Thursday, August 21, 2008


In the Spirit of Merdeka, this blog would like to offer T-Shirts like the above which is also available in Black to the first 10 applicants for each colour, limited to one T-Shirt per person.
Please send the address for the delivery. Sizes are limited to S-M-L only. Since most of you prefer to read and not leave comments, for the purpose of privacy, your application will not be posted by the moderator.

The first FIVE applicants will also receive an exclusive notebook (not a computer) with historical pictures, from the signing of the "Perjanjian Persekutuan oleh Raja-raja Melayu dengan Kerajaan British, 1948" to the first opening speech of His Majesty the Yang Di Pertuan Agong in Parliament after Merdeka.

A real classic must have for true Patriots! Gimme a Holler!!!



  1. Dear TPJ,

    I found link to this blog via
    it's really touching seeing the background as soon as i open the link...there is somebody like u, who's willing to spend time despite your busy life writing and appreciating the Patriots..
    feel a bit shame of myself also
    as a young generation,
    we filled in our blog with stories, somehow making the blog like a journal..but never actually wrote sumthin like this...

    Selamat Menyambut Kemerdekaan yg ke 51...

  2. Dear Elle Farida

    Thank you for taking the time to visit this blog. Do contribute with more comments. Don't forget to register for the T Shirt if you are intersted.


  3. Brother..salam..i hv been 'skodeng' yr blog..keep it up..

  4. bro...i hv been 'skodeng' yr blog, keep it up!!

  5. Dear Boss,

    Hope u're doing well there... I just want to wish Happy Independence Day and Happy Ramadhan to u and ur family... May our struggle to save this country will continue till the end...

    Take care boss...

  6. Salam TPJ,
    Remind the Malays in Malaysia that anwar ibrahim have done great damage to the Malay race, first by splitting UMNO and now by splitting PAS just to fulfill his wild dream at any cost. Obviously he has open the door for other races in Malaysia especially the chinese and indians to openly criticise the BN govt (Malay govt) and make DEMANDS never heard before. The malays have to be reminded about these things.HINDRAF is as good as a gangsters organisation. By the way the financial scandal thats happenning in US is worst than any that have taken place in Malaysia. Thats it for now,
    SElamat berpuasa dan SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI.
