Sunday, February 15, 2009


Coming fresh out of a by-election that saw BN losing because of an allegedly snobbish candidate, BN will opt for a down to earth, familiar candidate who doesn’t perceive himself as Allah’s gift to Bukit Gantang from Kuala Lumpur. The next thing BN should remember is to hold back on giving out lavish handouts in a form of development there until the people vote us in. It is time we changed our approach and make them earn the development as opposed to giving out freebees only to allow the opposition to walk into a “fully furnished mansion”, so to speak.


UMNO should discard this fear, fakely manufactured and imposed upon us by “ our enemies from within “ that the non Malay voters in a Malay majority constituency, worth about 2,000 to 2,500 will make the difference between win or lose for BN. Here’s a NEWSFLASH !! THEY DIDN’T VOTE FOR US THEN AND THEY WILL NOT VOTE FOR US STILL BECAUSE THEIR REPRESENTATIVES WITHIN OUR COALITION HAVE FAILED THEM MISERABLY. SO LET’S NOT BUY THEIR " FRIENDLY " HUSTLE!

MIC wants their man to contest as the BN candidate. I hope Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak will pause and realize that MIC has off late disappointed not only the Indians whom they have not served well, but also the BN coalition spearheaded by UMNO. There is no logical reason for their candidate to win the Indian votes if the opposition too fields an Indian candidate. Just stick with a Malay candidate and let the chips fall where they may in a Malay majority area. let's leave this fake fear factor stuck in the imagination of the spin doctors of The Malaysian Insider and it’s likes. Let MIC prove themselves first before we start giving them seats in a Malay majority area again. Right now, they should learn to be good followers and study the mechanics on how to serve instead of insisting on seats.


1 comment:

  1. Salam TPJ.. approach kali ini mmg kena ubah.. jgn kasik gula-gula banyak sangat.. sudahnya pengundi kena penyakit muntah2 dan kencing manis sebab makan gula banyak sgt..

    Betul apa yg anda cakap.. biarkan diorg pangkah BN dulu.. and then baru kasik diorg "rewards". Tentang calon yg patut diletak.. MIC tak payah nak tawarkan dirilah.. cermin dulu prestasi korang..

    Harap2 kali ini kempen yang akan dilakukan oleh calon BN tidak seperti di Permatang Pauh dan Kuala Terengganu tempoh hari. Diharap laporan TV kerajaan dan swasta pun tidaklah terlalu bias kepada BN. Barulah pengundi tak rasa dibuai2 dan dikipas2 tak tentu arah. Jadikan pilihanraya kali ini satu "springboard" baru sejajar dengan kehendak BN dan UMNo sendiri untuk direvolusikan.

    Oleh yg demikian, andai kata "worst case senario" BN kalah, luka di hati sekurang2nya tidaklah terlalu parah seperti mana yang berlaku ketika di KT baru2 ini. Letaklah calon tempatan yg betul2 layak, berusaha dgn gigih dan letakkan usaha dan tawakkal pada Allah. Fokuskan kekuatan dalaman BN terlebih dahulu dan lupakan soal persengketaan dan serangan terhadap individu ataupun pihak parti pembangkang. Jadilah "gentleman", baru kita dipandang tinggi oleh pengundi dan masyarakat setempat.Ayuh BN, show some class!!
