Wednesday, December 3, 2008



1. When an UMNO Division Chief from Penang calls our Chinese friends “Pendatang”, the UMNO Deputy President apologizes on behalf of the Party. When the Deputy President of MCA unnecessarily questions Ketuanan Melayu and hurts the feelings of the Malays, he gets the backing and support of his President (according to him in the Chinese dailies) and the whole Chinese community. No apology was forthcoming, not even from an MCA’s branch auditor (pemeriksa kira-kira, the least important officer in a branch) - Round one goes to the Chinese.

2. When the UMNO Division Chief from Penang calls our Chinese friends “Pendatang”, UMNO suspends the gentleman for three years from the Party. When the GERAKAN Wanita chief also calls the Malays “Pendatang” in her speech in a party convention, there is no widespread demand from the Malay leaders for her to be taken to task. No disciplinary action on her is taken by her party. – Round two to the Chinese.

3. When an UMNO Division Chief from Penang calls our non-Malay friends “Pendatang”, the UMNO Deputy President apologizes on behalf of UMNO and the Party suspends the gentleman for three years. When the MCA Wanita tenaciously attacks the Malays in line with her party leaders by saying the “Ketuanan Melayu” is no longer relevant, raising anger among the Malays and threatening racial harmony, no action is taken against her by the party. Round three to the Chinese.

4. When all three of the above occurs with the words “ MELAYU ” being uttered by our Chinese friends attacking the race, it is not SEDITION. When Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir makes a logical and sincere suggestion in order to foster better integration from a younger age between all races, they are calling it sedition. All rounds go to the Chinese.

5. The BN Chinese and Indians can come together and dare to walk in arms with the opposition in the name of their race. The Malay leaders are afraid to even come out in the open to support their brothers from the same party in the name of Agama, Bangsa dan Negara. They seem to have been cowed into submission in fear of being called a “Hero”.

Here’s a Newsflash guys!!!! We only have Heroines in UMNO, everyone is afraid to be a hero, that is why we are being trampled upon by our own friends within BN.

I am beginning to feel like we the Malays are the minority race in our own Motherland. We mean no harm to the others and wish to live in peace with one another. But if our own Malay leaders allow these continued attacks on us to prevail, will there be peace in the end? Will they be able to enjoy their freedom and continue to roam the streets of Malaysia in peace for long? I leave these questions to you with a smile.


  1. Salam TPJ.. Memang dah jadi sesuatu yg lazim semenjak dua menjak nih, oleh kerana melayu asyik sibuk bercakaran sesama sendiri, org asing a.k.a pendatang tak sedar diri ni dah mula nak cucuk jarum. Harus diingat segala kemelut yg terjadi kini adalah hasil drp kelemahan kita sendiri mempertahankan maruah bangsa dan hak sendiri. Anda betul apabila mengatakan kita sudah kehilangan HERO utk membela maruah bangsa.. Yang kita pandai cuma memohon maaf apabila sesuatu yang benar diperkatakan dilihat seolah-olah melukakan bangsa pendatang ini. Apalah salahnya sekiranya kelantangan ini sama2 kita dukungi atas kapasiti kita sebagai tuan punya tanah di bumi Malaysia ini. Bangsa Melayu kita ini sudah mula menjadi lemah dek kerana sibuk mengumpulkan kekayaan dan tamakkan kuasa utk diri sendiri sehinggakan tidak terdetik utk memperjuangkan maruah bangsa yg telah teruk dimaki hamun dan di caci cela.. Sometime i wonder, ke mana peginya kejantanan bagi mempertahankan ketuanan ini? Kepada bangsa pendatang yg dah sibuk memperkatakan tentang KETUANAN MELAYU nih... bukak2 balik buku sejarah and cuba kaji balik asal usul korang semua and jangan nak pandai2 mempertikaikan hak dan ketuanan bangsa MELAYU yang tercinta ini.. Kepada rakan sebangsaku.. Bangkitlah daripada mimpi2 indah..One more thing to add.. TPJ yang paling saya kesali... the YOUTUBE posting by NAMEWEE tu..sudah terang lagi bersuluh menghina bangsa MELAYU Dan ISLAM tetapi hanya amaran sahaja yg dikenakan.. APA KEJADAHNYA?? bukankah itu suatu kutukan melampau? bagaimana dan mengapa tiada tindakan tegas diambil.. WALLAHUalam.... Kepada HERO2 yg hanya berani menyalak bukit.. kejantanan anda diperlukan..

  2. Salam.
    Salam BoyHjJamil.

    Inilah yang dikhuatiri, apabila pemimpin-pemimpin Melayu terus senyap, adakah mereka sengaja membenarkan situasinya membuak sehingga suatu tempoh dimana perkara yang drastik akan dilakukan seperti yang tertulis didalam sejarah? Bukankan selepas May 13 1969, bangsa ini masuk balik saf menurut perintah kembali?

    Kami harap kepimpinan di bawah Dato' Sri Najib nanti tahu bagaimana hendak mengajar mereka untuk bersopan.

    Sementara itu, harap para perwakilan UMNO dapat lihat dan insaf bahawa orang yang sepatutnya memperjuangkan hak kita seperti pemimpin Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO, tidak pun mendesak untuk mendapatkan keadilan bagi orang Melayu. Namun demikian beliau inginkan kedudukan lebih tinggi dalam parti.

    TEPUK DADA TANYA SELERA. Adakah Halal atau HARAM undi kita untuk orang-orang seperti ini?

  3. Salam TPJ.. If u ask me about the HALAL or HARAM.. i definitely say HARAM to all of them yg hipokrit ini.. Berpangkat dan berkedudukan hasil drp undi golongan bawahan yang mahukan mereka ini mewakili majoriti yg lainnya.. namun mereka gagal.. Umpama kapal yg berkelanakan kapten yg lemah.. akibat tertidur sepanjang pelayaran.. terlanggar iceberg dan karamlah akhirnya seperti kapal TITANIC.. so new captain are coming.. hope takkan ada lagi iceberg2 yg akan dilanggar.. Enough is enough.. Datuk Seri Najib kena tegas and learn from the current weak leader on how to tackle serious issues more efficiently.. Apa yg patut dicantas harus dicantas daripada bawah sebelum ianya menjalar dan menjadi semak samun... We need more critics yg membina from u TPJ!!! keep on posting..

  4. SO far Syed Hamid is doing a good job. Semalam, Chua Soi Lek dah kena panggil pergi balai polis beri keterangan.

    Baru dia rasa, Timbalan Presiden parti kedua terbesar pun kena hayak ke balai polis 44 minit.

    Tentang Namawee tu, sepatutnya dah masuk dalam supaya tidak ada lagi orang yang berani bersifat biadap kepada negara.

    In Singapore, ada blogger Cina yang telah masuk kepenjara kerana kutuk Melayu. Itu di negara Cina. Sekarang satu oprangpun tak berani berbuat apa di dlm blogosphere Singapura.

    Kalau Najib jadikan saya Home Minister, tahulah saya ajar mereka.

    As the Malay saying goes, translated, " the knife and cucumber are in your hands. What the hell are you waiting for? Cut the damn cucumber man!"

    Bahasa Melayunya, " Pisau di tangan Saudara, timun juga di tangan Saudara, buatlah apa yang patut. "

  5. Salam Bro TPH,

    Sadarlah sikit pemimpin MCA,Gerakaan, PPP, MIC dll, YB mereka menang pilihanraya dikawasan Melayu.Sial dan berdosa bagi orang2 Melayu bagi mereka menang pilihanraya. Itulah caranya nak mengajar mereka2 ini. Bangsa yang tak tahu berterimakasih. Aku yang berkeluargakan Cina tahu asalusul mereka ini, ada yang lari ka Tanah Melayu ini yang merempat, putus kasih,yang nak kena hukum bunuh. Sadarlah pemimpin Melayu yang jadi barua kaum pendatang tu, jangan nanti kubur kamu dikenching anak cucu.

  6. Salam TPJ,

    I have to agree with anonymous comment. Kalau tak buat sesuatu sekarang bukan sahaja 'Ketuanan' Melayu hilang malah bangsa melayu akan merempat di negara sendiri - as per your article!

    Remember when TDM posted this article in his blog.... Siew Sin remarked that the British identified the Chinese as a whole unjustly with the Malayan People's Anti-Japanese Army which was controlled by the Communists. The Emergency of 1948-1960 generated even greater suspicion against the Chinese community because the movement was directed by the Communists who were largely Chinese.

    "This fear," Siew Sin said, "led the British to a policy of restricting citizenship rights for the Chinese as they felt that it would be dangerous for too many of them to become citizens....The result was that only about 200,000 Chinese had managed to become citizens out of a total of more than two million then resident in the former Federation of Malaya".

    These information should to be made known. Kalau bolih, serapkan diperingkat sekolah-sekolah kalau yang tua-tua dah tak kisah. We just want our family & generation to come to live peacefully, in harmony and happily without our rights being question!

    Nak harap Najib? I just cannot see it coming bro!. Kalau ada? "Alhamdulilah-lah". Nak harap Pak Lah? Tak payah lah. Dia pun sibuk nak buat macam-macam in this 3 (three) months (not years) time.


  7. Salam and welcome to The Patriot Saudara HjJamil.

    I hope you will contribute with your thoughts in this blog in the name of God, King & Country.

    The general health of this nation is not that good due to poor leadership. The next six months will see if we can recover from this political flu.

    In the meantime let's keep on popping those vitamins in this blog.

  8. Salam Anonymous,

    Insha'Allah lepas ini orang Melayu akan sedar diri mereka. Melayu yang beri undi kepada pembangkang adalah orang2 UMNO yang kesal dengan pilihan2 tak senonoh Perdana Menteri untuk menjadi calon wakil mereka.

    Lepas ini, mereka akan kembali dan orang Melayu akan insaf dan mengambil iktibar dari tabiat pendatang2 ini di PRU akan datang.

    Bagi barua2 kepada pendatang kita yang memimpin, kita boleh mengenal mereka kerana duduk diam tanpa bangun mempertahankan bangsa kita. Kalau ada yang cakap tetapi tidak menyengat pun dikira barua mereka juga.

    Dari itu, kita jangan undi mereka langsung. Tun akan menamakan perasuah UMNO, rakan2 kita insha'Allah di blog2 kita akan menamakan pengkhianat2 bangsa ini yang nak bertanding Naib Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden konon2.

  9. Salam Bintang Daily,

    We will table your idea to introduce as a compulsory topic in the history subject, the social contract and the old story of how these people came to being in Tanah Melayu that time. This must be taught in all the schools without debate or we will demand the ISA for those defiant leaders who wish to fight against it.

    Chua Soi Lek was asked to report to the police station for questioning for 44 minutes. That's just a small taste of the Ketuanan Melayu that he failed to see but had to experience.

    There will be more soon.

  10. There's a lot that we can learn from Singapore not only 'silencing' the abusive blogger but such as administering the country and how to keep their people toe the line. The Malay leaders in Umno, Pas or PKR for that matter are just that, leaders of a polital party registered with the RoS. They are politicians first and Malay or 'mamak' second! Sad to say they dont possess the true leadership quality and substance to not only lead the Malay race but our beloved nation MALAYSIA. But i'm still hopefull that out of all the stains and ashes there will rise a true leader who can not only lead the malay race but unite all the races, someone in the same stature as our Bapa Merdeka Tunku Abdul Rahman. Than we can truly be proud Malaysians leaving in harmony. I wonder if this is just wishfull thinking!

  11. Temagi,

    I have always said that we should just lead like the Singaporeans. They have control over their judiciary, nobody bitches over it, They have ISA but don't need it because they just bankcrupt thier opposition using the rule of law, no one bitches over that either.

    Bloggers who incite hatred amongst races get canned. Do you see any so called liberals gathering to vigil the damned act there? NADA!!!

    Too much freedom has been given to the apes who can't handle it. I call them apes because they want to ape the west but still sleep in their singlets thinking they did a good thing seeking liberty but will be the first to curse the police when their safety is at risk due to their racial antagonism.

  12. Assalamualaikum TPJ,

    Brilliant comment....I really like your posting.Sangat membina dan padat dengan fakta dan isi2 yang penting..
    Keep it coming and can u pls tel us more about yourself and maybe your vision...

  13. Salam TPJ

    Saya sokong kata2 BoyHjJamil, selepas pemerintahan yg baru ini amat diharap sangat agar ada jiwa2 dan semangat perjuangan spt TPJ akan terus bangkit mempertahankan MARUAH dan HAK BANGSA MELAYU...Thanks TPJ n keep on movings...

  14. sfso@pulaijb

    You can view my profile if you want to know more.

    Generally my vision is simple. We can chase the world but must always maintain our customs. It seems today we Malays are shy to be identified as true Malays.

    We want to be seen as modern and "men of the world" Malays. That is why most of our leaders do away with using the songkok. Do you see any of the Wakil Rakyats and Pemuda members wear the songkok with their white shirts like before? In fact we were asked not to wear it during the Presiden't "guard of honour" inspection before officiating the UMNO Assembly while I was one of those standing in line.

    When my late father presented his credentials as the Malaysian Ambassador to Queen Juliana of the Netherlands and the other Heads of State, he wore the Baju Melayu songket with "setanjak" and the "Keris" in full regalia. I have never been prouder being a Malay. Then they switched to the black official normal baju Melayu. If I am not mikistaken, today they wear the suit.

    Today, even the Conference of the Rulers Council sport the Western Suits. I hope Their Royal Highness' will revert to wearing the full Malay Regalia reminding everyone that they represent and are the Symbol of the Malays to protect our Religion and Custom. In other words, they have to defend the rights of the Malays above all else.

    We can be the best that we can be like the slogan of the US Marines, but always maintain our identity.

    Long Live the Malays!!

  15. Saalm TPJ

    Tepat sekali melayu kini memang sudah melupakan adat resam mereka.Tentang pemakaian baju melayu dan songkok mereka sudah tidak menitikberatkan lagi....Justeru itu apakah langkah2
    UMNO untuk mengembalikan adat resam dan budaya melayu kedalam sanubari setiap insan yang bernama melayu......walaupun dia melayu muaalaf?

  16. Adik Khairy,

    Sudah beberapa kali saya menekankan bahawa UMNO harus menerapkan nilai2 Melayu didalam apa2 yang mereka kuasai, baik di dalam pendidikan mahupun didalam bidang perniagaan dan penyiaran mereka.

    1. Saya dibawa pulang dari luar negara semasa saya kecil lagi oleh Almarhum Ayahanda saya kerana di waktu itu Almarhum Tun Razak telah membuat suatu dasar yang mana jikalau seseorang itu hendak berkerja di dalam negara, wajib orang itu mempunyai kululusan akedemik didalam bahasa Melayu. Jika tidak permohonan orang itu akan ditolak. Ayah saya takut saya tidak akan lulus didalam bahasa Malaysia dan akan bermasalah mencari kerja.


    2. Syarikat2 guaman pun tidak menitik beratkan bahasa Melayu sebagai syarat kelayakan untuk memohon kerja sehinggakan Mahkamah yang selama ini sepatutnya bertutur di dalam bahasa Melayu pun sudah dilonggarkan dan berbahasa Inggeris setiap hari.


    3. Kadang2 siMelayu yang dibela oleh peguamnya yang berbangsa asing pun tidak faham akan apa yang dihujahkan oleh kedua2 pihak, tahu-tahu keputusan hakim sahaja yang dia terima.


    4. Kementerian yang wajib tidak memantau syarat2 yang dikenakan oleh syarikat2 swasta di surat2 khabar yang mana bukannya bahasa Melayu yang diwajibkan sekarang sebaliknya bahasa Mandarin pula dikenakan terhadap sipemohon kerja itu.


    Negara kita sudah amat maju dan lebih kaya jika dibandingkan dengan zaman yang lepas. Maka dari itu pemimpin2 Melayu yang kaya dan berjaya ini sudah leka dengan perjuangan mereka. Anak2 mereka pun dihantar keluar negara untuk pendidikan. Sebab itu nilai2 perjuangan kita hanya tertinggal di bibir sahaja.

    Anak2 Melayu dilekakan dengan hiburan murahan yang menerapkan nilai2 yang lebih teruk dari barat. Artis2 juga di dewa2kan dan dianggap sebagai "role model".

    Sebab itulah akhlak bangsa kita sudah menjadi rapuh. Memakai baju Melayu sekarang ini hanya di khaskan pada hari raya sahaja. Di majlis2 perkahwinanpun, sudah ramai orang Melayu,dan yang lebih sedihnya, adik beradik pengantinpun sekadar memakai baju Melayu tanpa sampin dan songkok dengan jeans sahaja. Minggu lalu saya menghadiri suatu majlis perkahwinan, seorang tetamu itu memakai jeans dan t shirt sahaja sementara isterinya memakai baju kurung kebaya.

    Orang Melayu sudah tidak kisah tentang identitinya manakala bangsa lain mempunyai semangat kebangsaannya yang cukup hebat lagi kuat.

    Saya sedang menekankan dengan keras kepada UMNO untuk menghidupkan semula sebagai akhbar harian Utusan Melayu tulisan Jawi walaupun ianya tidak begitu laku berbanding dengan tabloid2 yang laris dan beruntung yang memaparkan kisah2 artis2 yang bercerai dan yang sedang disimpan oleh mereka2 yang bergelar "Datuk" yang berjumlah berpuluh ribu pada hari ini.

    UMNO di peringkat bahagian2 berkerja keras untuk menghidupkan budaya Melayu ini dengan mengadakan lebih banyak majlis2 keagamaan sebab khusunya di Johor Islam = Melayu, dan orangramai memakai baju Melayu penuh dengan samping bersongkok dimajlis2 ini.

    Tentang budaya pula, di Johor telah wujud kursus2 Zapin dan ghazal untuk terus menghidupkan warisan budaya kita ini.

    Setiap hari pagi Jumaat pula, majlis tadarus di adakan di Jabatan2 Kerajaan sebelum bermula kerja pada pukul 8 pagi. Ini mengingkatkan tentang ketuanan Islam di dalam pemerintahan kerajaan dan oleh kerana Islam = Melayu di Johor maka usaha ini insha'Allah akan berhasil juga.

    Di peringkat pusat, penerapan nilai2 Melayu/Islam agak hambar kerana dunia yang dikejar. Dari itu, saya tidak dapat menjawab bagi pihak UMNO secara keseluruhan.

  17. dude,

    The NEP has sped up the minority race to further be from
    due to poor command of English language,LAZY,LESS SKILLED,INFERIOR
    SHY and TIMID.

    This is comparing from observation,reputation and statistics.

    Constructive criticism without emotion(can..)will be appreciated.


  18. On the contrary, the Indians have improved. More numbers have turned into lawyers and doctors than before. Every family has to have at least one doctor or a lawyer in it and their English is much batter than the Malays and Chinese stacked together.

    The Chinese, although they may think they have arrived, have a big surprise coming. The current generation is not as hard working and as enterprising as their predecessors and their level of English is horrendous just like their Malay counterparts.The only difference between them is that the Chinese are not shy to just fire away talking loudly and elaborately in their terrible English.

    As far as laziness is concerned, perhaps you should venture out more and see that there are many young Malays who are into the business of opening up workshops and computer maintenance, a trait that used to be monopolized by the Chinese.

    They may not be highly educated but they are better skilled than the Malays before them.
