiktiraf sepupunya sebagai pemimpin UMNO yang layak sebelum ini.

    Mungkin di saat2 terakhir barulah beliau menunjukkan muka di majlis2 Dato Sri Najib, yang jelas menunjukkan kepada saya dan segelintir pemimpin2 UMNO yang CELIK dan ada akal, bahawa beliau seorang yang berkepentingan dirinya sendiri.

    Jika UMNO terus tersungkur dengan pemimpin2 jenis ini, jangan lagi menyalahkan pemimpin2 kita kerana kitalah yang bodoh memilih segelentir pemimpin yang tidak bertanggunjawab ini.

    Gandingan Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden adalah mantap. Semoga tiada dari kalangan Naib2 ini yang berkepentingan diri yang hendak cuba mengganggu gugat pasukan ini dimasa depan, lebih2 lagi dengan menggunakan talian darahnya.


  3. Assalamualaikum saudara Patriot,

    Boleh ke saya memanggil saudara Patriot ni?Firstly maafkan saya kerana komen dalam BM walaupun blog saudara dalam English.

    Saya juga ada meluanglan masa di PWTC untuk Persidangan UMNO sekadar tengok-tengok keadaan sekeliling,mendengar perbahasan melalui TV gergasi,tengok-tengok muka Menteri dan juga berkongsi cerita tentang UMNO dgn orang-orang tua dan muda yang ada di situ.

    Dan highlightnya adalah apabila dengan kedatangan mengejut Tun Mahathir terasa seperti ada semangat dan suasana yang luar biasa.Mungkin auranya kot.

    Dari cerita-cerita yang saya dengar perwakilan juga terkejut dan tidak gembira apabila Hishamuddin dapat kerusi Naib Presiden.Ramalan mengatakan dia akan dapat nombor 4 tapi mungkin ada magik yang berlaku manalah kita nak tau kan.

    Sebenarnya Hishamuddin ni bagus atau tidak pun agak sukar untuk dikomen kerana ia adalah perkara yang subjektif.Nak kata dia ni lembik pun boleh tapi kalau dia lembik macam mana boleh terajui PEMUDA sampai 11 tahun.Ada yang kata dia menang pun kerana dia sepupu Najib dan bukan kerana kredibiliti atau ketokohan.Entahlah Patriot.

    Apa pun saya gembira kerana mendapat Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden yang saya harap dapat mengemudi UMNO ke tahap yang lebih tinggi dan baik dari sekarang.
    Saya juga berharap saudara Patriot juga akan menjadi salah seorang calon yang bertanding di masa depan dan menyumbang kepada parti dan negara.


  4. Good Day TPJ,

    Actually, I dont really like our political climate in Malaysia. There are not even one name that cross my mind who can make me proud, EXCEPT Tun Dr. Mahathir.

    Each year, when it comes to UMNO Assembly, the topic will be the same:SOCIAL CONTRACT. it will be repeated again..and again..and again... no wonderlah Tun Mahathir said that 'Melayu mudah lupa'... because of this formula,the politician will use the same weapon to 'blink up' mind or as a refreshment to Malays thought and hopes! No new agenda!

    For your blog's topic:'Failure to unsheath the keris may prove costly for Hisham' i give you a salute Sir! Two thumbs up!

    May I know, why dont you like Hishamuddin? Lets give him a chance to prove his worth! (but since he became our Education Minister, he does contribute a lot to our Education system)


  5. Alaikum Salam Anonymous 8:40,

    Ya, anda boleh memanggil saya Patriot. Betul kedatangan Tun memberi semangat dan tibanya sewaktu Muhyiddin berucap bukanlah secara kebetulan, ianya sudah tentu di rancang setelah Mukhriz masuk dahulu dan mendapat tepukan gemuruh menandakan jikalau Tun masuk beliau akan mendapat sambutan yang lebih baik. Juga, masuknya di waktu Muhyiddin berucap menandakan pengiktirafan beliau terhadap kemenangan Muhyiddin sebagai Timbalan Presiden.

    Ya, Hishammuddin ketinggalan kebelakang dengan hanya 24 jam sahaja tinggal sebelum mengundi tetapi ada kuasa-kuasa yang ghaib yang menolong beliau di saat2 terakhir. Khaled Nordin yang di anggap "sure winner" oleh sebab diantara Calon Naib2 Presiden dari Johor, beliaulah sahaja yang mendapat sokongan 90% dari negerinya sendiri sementara lebih dari setengah tidak memberi sokongan kepada Hisham. Namun demikian, beliau telah menang. Faktor Dato Sri Najib yang telah memenangkan beliau dan ini adalah sah kerana sebagai Ketua Pemuda selama 11 tahun tidak ada langsung keserlahan Pergerakan Pemuda sehingga Khairy memasuki gelanggang 4 tahun lepas, barulah nampak macam ada nyawa sedikit. Insha'Allah dibawah Najib dan Muhyiddin, kita akan berjaya memenangi negeri2 yang kita kalah di PRU yang lalu.

    Terima kasih diatas doa anda untuk saya itu. Saya hanya mengisi ruang perjuangan untuk menentukan dengan izin Allah masa depan anak2 Melayu terjamin didalam buminya sendiri.

  6. Hello Salamatul,

    Yes the political situation has not been so cheerful the last five years. It's easy to compare Tun Dr Mahathir with a person like Pak Lah. But you must remember Pak Lah was his own picking, not ours. So, Tun himself is far from perfect. It's like when a beautiful girl deliberately asks her ugly friends to join her out on the town, it is she who gets all the attention because they are comparing her to her ugly friends. Here, I liken Tun to the beautiful girl who deliberately asked the lesser prominent figure to replace him when Najib was the more accepted and polished leader with an economics background. But yes I agree with you that Tun has made all Malaysians proud to be Malaysian.

    I have to correct my readers when they say that I don't like Hishammuddin.

    As a Minister, I think he is doing a good job and he should rightfully not lose his place in the Cabinet, but as a Malay leader, he has failed miserably to defend our position in the Society.

    1. When he unsheathed the Keris and the non Malays complained, he dished out RM5 million to the Chinese schools to make amends.

    2. On top of giving out the RM5M special allocation to the Chinese schools, he was cowed into apologising for his actions which is our Malay tradition with the Keris. A Cowardly act if ever there was one.

    3. He introduced the Keris with all it's Regalia only to give it the last rights this year by not continuing with the tradition of presenting the Keris at the opening of the Youth Movement as of next year. Again, the most stupid and Cowardly Act as a person who wants to be a leader of a Malay Party. He might as well contest for the position of Servant to the non-Malays, I'm sure he will win uncontested! The tradition of presenting the Keris should continue, NOT buried without recognition!

    4. As Ketua Pemuda, where was he when the Bar Council organised a seminar challenging the Sharia Law?

    4. As Ketua Pemuda, what was his response to the MCA's Deputy President and Ketua Wanita's views that Ketuanan Melayu is irrelevant?

    5. As Ketua Pemuda, what was his response to the GERAKAN Wanita head's remark that the Malays too are "pendatang"?

    6. As Ketua Pemuda, what was his response to Karpal's Singh's challenge on the Sultan of Perak?

    7. As Ketua Pemuda, what was his respeonse to Karpal Singh "spitting him dead on the face" by saying that Pemuda UMNO Celaka in Parliament?

    8. Today, as the new Vice President, what is his response to yesterday's remarks by the MCA Central Committee member challenging his speech in UMNO that the Malays and Sultans are the ones who gained Independence for Malaya.

    9. In more than 40 occasions I've attended Dato' Sri Najib's private functions in the past 10 years, I never saw him as a cousin at any of them. Suddenly when Najib's influence is paramount to his political survival, he started appearing a few months before election. Not only is he not loyal to the party, he hasn't been loyal and sincere to his own cousin who is gracious enough to accomodate him.

    I can go on and on about his inactiveness as the Ketua Pemuda but then I might be facing my computer till Kingdom Come and typing my fingers off. He is a disgrace to UMNO and it sickens me when I have to be asked by a Malay what wrong he has done to UMNO that we, the Malay loyalist should see him unfit to lead a MALAY Party.

    This is not about me not liking him. This is not about his ability to be a Minister. He is a brilliant Minister and I even support him in the PPSMI issue. This is about his failure to lead and defend the Malay party UMNO. Instead of him serving the party, it looks like UMNO is serving him.

    I hope I have enlightened you with my justification as a true Malay Loyalist on one of the greatest pretenders in UMNO history.

    God has been good to him so far. But has he been good to our Party?

  7. This is another example why I agree that Hishamuddin ni coward;
    From Utusan Malaysia 31 Mac 2009

    KUALA LUMPUR 30 Mac - Naib Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein menafikan beliau mendakwa bahawa UMNO parti tunggal yang menuntut kemerdekaan negara ini dan menidakkan peranan MCA dan MIC ketika ucapan penggulungannya pada hari terakhir Perhimpunan Agung UMNO Ke-59, Sabtu lalu.

    Beliau menjelaskan, apa yang beliau nyatakan ialah UMNO terlibat secara langsung dalam membina beberapa institusi negara termasuk Rukun Negara, transformasi pendidikan dan isu berhubung kait dengan institusi raja.

    "Tidak ada sama sekali saya hendak menafikan peranan MCA dan MIC dalam usaha memerdekakan negara. Pihak yang menggembar-gemburkan isu ini dan mengaitkan dengan isu perkauman bersikap tidak adil kepada saya.

    "Saya hendak ingatkan semua pihak bahawa sejarah merupakan sejarah, kita tidak boleh ubah sejarah. Kalau dalam sejarah menunjukkan semua kaum terlibat dalam usaha memerdekakan negara, takkanlah saya nak nafi," katanya kepada pemberita di lobi Parlimen di sini hari ini.

    Hishammuddin berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas mengenai laporan akhbar berbahasa Cina berhubung ucapan penggulungannya sebagai Naib Presiden UMNO, Sabtu lalu yang kononnya mendakwa UMNO merupakan parti politik tunggal terlibat dalam usaha-usaha memerdekakan negara.

    Beliau berkata, ucapan penggulungan beliau diambil di luar konteks oleh media berbahasa Cina.

    "Mereka mesti bertanggungjawab dalam membuat laporan, biarlah laporan itu melihat kepada situasi yang sebenar dan tidak memilih satu dua perkataan dan mengaitkannya dengan isu perkauman.

    "Menidakkan peranan rakan-rakan kita dalam Barisan Nasional (BN) adalah tidak wajar dan itu bukan merupakan hasrat saya," jelas beliau.

    Hishammuddin turut mengingatkan pihak media supaya lebih bertanggungjawab ketika membuat liputan dan tidak mengambil sesuatu di luar konteks.

    "Lebih-lebih lagi apabila apa yang saya hujahkan dikaitkan dengan perkauman dan cuba melaga-lagakan saya dengan parti-parti komponen yang merupakan rakan-rakan saya dalam BN.

    Is this the right way to react?Macam tada substance aje.No wonderlah paper Cina likes to pick on him.

    If it's not true,reprimand the reporter and the paper bukannya jawab macam seorang yang dalam ketakutan sebab mengecilkan hati MCA or MIC.

    And the last paragraph from him;

    "Tolong petik kenyataan saya dengan tepat kali ini, jangan tersalah petik buat kali kedua pula," tambahnya.

    So are we going to hear another apology in the near future?Buat kali kedua

    Natural Born Leader

  8. This is his first statement as Vice President and he is with his back against the wall. He should just shut up in UMNO Conventions to save future embarrasment to the Party.

    I rest my case.
