Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I would like to respectfully make a small correction to the statement by the MCA youth leader YB Datuk Liow Tong Lai.

While it is correct that UMNO was responsible in dragging down MCA in the last election it isn't entirely true that the reason for it was due to MCA's soft stance on UMNO's governance. If at all this is true as perceived by many, why then did GERAKAN, the opposition in residence get blown out of the water, so to speak? They were utterly outspoken in issues and were in direct confrontation at times with UMNO, yet they lost one whole state.

“People feel that Umno (has) become arrogant. When it is too powerful, (the people) feel that (Umno) ignores the feelings of other races,” said Liow, who is also health minister.

This statement implies that only the Chinese were responsible for putting MCA in it's place and because they lost confidence in MCA's ability to stand up to UMNO, they turned to the opposition. Need he be reminded that MCA enjoyed the confidence of a large number of Malay voters too and they won many seats the last time because these voters had confidence in the government then. They lost this time because the Malay voters chose the opposition and I'm sure it's not because MCA didn't stand up to UMNO. If anything, they lost the Malay votes because UMNO became too liberal that topics which were deemed seditious were allowed to be touched unchecked by the current administration.

If I can remember vividly, when the MCA Youth delegation met Hishammuddin on the issue of the Keris, they went home with a certain allocation in the millions for Chinese schools and everyone smiled from ear to ear leaving Hisham's office letting bygones be bygones. I guess it was not meant to last long as Hishammuddin had to apologize for his gesture when the MCA Youth that were happy with his explanation and allocation then didn't bother to convince their voters of the same. I wager UMNO delegates in turn this December, will not let this one go as a bygone for Hishammuddin . He will pay his price.

UMNO under Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi tried to change even before MCA and MIC did after their bashing. It changed by being more open, liberal and allowing more freedom of speech. The other parties who were not accustomed to it under the previous administration didn't know how to handle this newfound freedom and went overboard with their demands turning UMNO into being more arrogant and forcing Hishammuddin to brandish the Keris (which he so foolishly apologized for). This liberalization which later turned UMNO into an arrogant party after the fact was the cause of the setback experienced by BN.

When too many people are allowed to talk and the wrong emotional statements are registered and printed, all hell breaks loose. MCA, MIC, GERAKAN and PPP should equally be blamed. They should collectively take responsibilty because they were unable to handle the changes made by UMNO post Dr Mahathir.

BN is still the best solution for our Nation. Now let's heal the wound, pull together and work hard to win back our lost ground.


  1. A special dedication to you my brother!!!!



    One dark night under the stars light
    A child screams in a trembling voice
    Blooming out of his mothers womb
    And claiming victory over this world...

    Next day when the sun shines
    And the rays fall on his face
    He struggles to opens his little eyes
    And unable to bare the sunlight...

    But this is a bitter truth
    And the world shows no mercy
    He has to carry on with his journey
    Till the last breath of his life...

    This is the tale of every child
    Who takes birth under the open sky
    If he dare not to take up the challenge
    Then this world will take her revenge...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very nice Bro.

    Likewise, if the Rakyat does nothing to change the leadership while the politicians of this once great nation continue to smear our image and neglect the legitimate worries of the people by dwelling on who penetrated who's butt, then we, especially the UMNO delegates will earn the wrath of the Almighty.

  4. Harap semua rakyat Malaysia dapat komen berkenaan perkara berikut. Kenapa Pengakuan Sumpah RAJA PETRA DAN BALA yang terang-terang adalah daripada “hearsay” atau dengar daripada pihak ketiga atau khabar angin MENJADI BUALAN dan PEKIKAN semua orang TERUTAMANYA PARA PENYOKONG ANWAR IBRAHIM yang kononnya betul tetapi PENGAKUAN SUMPAH oleh BEKAS TIMBALAN GABENOR BANK NEGARA yang dibuatnya sendiri atas apa yang dia lakukan sendiri TIDAK DIAMBIL BERAT?

    Pengakuan sumpah yang mana benar? dari yang dengar orang kata ke atau dari org yang melakukan??

    Rakyat masih tertunggu-tunggu dan tertanya-tanya apa sudah jadi dengan lapuran siasatan BPR tentang pengakuan bersumpah bekas Penolong Gabenor Bank Negara, Datuk Abdul Murad Khalid berhubung dakwaan bahawa Anwar Ibrahim mengawal berpuluh akaun induk berjumlah berbilion ringgit semasa menjadi Menteri Kewangan. Jika dilihat kepada isi pengakuan bersumpah itu, ianya bukanlah mudah untuk direka-reka.

    Didalam akuannya, Abdul Murad turut menyatakan nama beberapa individu yang mempunyai kaitan dengan urusan dana berkenaan. Sebagaimana yang dinyatakan didalam akuan bersumpahnya, beliau menyelesaikan masalah individu tertentu setelah mendapat arahan Anwar menggunakan dana berkenaan. Risiko pendedahan Abdul Murad adalah besar jika beliau sendiri mereka-reka dakwaan berkenaan. Dakwaan Abdul Murad mungkin boleh dianggap berasas manakala penafian individu terbabit pula tidak boleh diketepikan begitu saja. Hanya penyiasatan rapi sahaja yang dapat menentukan segala-galanya.

    Begitu juga, disebabkan kedudukan Abdul Murad di Bank Negara Malaysia sebelum ini begitu penting dan beratnya dakwaan yang dibuatnya itu, BPR tidak boleh menunggu masa yang terlalu lama untuk menjalankan siasatan. Tambahan pula, maklumat yang diberikannya itu adalah dalam bentuk akuan bersumpah. Sebagaimana dijelaskan oleh Ketua Pengarah BPR pada masa itu, Datuk Ahmad Zaki Husin, hampir setiap perenggan dalam akuan bersumpah itu adalah maklumat mengenai rasuah. Dalam sesuatu akuan bersumpah, setiap dakwaan perlu dibuat dengan rasa penuh tanggungjawab. Oleh itu, pengakuannya itu perlu ditangani segera.

    Berhubung dakwaan Abdul Murad itu, BPR sudah pun membuat laporan polis dan dengan ini, siasatan dianggap sudah bermula. Abdul Murad pastinya orang pertama yang akan mempertahankan pengakuannya. Pengakuannya akan lebih jelas jika beliau dapat mengemukakan bukti, umpamanya segala dokumen berhubung urusan dengan bank terbabit. Mereka yang disabitkan dengan tuduhan itu juga seharusnya memberi kerjasama untuk memudahkan tugas BPR.

    Satu perkara yang agak jelas Abdul Murad dan Anwar mempunyai hubungan yang rapat, sekurang-kurangnya ketika Anwar menjadi Menteri Kewangan yang sering berurusan dengan Bank Negara di mana Abdul Murad bertugas. Abdul Murad sudah pun menyatakan beliau diperalatkan. Apa pun, rakyat seharusnya menunggu keputusan siasatan tanpa perlu membuat andaian sendiri.

    Yang menjadi persoalan sekarang mengapa kes ini sepi membisu. Mengapa tiada kedengaran susulan cerita mengenainya. Adakah kes ini sudah ditutup atau masih lagi didalam siasatan polis dan BPR? Rakyat ingin mengetahui tentang hasil siasatan kes tersebut. Anwar Ibrahim memang bijak dalam mencari kesalahan orang lain tetapi pada masa yang sama beliau sendiri yang melakukannya. Adakah Anwar Ibrahim terlalu suci dan bersih dan tiada cacat dan cela. Adakah satu lagi Suruhanjaya perlu ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat kes Anwar Ibrahim ini?

    Kenapa Majlis Peguam tidak memperjuangkan Pengakuan Bekas Timbalan Gabenaor Bank Negara itu??
